Tuesday 27 December 2011

Boys Will Not Chew Gum In Class

So, 2011 is coming to an end very quickly and as I look back upon this year, there is a lot to reflect upon. Overall, this year wasn't that great for me and I am pretty glad it's over. It's strange how one year can be so different for different people. Some people had a wonderful year while others had the worst year of their life. It's weird. My year wasn't great. It was the most challenging year of my short life.

I mean, I started and finished my last year of high school. Ever. A lot of stuff goes along with that.

I learnt a lot about myself and the people around me this year. I dealt with more stress than I ever have in my entire life and learnt that I don't deal well with it. I realised that I can become clingy. I learnt that I expect too much from myself and the people around me and that all my expectations are unrealistic and will only lead to disappointment.

I have definitely learnt a lot of things I don't like about myself and would like to change. These things will take awhile. I mean, after spending years and years worrying about pretty much everything, it will take a lot of time and work to, you know, stop worrying about everything.

Anyway, I have stopped dwelling too much on the past year and am trying to take things from it, instead of regret things. I am both dreading and looking forward to this New Year's, because 2012 is going to be even bigger and tougher than 2011. The school chapter of my life is done and so far, it's the only real chapter I've known, seeing as though I don't remember anything about my life before kindergarten... Starting university, hopefully getting a job, meeting new people is going to be a crazy and very challenging thing for me, but I've gotten it into my head that there's no point in worrying about it all.

So, I've decided that I'm just going to let things happen. Not in a sit-around-and-do-nothing-while-waiting-for-whatever's-supposed-to-happen-to-happen kind of way. Just in a not-worrying-see-where-things-go-and-see-where-I-end-up kind of way. I think things happen for a reason and I should just go with whatever does happen. If I've chosen the wrong course for next year, I'll figure that out and change. If I found out that university isn't for me, I'll change things. I've just got to calm down and not worry and just see what happens. That's my plan for 2012, I guess.

Well, I guess I'll have more deep thoughts like these on New Year's Eve while in the bedroom of a family friend kind of friend of mine as we sit there awkwardly after spending three hours wondering what to do. I'm not even exaggerating.

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