Sunday 4 December 2011

My Bucket List

As it often does, Tumblr has inspired me with an idea. I shall here write my bucket list. A list of things that I, at this point in my life, wish to die before I die or "kick the bucket" as they say. Also, this is in no particular order, guys.

1. Dye my hair red.

2. Go to Japan.

3. Live in New York.

4. See one of my favourite musicals on Broadway (Cats, Wicked, The Phantom of the Opera preferably).

5. See Relient K live.

6. Meet Matt Thiessen.

7. Die my hair some other crazy colour like blue or green or, more likely, that cool white/blonde colour.

8. Get married.

9. Go to Europe.

10. Visit Spain.

11. Finish watching InuYasha (I will finish it. Someday).

12. Take archery classes.

13. Learn Japanese.

14. Learn Spanish (at least some...).

15. Live by myself.

16. Own my own pet. Maybe a cat. Or lots of fish.

17. Cut my hair real short.

18. Learn to play the trumpet (if only quite basically).

19.  Teach myself to play all of Poulenc's flute sonata.

20. Visit Canada.

21. Spend Christmas and New Year's in New York.

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