Monday 26 September 2011

12th-25th September 2011

I've been lazy and forgetful and lost my camera and then found it and then realised the batteries were flat and only had it charged yesterday, so don't judge me. And then my internet was being uber slow and wouldn't upload the pictures.

Firstly, the 12th-18th September. The 18th was my senior formal and this is one of the very few photos taken that do not have people in it, so here is a photo of the dessert I had. Tenuto Tuo and I shared half of our desserts with each other, as I didn't really like mine.
Bad quality, I know, but whatever.

Now, for the 19th-25th September. I went on two social outings this week :O One to IKEA with Tenuto Tuo and one to the shops and movies with a friend I have previously mentioned and I believe I called her Old Friend. Here are some little toys I got on these adventures. The moose was 99cents from IKEA and the slappy frog thing was a prize from one of those arcade places. We played a junior basketball game for ages and got one each.

Alright, here are my photos of the past two weeks, finally!

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