Tuesday 9 August 2011

A Woman Of My Word.

I made a pact with peoples today, mainly White Ribbon, saying I would blog.

This is ruining my wonderful study session I had going.

I was on a roll and doing heaps of my Maths Assignment.


Stupid memory.

Why would my mind say, "Hey! You've gotta blog tonight! You promised!"

I can't think of a good opening sentence for this story I'm doing for English. I wrote it today but it sucked.

I have a plan for a blog post. I am going to write a letter to my past self and, soon after, I will write a letter to my future self. Inspired by a RAVE (Religion and Values Education..) class. I would do it now but it would seriously distract and most likely depress me. I NEED TO WORK.

Turns out I have an issue with writing in one tense. I always switch between all three tenses without realising. WHY?

I love the fact that my story for English has the words "impending doom" in it. Only thing I like about my story so far. And "tentatively". That's a cool word, indeed.

Spellcheck is kinda annoying. I mean, it keeps telling me to change words and the words it suggests don't make sense!

Ever felt the random urge to use the word 'profusely' in a story? No? Just me? OK...

This story is lame. I am tired. I typed up what I'd written in class and wrote up to step 15 of dang Propp's Morphology which was my goal for tonight.

I have to write myself lists and checklists a lot now. It works for me. It reminds me of the homework and other things I HAVE to do that afternoon. Lately, I'm getting into the habit of writing checklists even if I don't have homework due the next day. I am writing things like, "Do question 2 and 3 of Maths Assignment," even though the assignment's not due till next week. The overwhelming workload I've got write now is showing me that I need to do things in advance and plan. These checklists are working for me so far, so I'm going to stick with them.

I also think I'm going to have to write myself a weekly study timetable and timetable work for assignments, homework, instrumental practice and things like anime time to keep me slightly mentally sane.

LOLJKS even a little bit of anime won't keep me sane. Seriously, I think I am going crazy.

Anyway, off for a shower.

Back from the shower guys!

I don't have much to blog about right now because I need to keep to the schedule I gave myself...

I need to do 20-30ish minutes of flute practice, practicing band pieces for tomorrow morning. Then, I need to read some of my English Extension book, The House Of Mirth. If I have done all of this by 8:45 at the latest, I can watch the latest episode of The Glee Project. This won't be a problem since it's 7:45 and I won't read my book for too long because I have a spare tomorrow morning.

Goodbye fellow bloggers. I shall now post my late Photo of the Week and later this week, I shall post a letter to myself..

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