Tuesday 20 March 2012

Well, I Like Pretzel Day...

So, through pure luck and wonderful timetabling, I have managed to score a day off today. My Tuesdays usually consist of a one hour tutorial and that is all. That tutorial is not on today.

This could not come at a better time. As of yesterday morning, I have come to the conclusion that I am sick. So, I now have ahead of me a lovely rest day. Yes, I have study to do, but studying at home is much better than being outside, around people in this rainy weather.

So far this morning I have watched "Shortest Celebrity Unions." Yes, I spent nearly an hour of my life watching a show about celebrities who divorce quickly. My goodness, it is awful. I mean, do they not get the concept of marriage? Oh well, it was entertaining. I kinda like hearing about celebrities' lives... and marriage... so it was good. I learnt stuff too. I never knew Macauley Caulkin got married. Granted, I didn't know who half the people on the show where anyway... If anything, I only ever knew half of the couple...

On Saturday I randomly decided to start watching The Office (US version for now... I do want to watch the original UK one too) as it has been all over my Tumblr dashboard for a long time. I had to see what it was about. I remember once my dad going on about how the Americans like to steal really good British shows and make their own version and it turns out sucking. I believe he used The Office as an example. I wonder if he's ever seen it, though, because I have to say- it is funny. I really like it and have been addicted since Saturday afternoon. This was bad as I had a test on Monday and told myself on Saturday night that I could not watch anymore episodes until after the test.

... I watched, like, 6 episodes on Sunday and one on Monday morning before leaving...

As a matter of fact, I'm about to watch an episode now.

Now, despite me loving this show and finding it very funny, I often feel depressed after watching it and I kind of know why. It is Jim's fault. Jim is my favourite character. He is probably the most normal character and is funny and nice and cool and awesome and adorable and in love with the receptionist who is engaged to another man and it just makes me all depressed and my emotions and I do not know.

I saw a guy at uni yesterday who kinda looked like Jim.

I was really close to the end of this episode and it froze. Sigh.

And now the next episode doesn't have a working link. My goodness the world and internet hates me. It is true.

The episode re-loaded and I finished it and Jim aaahhhhhh ditching the wedding to go to Australia and Pam is all sad and he's all not wanting to see her get married because he loves her and ah Jim. <- This is what this show does to me...

Oh well- next episode!

This episode froze in nearly the exact same spot as the last one. Coincidence? I think not!

So, people, I may have a job. That is my exciting news. I mean, I don't want to say it's a definite yet... My mother went to a bakery and heard a guy saying he'd bring his son in to apply for a job there and the bakery woman was all, "Ah, I'd prefer a girl...." and my mum asked her questions and said she'd bring me in on Saturday. So, I went in on Saturday, handed in my resume and the woman told me that it would be a good idea to write down all the stuff they sell and the prices, to start learning. I did that and organised that I will come in for a practice in Friday afternoon. If I do not epically stuff the practice up, I should be working at a bakery, slicing bread, sweeping floors and serving customers from about 7-12 on Saturdays (not sure about Sundays). Frankly, that sounds good to me and I hope I don't stuff it up as a job would be great right now and I've been looking for months with no success. *fingers crossed*

I should really do some uni study now... Or watch more of The Office...

I don't want to read stuff.........

Um. I think that episode ended with a deep metaphor and if I interpreted it correctly, I may now want to cry.

I think this is going to be one of those posts that I just keep here all day and write random junk in until I have to leave the computer (or go to bed) and I finally post it. It shall be the story of my day. Tuesday the 20th of March 2012.

Can you believe it's already the 20th of March? I cannot...

Yesterday I was thinking about how nearly three months of this year have already gone by. I had so many expectations for this year. For it to be so much better than 2011, for so many things to change and get better. None of my expectations have really come true. I have had a lot of bombshells dropped on me and a lot of stuff has gone done yet, somehow, I have made it through nearly 3 months.

I survived 2011 and have survived three very interesting and tough and unexpected months of 2012. Well, unless I die in the next week, but I'm hoping that doesn't happen...

Let's hope I can survive the next 9 months too.

Um. I am now up to the Season 2 finale and I know what happens and I shall cry and/or feel depressed for the rest of the day. Should be fun.

I've grabbed myself a handful of M&Ms and am ready to watch this. Well, not really... emotionally.

... I watched it. I'm crying. It was an awful ending and now I don't think I can leave and not watch episode 1 of Season 3. But I must leave. I have study to do. I feel sick. And sad. And I'm teary. And asdfghjkl Jim. He will be the death of me. Until I finish this show and watch another one and get so emotionally attached to another character and then they will kill me. It is the story of my life.

I just found the new How I Met Your Mother. Dang it. I had told myself I would do some Psych readings and not watch The Office (as my heart has been broken enough and I vaguely know what happens next episode and my heart will be shattered) but now I must see new HIMYM.

... These readings are so boring and I do not care and I just want to watch HIMYM and The Office and not do work because this is boring. BORING.

I studied. For, like, 45 minutes or something and watched HIMYM.

Well, some old episodes of Friends are on soon and I have some more reading to do, I guess...

You know what I really enjoy doing? Cooking. I used to just like to bake cakes and cookies but I really like cooking dinner for the family too. I don't quite know what it is, I just like to cook. I mean, it is really nice to cook food for people, have them eat and be happy and tell you it tastes good. I guess it's like anything else... Performing music is great because it's so nice when people tell you you sounded good. It's nice to hear people say what you did is good and I never cook disgusting food so, even if they don't love what I cooked, they never hate it.

... Jim doesn't return to Scranton till the end of season 3?!?!?! I cannot handle that!! THE SCRANTON BRANCH SUCKS SO HARD WITHOUT HIM. ASDFGHJKL.

I do not know how I fell in love with a character so quickly.

I have a theory! The more frequently you become emotionally attached to characters, the quicker it happens. For example, it probably used to take me a little while to become so emotionally invested in characters. Now however, there is basically at least one character per TV show/anime that I am emotionally invested in and now, it barely takes anytime to fall for a character. For example, I'm pretty sure I had invested all of my emotions into Jim by the end of episode 1. This is an extremely unhealthy habit and is sure to have serious consequences. But oh well. Such is life.

I'm about to do some more Psych reading and I must say, although I do not want to read it and most of what I've read is not very interesting, my textbook smells nice.


1 comment:

  1. So you finally admit to having feelings for Jim. Congratulations! :P
