Thursday 21 June 2012

You Wouldn't Download A Butt

So, on Monday I had my first and second university exams. I woke up at 7am, went for a good walk, came home and had breakfast and a shower. I was home alone by this point. I got dressed, made lunch, studied a tiny bit and sat around watching random episodes of How I Met Your Mother before going to catch my bus, subsequent train and subsequent bus to uni. Once there, I had lunch and went to the library to do some last minute study. I couldn't really stay focused and just sat on this comfy couch watching people around me and left early. You see, I overestimate time a lot. I'll be all, "Yeah, it'll take me 10 minutes to walk there, 10 minutes to pick that thing up, 10 minutes to go to the bathroom and like, 5 minutes to get to the other place, so I should leave like, 40-ish minutes early to be safe." And, in reality, all of those activities seem to take less than 2 minutes and I'm left at the end with nothing to do. I did this with my exam. I left quite early to go to the bathroom and buy/eat a snack from the lolly shop and ended up sitting around like a loner doing nothing for awhile.

Anyway, at 2:30 I had my first exam, for Intro to Psych: Clinical, Developmental & Social. I was nervous, but only because it was my first university exam and I had no idea what to expect. Once it had started, however, it was fine and relatively easy. Yes, I made educated guesses for a few questions, but I generally knew what it was on about. I left after an hour (all my exams were 2 hours btw) and therefore, had like, 2 hours to wait before my next exam, instead of the hour I had been expecting. I tried to study and failed again, texting Phantomess to see if she was there early. We hung out and didn't study, before meeting up with the rest of The Japanese Gang freaking out before our exam. That was also, quite easy. Yes, there are questions I am almost certain I got wrong, but I was pretty confident with most of it. I left that after an hour. I then went out to a very nice and fancy Sri Lankan restaurant with my mum and uncle and had some really nice food before going home.

I spent Tuesday doing a little study and mainly watching various TV shows... Wednesday was pretty similar to Monday. I had a very socially awkward/socially unpleasant public transport journey before getting to uni and continuing to be socially awkward. I then had my Research Methods & Statistics 1 exam. It was harder than the others and I made more guesses than the other exams Some of those guesses weren't so 'educated' either. But I left after an hour and a half and actually nearly cried with joy that I am finally on holidays.

So, here, I am going to make a list of the fun, not-stressful things I have been putting off doing (due to their ability to wildly distract me from uni) that I will be doing these holidays:

- Finishing my re-watch of The Office (I am nearly done, but I stopped before an episode that was way too emotional to watch when I should have been studying)
- Finally finish reading Mockingjay (I had to put it away so I could try and focus on uni)
- Catch up on some anime I haven't finished
- Start some anime I've been wanting to watch for ages
- Finally read Volume 1 of Ouran High School Host Club that I bought like, 2 months ago or something
- Cook lots
- Make ice cream from scratch
- Get a haircut
- See mah peeps
- Properly plan my birthday par-tay
- Drive more
- Try and find another job
- Play lots of The Sims 3
- Finally watch the Audrey Hepburn movies my parents gave me as my graduation present
- Play my instruments

I think that's about it... Seems like a lot, but I can almost guarantee you that I won't do most of it... I'll probably just sit on Tumblr... As usual...

Well, even though I'm tired as, I feel the need to fit another Friends episodes (one of my favourites) in before going to bed, even though I have to get up early for an 8:45am doctor's appointment tomorrow... Farewell!

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