Monday 12 September 2011

You Give Love A Bad Name

Asdfghjkl. Don't ask. I am not quite sure what on earth my moods are doing. I was pretty happy and cool about an hour ago. I was eating an egg and lettuce sandwhich (I got the random craving on the drive home from school...) while watching random children's TV with my little brother.

How did this turn into me sitting in front of my computer feeling kinda depressed and with a face constantly like this:  -_- ? I do not quite know.

The lamp on my desk needs a new bulb. It's really ticking me off that I can't turn my light on now. And the birds outside need to shut up. Please.

I have free dress tomorrow. Crud. I don't want to go in free dress. Mainly because I  DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WEAR. Mainly because I know that if I wear jeans, I'll get really hot by like, 3rd period. I know if I wear shorts, I'll be really cold until around 3rd period and really self-conscious all day. I'll wear jeans. I guess. I'd just wear my uniform but... I'd stand out more if I wasn't in free dress...

What do I wear as a shirt? Ack decisions. I am not in the mind space to make decisions. What am I in the mind space to do?

-Watch anime? No, it'll make me depressed about how I don't have the exciting, cool, romance-filled life of the protagonists in shoujo anime.

-Read manga? Probably the same. And I'll get frustrated with reading on the computer.

-Eat? I'll feel fat.

-Surf the web? Tried that. Even half-an-hour of Tumblr didn't make me feel better.

-Finish my music composition assignment? Hahaha. Wait. No. That's actually possibly the best thing to do...

You know you're in a bad, weird mood when the only thing you even slightly want to do is your assignment.

The more I listen to my music composition, the more bored I am and the less I like it. I am preparing myself for a C- grade.

I'm trying to make a Get Psyched Mix, inspired by Tenuto Tuo and Barney Stinson. So far, thanks to my lack of classic rock, I have four songs. Hard Rock Hallelujah- Lordi, Don't Stop Me Now- Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody- Queen and Livin' on a Prayer- Bon Jovi. I need more. Well, four songs are better than no songs.

Guess I'll listen to Die, Vampire, Die instead.

Then... I might watch that episode of How I Met Your Mother.

"TIPPY TURTLE!" Oh, this song. "In swoosh the vampires..."

"Oooh, you're song's derivative!"

"Morte, vampire, morte..."

Oh, this song is amazing.

So, the novel I'm reading for English Extension, The House of Mirth, just got really good today. Poor Gerty (how do you pronounce that? I feel sorry for this girl. She is so nice and my second favourite character, but she has such an ugly name) had Selden come over and she was so happy because she is in love with him. Turns out he just wanted to talk about Lily, who he is in love with, all night. Gerty got really depressed and was crying all night and couldn't help but hate Lily, even though they are good friends. Poor Gerty.

Anywho, HIMYM time because I'm finished music. I guess.

I've missed this show.


American party friends of Barney. Oh, this show. This episode. My mood has lifted and the smiles are upon my face.

Ugh, that ending was so symbolic it makes one want to cry. Not really, but whatever.

HIMYM also makes me realise my dream, in a way. If you add HIMYM, Friends and the Korean Drama, Personal Taste, together, along with the house I've found and deemed My Dream House, you will find my dream. Anyway, that'll be talked about in another post because I hear TV and laughter outside.

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