Friday 8 June 2012

Why Does Anyone Have To Be Naked?

Hello there! Come here often? ... I don't anymore but I saw my dear friends Miss Invisible and Tenuto Tuo post again and it inspired me somewhat, though I have no idea what to talk about...

Apparently I haven't posted here since the end of March. A lot has happened since then...

First and foremost, I have nearly officially finished my first semester of university. I finished classes last Thursday and have 3 exams in just over a week. Once those are finished, my semester is done. It is very exciting and I am so looking forward to the holidays where I will sleep as much as I want and catch up on anime and cook and see friends and well, not have to go to uni :P

Not that I hate university or anything, cause I do not. It took quite a bit of getting used to and I'm sure I'll still be getting used to everything next semester, but it's pretty good. I think making a couple of friends helped as well as just getting up each day and going and not worrying about what the day could bring, which is always tough for me.

I am quite enjoying learning that wonderful Japanese language. I was looking through my textbook today to study and looking through the first chapter or so made me really nostalgic and showed me just how far I've come. About 12-13 weeks ago, I was in my first Japanese lecture standing up with Phantomess saying "I am ____. Nice to meet you," in front of the whole class. That was all we could say.

Psychology is alright. The compulsory stats course has killed me and is my worst subject and I am almost certain I will fail or barely pass the exam.

Before really starting my course, I was pretty set on going into Clinical Psychology because I have a big, slightly weird, fascination with mental illness. Throughout my course, we were taught the basics of most of the areas of Psychology and, although the Clinical stuff still interests me quite a bit, I have found a new interest in Developmental Psychology. It is the study of Psychology throughout different life stages and I am completely fascinated by the infant & early childhood phases. I mean, the fact that there are these brand new lives that just... figure everything out and have all this ingrained reflexes and stuff that helps them learn about the world and life in general. I can't even get my head around it. I don't know, babies have just seriously blown my mind lately.

I'd really like to do something in Infant/Early Childhood (preferably infant) Developmental Psychology and possibly work in hospitals or something like that, in some kind of Clinical environment. I'm not sure. This is a new idea that's come over me the past few days/weeks or so and I have changed career ideas so many times, so who knows if it will stay...

But, because of stuff that has happened this year, it kind of makes sense that it's come to this. I don't know. It's hard to explain without going into the detail of what has happened this year but I'll try. I couldn't understand why this thing happened. I mean, I believe that things happen for a reason, especially the big things and I had been spending months trying to figure out what the reason behind this event could possibly have been. I knew God must have had some grand plan and some reason for that happening and now I feel like it has somewhat lead to this career idea. Well, I know it is linked and has lead to it and I've just been wondering today if this is a good career for me and even at least part of the reason that stuff happened. Maybe God wants me to do this... Maybe he doesn't, I could just be slightly deluded, but I had a dream last night about this event and that upset me this morning, and these ideas have cheered me up about it, so even if this isn't God's grand plan for my career and life, at least it cheered me up today.

So, I've been exercising and eating well lately and it's really good. The exercising is hard, motivation wise. My neighbourhood is so boring and there are so many freaking dogs and I'm not a big animal person and I'm really not a big dog person. Not only are there dogs around, but there are dogs who see you, bark like crazy, run around like crazy, jump, and generally look like they want to jump out over the fence, sprint towards you and rip your head off, all while setting off every other dog in the suburb. So, I base my walk/jog routes around avoiding the dogs, which gives me a very limited space to work with and walking/jogging the same route everyday is extremely monotonous and boring and makes it very hard to motivate oneself to get out of bed/get off Tumblr and go outside. If I do get outside, it's hard to motivate myself to stay out for a full 30 minutes, and I haven't been doing so the past 2 days or so. In fact, I haven't gone for a walk at all today. Oh well. I will tomorrow.

Tomorrow I'm actually going to be sociable, which is cool and exciting. I'm going to a concert to see a friend from school perform in an ensemble I was in last year (and I might see my old flute ensemble play too) and then I am going to have lunch, go for a walk, maybe study and just chill by myself for a few hours before meeting up with friends for dinner in the city. Excited to get out of the house for sure.

I want to cook. I went to the library the other day, cause I felt like reading lots and ended up only getting one novel and four cookbooks including a Japanese cookbook, a healthy food one, a cheesecake one (just to cancel out the healthiness from the previous book) and a ice cream/sorbet/popsicle cookbook that looks absolutely amazing. Cannot wait to make ice cream. I am just waiting till after exams... I don't need more reasons to procrastinate...

I did study yesterday and today though. Played music, put the laptop off the desk and studied for a good hour or so straight. I find Japanese hard to study alone though. I didn't know where to start. I will hopefully get a group study session in with my Japanese buddies and I'll probably learn more from them haha.

Oh man, I am so not going to do well with these exams but I don't care. Well, sometimes I care. Right now, I don't. I just want them to be over. After my last exam, I am planning on going to the uni's lolly shop and buying some sort of treat to celebrate and then getting home and like, sleeping. Maybe crying. From happiness, that is.

Anyway, I caught up to date with The Office awhile ago and then, not long after, starting re-watching it again. Don't judge me. I actually watched an episode today that I'd somehow missed the first time, so that was cool. Anyway, off to watch an episode now.

Milo! I shall have some milo to satisfy my sweet tooth right now! Not that anyone cares but whatever.

Anyway, it was nice to do this again and I may do this more regularly again now. Farewell! γ˜γ‚ƒγΎγŸ!

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