Tuesday 30 August 2011

21st-27th August 2011

I am finding it really hard to keep up with my photos lately. I know no one else cares, but I'll be real disappointed in myself if I don't keep doing it. I didn't really take any photos last week, so I'm stealing one a friend took. Now, this is kind of cheating, but kind of not. You see, no, I did not take this photo but, yes, it is a photo that represented my week and I was there, most likely very close by, when it was taken.
Behold, the shot put stuff. On Friday, it was my final Athletics Carnival EVER. Friends and I helped out teachers and Phantomess (owner of this photograph) and I helped our instrumental teacher with the shot put. It was hard work and sometimes, it sucked, but it was a pretty cool day overall. Photo courtesy of Phantomess

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