Saturday 8 October 2011

There's A Giant Rubber Duck In The River

I have had a surprisingly great day. I shall, therefore, outline it for all of you, despite your lack of interest in my daily life.

I woke up, lying in my dark bedroom covered in my doona listening to a wild storm raging outside my window. It was lovely. Due to the darkness and the fact that it, like, never storms at this time in the morning, I assumed it must have been like 2 or 3am and I could, therefore, go back to sleep for another 4 or so hours. I checked my iPod to find that it was 7:13 and I only had 17 minutes left to sleep, so I immediately tried to make the most of those 17 minutes. What seemed like only 5 minutes went by before my dad came and woke me up. I had a slow morning before leaving to go to my flute ensemble rehearsal, which was good and ran smoothly.

I then head over to the State Library. Now, usually, I have some assignment to do, or research to do. For the past month, I had read my English Extension book, The House of Mirth, in the library, or I did research for ExtEng or MusExt. But, as of yesterday, when I handed in my final assignments for both of those subjects, I know longer have to do them. I had no homework and no assignments yet, as it isonly the end of the first week of term, so I took the laptop and sat in the library snacking on sultanas (I usually do this. They are a good substitute for lollies...), scrolling through Tumblr, reading about anime and watching How I Met Your Mother, before Phantomess arrived. We were both wearing our senior jerseys, due to the cold rain outside, so it was quite amusing.

We then went to the food shops and I ate a spring roll before we went to our symphonic wind ensemble rehearsal. Now, it has been painful for me to play saxophone lately, since my wisdom teeth were removed. It was painful today, but bearable. The rehearsal was decent. Nothing great, but not bad. The usual, I suppose.

On the trip home, my dad and I drove past the city's big river and, believe it or not, there was a giant rubber duck just sitting there in the river. I stated this (exactly like the title of this post) and he simply replied, with some laughter, "There is." That was the end of the conversation. We both looked at it a bit, though. I mean, what can you say about something like that?

I came home to eat some ice cream with strawberries and scroll through some more Tumblr. Awhile later, I grabbed some BBQ flavoured Shapes, the jar of Vegemite and a glass of iced juice and went back to room. I just spent the last... hour to hour-and-a-half watching How I Met Your Mother while dipping Shapes in Vegemite. This is the life, guys. I mean, I should do some flute practice later, but that's it. I have nothing else I have to do. Isn't it amazing?

And, I have finally made a choice about uni. Now, it could change, but I don't think it'll change to much. I really hope I don't change my mind anymore, anyway. It's happened too many times already. As of now, I will be studying a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Psychology and Japanese for the next three years, at the uni that several of my friends are going to. Now, I don't want to go here solely because my friends are. I want to make new friends. I want to break out from my shell a bit. It'll be terrifying for me, but once I do it, I'll feel amazingly proud and like I can conquer the world, or something. I know, for many people saying "Hey, I'm *insert name here*, how are you?" is simple, but for me, it's terrifying. No, petrifying. Anyway, knowing that White Ribbon, Phantomess, Tenuto Tuo and even nath_alex01 (though I doubt we'll see each other as much as the others) are there will be so comforting. And, heck, I am seriously planning on finding some way to go visit Gojo or meet up somewhere, cause I ain't losing that gurl (I dunno. That's how I said it in my head) just because she goes to a different uni.

Now, you may be saying, "Japanese? I thought you loved Spanish?" I do, I really do. But I really like Japanese and the Japanese culture as well. I looked at the course lists for both and I swear, despite the fact that this doesn't make a lot of sense, the Japanese course sounds a whole lot less intense and scary than the Spanish one. I still intend to learn Spanish sometime in the not-too-distant future, I really do. I promise myself I will learn it and I have several other ideas of how I might do it, already. I will learn it.

I'm actually getting re-excited for uni. I know that really soon I'll be terrified and all, "I DON'T WANNA GO!!" again, but for now, it's good to feel OK about it.

Since I did an epic clean up of my room in the first week of my holidays, I've hated having it even slightly messy. I mean, the laptop bag on the floor is bugging me, along with the notebook, sticky notes (which are there for good reason. I am forgetful), iPod, panadol, Shapes box, Vegemite jar, empty glass and empty water bottle on my desk next to me are annoying me. As is the handbag on my laundry basket. Hm. I think I need to do a cleanup. I also haven't liked going to bed if stuff is lying around on my desk or floor. I find myself needing to do a 2-minute clean-up before I can go to bed.

I'm going to do a quick clean-up now...

Just had fried rice while watching Total Drama World Tour and trying to hide my fangirling from my dad... Anyway, a great day I have had.

Tomorrow may not be quite as relaxing, but it sure as heck won't be stressful.

I'll just chill out and watch a little anime, maybe some more How I Met Your Mother, maybe some flute practice. Who knows? I have around 2 hours before I'll be so unbearably tired.

Listening to catchy Japanese music from Special A is making me pumped for learning this language. And... I would love if I could go there for Study Abroad. Or Canada. Or anywhere in the UK. Mainly Ireland. Japan, Canada or Ireland would be great, thanks :)

Wow. It's only 8:30 and I am already so tired. Ugh, I don't want to go to sleep yet. I want to watch anime, for goodness sake.

So. Sleepy.

Well, farewell, y'all. I have nothing left to say.


  1. asdfghj I've seen that duck before (at least, I assume it's a similar one)
    It's been spotted in rivers in France and Japan, I believe. I first found it on Google Earth, ahahaha. =3

    Man, part of me is like "but Spanish is so cool and you guys love it and hurr" but another part of me is all "WE CAN HAVE SECRET CONVERSATIONS IN PUBLIC AND INSULT PEOPLE LULZ"
    Actually, that'd be a good reason to meet up, if, say, we had nothing to talk about. We could help each other with Japanese. Bro I have this mental image of us just getting together, eating sushi and discussing anime, and we certainly wouldn't be speaking in English. It is a beautiful mental image.
    Catch Japanese music and anime is one of the only things that motivates me. Afterwards I get this sudden burst of "MUST INCREASE JAPANESE VOCAB".

  2. I don't wan to encroach on your love and passion for Japanese at all, but it's one of the several languages I'd love to learn and it looks like uni might be the best way for me to do that.

    That is an amazing mental image. SUSHI. ANIME. AAH.
