Thursday 22 November 2012

My Own Words Rang Inside My Head, Like A Bell Inside A Head

Good afternoon, internet dwellers! It has been quite awhile since I have posted last, but I shall explain why later on.

As of 7pm last Wednesday night, I am on my summer holiday! Yes, that's right. One year of university down, 3 months of holidays to come.

Since my last post, I had my birthday and entered into the realm of adulthood and went through an entire semester of university. I am officially 1/3 of the way through my degree. Except for the fact that I am almost certain I will be (at least attempting) to get into honours afterwards and maybe even some postgraduate study... But still! I'm 1/3 of the way through my original, basic degree that I am currently enrolled in.

Well, I just grabbed my three favourite Christmas albums from our CD collection and am beginning to put them onto my iPod. I am now listening to "It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas" by Michael Buble. This is my favourite time of year, the summer holidays. Christmas lights, Christmas foods, shopping, trees, and Christmas Day itself, followed by beach trips, swimming in the pool, mangoes, ice creams and most importantly- no school/uni!

Now, I feel I owe some kind of explanation as to absence from this blog for the past 3 and a half months. Well, you see, anytime I go to post anything, it just seems to pointless. I feel like this blog should have some point to it. Up to now, it has just been a young girl ranting about her mediocre life. What is the real point of that? Yes, it gave me a place to vent, but now I don't feel like I want to vent here. Now, I am not deleting my blog. I'm just trying to decide what else I can do with it, that might actually have some kind of impact on people or at least have a real theme and point.

[Side note: I had forgotten just how great this Michael Buble Christmas album is. And I'm only on the third song. This is fantastic.]

The only thing I've been able to come up with is a sort of Healthy Eating/Exercising/Encouragement Blog thing. You know, just throw out tips, recipes etc. Honestly, I've been wanting to do something along these lines for months and just haven't for some reason...

Anyway, because I'll still want to use this blog as a place sacred for ranting and venting and writing pointless point about my mediocre life, I think I'll start another blog for the aforementioned content. When it is up and running, I'll post the link on this blog in case any of the few people who follow me here want to follow that too.

So, anyway, I put two of my three favourite Christmas albums onto my computer earlier, made a playlist called "Christmas!" and synced it all to my iPod. Unfortunately, my favourite Christmas album seems to be missing. I found the case, but the CD is nowhere to be found. It is actually genuinely stressing me out, because I don't have it on my computer (well, I don't believe I do, anyway) and, well, it's my favourite... I've already searched several cases, but will search more tomorrow!

Anyway, I went for a walk and put the Christmas playlist on shuffle and I kept grinning like a fangirl. A Christmas fangirl. Oh my goodness. I just realised that is what I am. I am a Christmas fangirl. Oh dear...

Anyway, I'm going to continue cleaning/organising my room and think about my possible new blog!

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