Thursday 8 December 2011

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas...

OK, so, I love Christmas. I just love it.

As the song says, "It's the most wonderful time of the year." Honestly, it is my favourite time of the entire year.

I love the way that school ends just before December and everyone gives out cards with candy canes. I love leaving the Christmas CDs in the CD player. I love putting up the tree and decorating the house while listening to the music. I love hearing Christmas music on the radio. I love my family's annual drive around at night, listening to Christmas music, while looking at all the lights. I love the displays at Myer, especially in the city. I love the big tree in the city and how pretty it looks at night with everything lit up. I love shopping for presents for everyone. I love wrapping the presents. I love doing Christmas cooking.

Yes, that all pertains to the Christmas Season, as opposed to Christmas Day itself, but I've realised I prefer the season to the actual day. The day's good, of course, but it only lasts for... a day... The season lasts for like, 25 days give or take.

All of it just makes me so happy. I don't know what it actually is, but just seeing Christmas decorations and hearing a Christmas carol just puts me in a good mood. It's really great. I just... love it all.

I've also realised that I actually love giving presents as much, if not more, than getting them. I mean, going to the shops and thinking about people who you, at least generally, care about and thinking about what they would genuinely like is good fun. Watching people open the presents that you actually thought about and seeing them genuinely like it is also very cool. This is mainly for people like my parents, brothers (strangely) and other close family members...

I am just suddenly, after watching the Phineas & Ferb Christmas episode, overflowing with Christmas spirit and I'm really happy. Strange...


Sorry, guys...


Anyway, it's all exciting. Yay. YAYBEANS.

So, like, I've been trying to watch Christmas specials of some of my favourite shows, especially How I Met Your Mother, but it turns out the show doesn't actually have that many Christmas specials (I think there are more Thanksgiving episodes... I'm Australian! I don't celebrate Thanksgiving! ) and I've already watched them. I do love How Lily Stole Christmas and False Positive, though, but I've watched them so much... Maybe I should wait till a couple of days before Christmas and watch them again. I just realised there is one I haven't seen in awhile, Little Minnesota and I might just watch that now and then watch them in a marathon on Christmas Eve or the day before or something. I looked up Friends Christmas episodes, but I realised I've seen them all too... Oh well. 


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