Tuesday 3 July 2012

Rollin' In The Deep

So, in grade 9 of high school, Phantomess and I were in... some class and we were doing some activity to do with war (don't judge me, my memory isn't great). We had to come up with a word for every letter of the alphabet that was related to war. Now, for 'N', we put nostalgia. When we read this to the teacher, she was kinda weirded out and asked us if we actually knew what nostalgia meant and proceeded to tell us that it basically means "looking back with fond memories". Despite the fact that we were basically the School Nerds, we thought it had something to do with being sick or nauseous because it sounded like 'lethargic'.

Today I was at a theme park with my family (and my littlest brother's friend) and I spent a very random 2 minutes in deep thought about nostalgia. You see, I'm a very nostalgic and sentimental person, especially in the past year or so, upon finishing school. But I realised I am good at looking back on all my memories, but not so good at the "fond" part. My memories make me all too sad too easily and this is not good.

I mean, these good, fun, memorable times happened and I should be happy about that because- well, they happened! Why be sad about it? Yes, I am not in school anymore with my same group of friends and teachers and other classmates and everything is less predictable, but that doesn't mean I won't make more good memories out of that context.

So, I'll never be in my instrumental room with Phantomess mucking around and doing absolutely nothing instead of being in PE when our teacher and principal (and some other guests) turn up and we have to pretend like we are doing something worthwhile and not skipping a class. But I have already made some good memories at uni, with some new friends. Such as kinda stalking this guy most days and having him see us watching him several times so that he is most probably very skeptical of us. Whoops.

In the words of Zoey (and later Ted) from How I Met Your Mother, "sometimes things need to fall apart to make way for better things." I'm not saying that school "fell apart" because it didn't- it just ended, but it ended to make way for better things. I admit, better things have not come. Definitely not. But hey, they will. I'm trying to be hopeful. I'm also trying to look back on my odd memories and be happy about the fact that they happened and have contributed to my life, as opposed to getting upset.

Everytime I watch Masterchef I get the unbelievable urge to cook. I mean, I get that urge a lot lately. It's really my only hobby. When people would ask what my hobbies were I'd always be like, "I dunno.... TV?" But now I have a hobby in cooking. I like to cook sweet and savoury things, breakfasts and dinners, healthy and unhealthy, but I do usually feel the urge to cook something decadent and awfully unhealthy, like cheesecake. This is bad for a girl trying to get fit, healthy and lose that Cheesecake Weight. Oh man, cheesecake....

I really want to try cooking Japanese cuisine. I borrowed a Japanese cookbook from the library and some of the stuff sounds really yummy and is very healthy and doesn't look too difficult to make, but basically everything includes some ingredient I've barely heard of that could only be bought at a good Asian Supermarket... Well, I think tomorrow I will take my library cookbooks to the printer and photocopy all the best recipes and file them away.

Mmmmmmmm foooooood.

I love how I went from deep thoughts about life and the past and moving forward to ogling (that's a word I've never actually used before) about food.