Wednesday 24 August 2011

If It Makes An Arc, It Will Create A Spark... Or Something Like That

So, I'm home early today. Woo! Went to get a blood test during lunch and got home at the start of 5th Lesson. Yes, I have indeed wasted 36 minutes on Tumblr, but I have a theory. If I scroll through pages and pages and pages on Tumblr NOW, then I won't spend as long (because I will be on it again, I know) later on. Which better work, because I have so much to do this afternoon. Let me outline it for you:

1. English Extension Research Proposal- I don't even. It's long and complicated and annoying and I don't get it, but I will do it. Even if it is wrong or not of Year 12 English Extension standard, I will finish this stupid thing!

2. Saxophone Practice- I have my grade 5 exam tomorrow morning. I need to practice. Pretty bad. I mean, I've been SO chill about this exam, and now I'm starting to realise the problems with that. This morning, a couple of my scales weren't great. One of my pieces still isn't quite right. My aural SHOULD be OK, but I'm worried about it. My sight reading is good, but it was good last year (for my Grade 3 exam) and I stuffed it up. Asdfghjkl. I want to do really well, but I'm too relaxed. Tomorrow morning, of course, I'll FREAK OUT.

3. English homework- It shouldn't take too long, but I don't want to do it. I don't like English. I do, but I don't. I went from not liking it because I had sucky teachers and could get an A in my sleep, to being scared of it because of my new scary teacher, to loving it because that teacher was dang good, to being scared of it again, despite the good teacher. I think I will talk to him sometime tomorrow about my issues with English... But I have to leave English after 30 minutes to go to my sax exam...

4. Maths revision- I have a Maths exam in two weeks. Less than that, actually. My teacher gave us heaps of questions to do as revision today and I need to work through them, because this test will decided if I'm top of the class, or second, third or fourth.

5. Physics revision- I have a Physics exam in the same week as the Maths one. And English one. I need to revise for that too. I doubt I'll get it done this afternoon though.

THANK THE LORD I HAVE A SPARE TOMORROW! Nothing better happen to that spare. I NEED that spare. I can do revision for Maths and/or Physics and read my ExtEng book.

Well, now that this post has made me stress and has risen my heartbeat a bit, I'm going to move on to what I planned to post about- this shall be one of my Random-Post-Whatever-Is-Happening-And-Stuff Posts. Enjoy.

Sitting her home alone during the day doing ExtEng makes me feel like it's the holidays. Yes, I've had to do ExtEng in the holidays... *shudder* But... feeling like the holidays makes me think of how I watched all of Toradora and most of Durarara and finished Ano Hana last holidays... I want to watch anime now, 
dang it.

I can't use bobby pins properly, guys... The joys of having Short-But-Not-Really-Short-But-Not-Long-Cause-It's-Not-Even-Shoulder-Length-Yet-But-Too-Long-To-Be-Considered-Properly-Short Hair. My hair and I do not have a healthy relationship. It is mean to me, I hate it and am abusive (Well, I am all, "ARGH I HATE MY HAIR!!") at it... It continues to defy me and I continue to be angered. If my hair were a person, we would not be friends, but we would have to go to some sort of relationship counselling, because we have to spend so much time together and I have emotional issues and reliance issues related to my hair. Oh dear. I think I am loosing my mind.

The holiday feeling now makes me want to watch Total Drama. Ah, damn.

No! You must read about Christine Delphy and materialist feminism and marxism and The House of Mirth! No anime or hilarious cartoon show for you!

Guys, I'm totes wearing my formal shoes right now. I need to practice walking in them because they are the very first pair of proper heels I've ever worn. For a girl who likes to wear jeans and t-shirts (ranging from really nice tops, to guys t-shirts with video game characters on them) and Volleys or boots, my formal is a big step (Step. LOL. See what I did there?). I mean, getting my hair done, my nails done, high heels, a dress (albeit short and black, totes my style) and MAKE-UP. MAKE-UP. I don't wear it. I hate it. It makes me feel sick. Just the smell of it makes me feel sick.

My brother just got home from school and I rambled my head off to him like an idiot. I guess being home alone for an hour makes you need to interact... Well, not usually... Maybe I'm going crazy. I mean, today I have been in a better mood than everyday this week combined and doubled. I swear, I was feeling good for most of today and I have no clue why. Especially since I have spent this week in an emotional slump and had been dreading/fearing turning up to school today. I am so confused. My mind makes no sense. What is this I don't even.

Eugh. That apple juice has made me feel sick. Why did I drink it? I don't even like apple juice? Oooh! I want a milo now!

I have my milo now. Milo is wonderful. I don't even know what malted barley is, but it sure tastes good. Even when it's in milk (I hate milk)... It tastes like, beautiful mixed in with vanilla ice cream. Oh my gosh. I feel like I'm getting fat just typing this...

I keep spilling my milo...


"Materialist Feminism is a form of literary criticism that takes the ideologies expressed in Marxist theory and explains the way that they oppress women."  Yeah. I just wrote that. I totes explained Materialist Feminism in a sentence that gives the impression that I vaguely know what I am talking about. I am happy with that. Well, not totally. It feels like it needs something on the end of that sentence. Hm. 

So.... I just read this whole Tumblr blog of quotes from The Princess Diaries book series. That was not a waste of ten minutes... It made me nostalgic and it made me laugh and possibly re-fall-in-love with the character of Michael and make me seriously want to read all ten books again. Ah dang. I don't have the time to read ten books... I'm sad now. BACK TO EXTENG.

"This theory discusses the way that money and materials become important through the economic and class structures demonstrated in Marxist theory and how this increases the already existent oppression of women in society." Does that make sense? I think so... It's just kinda long. Oh well. 

I've had enough ExtEng for now. What next? Maths I think. I'm not in the mood for sax and English is being left for like, 8:30. When I'm done watching The Farmer Wants A Wife. Seriously, I love that show. A lot. 

According to my calculations, I have to do 4.2 Maths revision questions everyday until my exam, except the two days next week that contain the most important test of my schooling life, if I want to get them all done. Hm. Better start. 

OK. Done with Maths for today. Yay. Now... Saxophone. And flute. Means I have to turn off my Relient K... I'm sad... 

Well, bye y'all. 

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