Monday 24 October 2011

Plane Food Is Ass

I don't know what I'm going to write here, but I just felt the need to write something. Anything.

Anyway, the title of this post comes from the episode of How I Met Your Mother, Last Words, where Marshall and the gang are at his father's funeral where the theme is "last words." Marshall realises his father's last words to him were, "plane food is ass," before remembering it was actually an "odd racist" comment about Koreans, before realising it was actually, "Rent Crocodile Dundee 3, it totally stacks up." This episode is one great episode and man, I have to applaud Jason Segel on his acting in that scene in the snow where he is yelling at God, before hearing his dad's actual final words in the form of a voice message. Beautiful stuff.

Anyway, I never thought I'd like this show, let alone love it, let alone use it constantly to cheer me up nearly everyday. It's strange but whenever I'm in a cruddy mood or just feeling bored (at least one of those feelings comes basically everyday), I'll just put on some HIMYM and feel almost instantly happier. I don't know what it is, actually, about it. I guess I kinda like the group and wish I could be like them when I'm that kind of age. You know, a really fun group of friends who genuinely care about each other, amongst all the joking. I don't want to be exactly like them, but I hope I'll have a group of friends like that when I'm in the "working world."

I also wouldn't mind turning out a bit like Robin. Independent. I admire her independence. I also wish I had a best friend like Marshall, but let's not go into my never-ending love for that character.

So, I am supposed to be doing a "skeleton draft" for my last English assignment ever right now. I just don't know what to do. This assignment sucks, man. We had a "choice" between doing a written or oral assignment based on if our grades were lower for written or oral. My grades were basically exactly the same (I'm a straight A- student...) for both, so my teacher decided to make me do oral. This terrifies me. So, so, so much. You have no clue how freaked out I've been over this.

I've also found myself becoming even more, even though I wouldn't have thought this possible, emotionally attached to fictional characters and ships between fictional characters. I genuinely think I'm compensating for something that I feel is lacking in my own life. Whether I wish I were like these characters or I wish I knew people like them. I just don't know why I find myself loving fictional characters so much that I can actually feel it in my body.

I re-watched the last two episodes of Kaichou wa Maid-Sama! this weekend. That was totally smart of me... I don't remember exactly what it was, but I think I read a short review of the manga on Wikipedia that something negative towards Usui. For some reason, this made me read the TVTropes page and read about him and feel so, so, so compelled to read the manga just so I could read more about him. I wanted to cry and hug him and read about him and learn everything about him. And, not just cause he's possible the hottest anime character I know of.

What else has been going on in my life? I had my grade 7 flute exam on Thursday. I am not quite sure how it went and I keep trying not to think about it, because my thoughts are not very positive.

I had my two last competitions for band and we got a silver for both. It's when I really love band- when we are performing and competing. That's when you realise how much of a team it is. Everyone relies on each other and we all share the successes or failures together. I will genuinely miss band.

I'm building a bridge in Physics with a group of my friends. It's not going too well, but whatever. As long as the assignment that I write on it is good, it doesn't matter if the bridge fails or not.

I have four weeks left of school. I would tell you how that makes me feel, but I don't think I can explain it and I don't think I want to, seeing as though, for some reason, I have butterflies in my stomach, am feeling really weird and emotional and am listening to Adele and Someone Like You just came on. I cannot relate to any of her music, but it always makes me feel emotional anyway.

"Never mind, I'll find someone like you..."

"I won't let you close enough to hurt me. No, I won't rescue you to just desert me. I can't give you the heart you think you gave me. It's time to say goodbye to turning tables." I don't know if those lyrics are totes correct, but whatever. Good song.

I've grown my nails pretty long in the past two weeks or so, so I've really gotten in the habit of tapping them on the desk or the laptop. I've been doing it tonight but it's started to hurt... Huh.

I've given up on my Photos of the Week. I just can't do it. I have so many other things on my mind everyday that I don't even think about the photo until Friday night/Saturday night or Sunday nights. I then spend Sundays trying to find something to take a photo of that slightly resembled my week. I forget and finally get ready to upload something two weeks later, only to find that my computer is being a bully and won't let me upload it. I don't like it becoming this extra stress that is just being done because it "has to be done," that's not what it was for. So yeah. I admit defeat.

Tumblr's stuffing up on me now. Guess it's a sign to get off.

Anyway, guess I should get off here now. I mean, the Adele CD just finished. Another sign. Bye y'all and remember- plane food is ass.

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