Wednesday 17 August 2011

It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time...

A list of things that seemed like good ideas at the time.

1. English Extension. I swear that everyone in my ExtEng class wonders, "Why did I pick the subject?" I mean, it's kinda cool that I now vaguely understand the concept of literary theory and have a VERY basic understanding of quite a few theories, but the assignments and the teacher and the lessons are not so fun. In fact, I'm using this post to procrastinate from doing the homework due tomorrow.

2. Joining the formal committee. I mean, I'm glad I did, it's just been a LOT of hard work and emotional and stressful and draining and I cannot wait until it's over!

3. Looking up a university that's 6 hours from my home. I thought I might as well look it up. Turned out to look wonderful. Wish I didn't know about it, cause I won't be going there.

4. Creating a Tumblr account. I was all, "I won't even use it much. I'll just find some cool anime pictures or something. Whatevs." *facepalm* Most distracting thing EVER for me.

5. Deciding to re-arrange my bookcase to fit my birthday presents yesterday. My bookcase is an intricate place, keeping most of my favourite things and I've always thought that I wanted it to be a thing that people could look at and just understand all this stuff about me. They'd see almost everything I like there. The books I like, the figurines, the vintage cars, the music, the games, the musical programs, the flute books, the Bibles etc. Everything had its exact place and I had to move it all (bar 2 out of 6 shelves) to fit in my new piggy bank, two vintage cars and a manga. That's it, but it ended up with stuff everywhere and, well, me not doing school work.

6. Choosing to read The House of Mirth for my English Extension assignment. Don't get me wrong, it's a good book and I am enjoying it and had a favourite character and a ship from chapter one, but it's so big and has a slow plot and some boring chapters, making it really hard to read when I know I need to. I wish I could just be reading it for pleasure.

7. Deciding to download a pdf of The Norton Anthology of Literary Theory and Criticism. It says it'll take another hour and a half. So, it'll be done in time for me to go to bed? Perfect...

8. Changing my theories for ExtEng right then. Sure, I don't know if it'll end up bad YET, but I can imagine something will be worse because of it.

9. Painting a wall of my bedroom at my old house pink. I liked pink when I was about 12. I hated it a year or two later and had to live with this big, light pink wall in my room. Oh well. I've moved and now have a room so tiny that there are no walls I can paint because they are all too covered by furniture or my window or cupboard.

10. Changing my theory for ExtEng AGAIN. I think this is confusing me more and more.

11. Deciding to start blogging tonight. BYE BLOGGING WORLD

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