Thursday 14 June 2012

Think About Your Commission Cap As A Naked Old Man In A Gym Locker

Today I shall be using this here blog to document my random thoughts and adventures through another fun day of study.

First up- PSYC1040 (Psychological Rsearch Methods &Statistics 1)... I seem to understand nearly everything. There are like, 2 concepts I cannot seem to get my head around and it's driving me crazy.

So, it turns out I can do pages of practice calculation questions apart from one certain area. It's totally fine. Then, I go do a past exam and I can do every question, apart from all the calculation ones. They make absolutely no sense to me. This is stressing me out. I think I'm going to wait till my dad gets home. Whenever I don't understand mathematical things, I ask him, but this is different. I don't know if he has a good grasp of statistics. I am going to die in this exam. So much. I mean, at least it is multiple choice, so when I have absolutely no idea in all heck, I can choose something...

I think I'm going to change subjects now.

Now- PSYC1030 (Introduction to Psychology: Developmental, Social & Clinical)...

So, I think I am actually totally dying here. My body is like, failing me. For the past few days, for no apparent reason, my feet and back of my knee joints have been in serious pain, I've had random, unusual, hard-to-describe stomach pains and this morning, after trying to find some good winter clothes to wear, I became extremely hot and am now sitting in my room in shorts, a t-shirt, a jumper with the sleeves rolled up, a glass of cold water and my fan on. In Winter. What.

In my notes for "Prejudice & Stereotyping" under the title of "Racism" I actually have written this:
"                                    " sexism
-> whining

... What was that supposed to say? I'm guessing I didn't get the time to write whatever it was... I hope it wasn't important...

I am seriously sick of this American Spellcheck. Seriously. When I write 'ise' at the end of a word, I do not mean 'ize'. And telling me my 'u's in words such as 'neighbour' and 'behaviour' are wrong. No. You are wrong, Spellcheck.

... I'm not entirely sick of Spellcheck because it turns out I cannot seem to spell anything right today...

11 pages later and Social Psychology is done. Now- for Clinical.


When I type, my left thumb sticks up in the air really weirdly and therefore, after typing for quite awhile, it hurts.

I think I need a short Tumblr break :)

... I think I just discovered that a girl I've followed on Tumblr for ages goes to the same university as me. Mine=blown.

I went out to the rest of the house to ask my mother what we'd have for lunch. She wasn't there. I cam back to my room, at some lollies and Tumblr'd. Seems like a good alternative for lunch...


In my notes I wrote "less severy". Severy.

Clinical Psychology DONE. AND, it was finished very close to the end of my CD, so yay.

So, after a lunch and TV break, I am returned, energised for more study... Sigh. Maybe not so energised, but whatever.

Wow. Just typed out my Organisational Psychology notes in about 1 minute. I don't even know what I typed. Hope there's not too much Org Psych on the exam...

I am finished! I now have Fact Sheets for every discipline of Psychology covered in this course. YAY.

So, I had a weird dream last night/this morning (I slept in, so it may have been a morning dream...). I don't remember much. I was with my friends and I specifically remember Phantomess and Gojo. At one point I was with my family and family friends... Something about a train.. Anyway, with my friends I was at a Japanese shop that turned out to be kinda African and I stood behind the counter waiting to buy something for AGES and no one came and served my and eventually I left and walked somewhere by myself and then a dog attacked me and then I just started running. I ran away from the dog, even though it left pretty quickly. I left my friends wherever they were and I vaguely remember Phantomess trying to find me or something but I kept running. It's totally a metaphor or something...

So... I walked up to the shops with my brothers to hand some stuff into the Pathology people to be analysed and whatnot and ended up having to get a bloodtest. Lovely. Now, my feet, legs and right arm all hurt.

I really need to study Japanese, but I find it hard to study without speaking... And speaking isn't going to help me in a written exam... At all... I need to practice reading and writing but I just find it so hard to study. I love to walk around and just speak Japanese... Sigh.

I was using Google Translate to help with some Jap study and apparently, one question means, "What do you sleep when the end mud." I can't even guess what that's supposed to mean.

ブラウンさんは、週に一回アルバイトをします。Ms Brown goes to her part-time job once a week.

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