Monday 15 August 2011

The Glee Project, Birthday Wishes and Things Like Mood Rings.

Man. I am so clever. Just listened to a song called "Chap Stick, Chapped Lips and Things Like Chemistry" from my new Relient K CD that I got for my birthday. WOO BIRTHDAYS.

This post will take a long time to write/post because I am doing work. But blogging makes me happy. Unless I do depressing posts. That makes me depressed. Not that it matters because you guys aren't sitting around waiting for me to blog, but whatever.

I have an English exam tomorrow. FML. I am not going to do as well as I should. It's split into three 50 minute sessions, which is SO dumb because it's only 800-1000 words. Apparently the first session is for planning, the second is for writing, the third for editing. Who plans for 50 minutes? Except... Maybe I can calm down now, because I can spend 50 minutes planning tomorrow... Hm.

My window's open and my room's right at the front of the house. I heard a voice and though it was my brother so I ignored it. I heard someone saying, "Heellloooo," soon after. I very nearly said, "Shut up!" Or just, "BE QUIET!" I thought it was one of my brothers. It was some door-to-door salesman. That would have been awkward.

Wait, did he tell my mum he was from Pantene? Doubt it.

Why are all of my pencils broken?

Oh wait. I actually do have a sharpener. Like right here next to me.


My parents gave me a recording of The Planets Suite by Holst, performed by the London Symphony Orchestra this morning. As well as the Relient K CD. I swear, if anyone looked through my iTunes library they would most likely say, "What the heck?"

"And I'm only gonna pierce my left ear. And I've been working on this moustache all summer long. And my favourite band will always be Tears For Fears. And I'm gonna wear a pink tux to the prom." Love this song.

COLLEGE KIDS. I LOVE THIS SONG. "Oh, not for me, not for me. Call it torture, call it university." "Arts and crafts is all I need. I'll take calligraphy and make a fake degree." For someone who really wants to go to university and has never considered not going, it's weird how much I love this song. It's funny, OK?

Anywho, I had a cool as birthday today. Yes, I had to go to school, but it was good. I mean, I woke up, got ready for schoolio, ate croissants, bacon and eggs, opened presents, went to school and got many birthday wishes. I brought lollies to celebrate and it turns out Gojo brought lollies too. It also turns out that Phantomess went to the trouble of making 17 little cupcakes and decorating them with icing and those little metallic edible balls. We put these all in the middle of our circle of friends at morning tea and, though we started off slowly, we devoured it all. Seriously. I felt kind sick and at least a kilo fatter, but it was so worth it. It was a lot of fun and I love my friends :)

Yes, I did just Google "evil guy names." I decided that was better than "evil dude names." Well, that Google search didn't really help. I guess my evil guy will continue to be Dr. ____.

I think blogging and facebook distracted me from sharpening my pencil...

Oh my gosh. This song, "Hoopes I Did It Again" is funny as. Made me laugh and choke. Painful humour, indeed.

Anyway, I got like, 30-something facebook birthday wishes today. At least 5 from people I practically NEVER talk to. I sat there writing "Thanks :)" and variants of that MANY times. I could have just liked some people's posts, but I would have felt bad. I'm that weird.

So, one of these Relient K songs is called "Mood Rings." It is an amazingly funny song. I love it. Too much. LYRICS:
We all know the girls that I am talking about
Well they are time bombs and they are ticking
And the only question's when they'll blow up
And they'll blow up;
We know that without a doubt cause they're those girls, yeah you know those girls that let their emotions get the best of them
And I've contrived some sort of a plan to help my fellow man
Let's get emotional girls to all wear mood rings
So we'll be tipped off to when they're ticked off
Cause we'll know just what they're thinking
Just what their thinking
She's so pretty but she doesn't always act that way
Her moods out swinging on the swing set almost everyday
She said to me that she's so happy it's depressing
And all I said was someone get that girl a mood ring!
If it's drama you want then look no further
They're like the real world, meets boy meets world, meets days of our lives and it just kills me how they get away with murder they'll anger you,
Then bat their eyes; those pretty eyes that watch you sympathize Go!
And I've contrived some sort of a plan to help my fellow man
Let's get emotional girls to all wear mood rings
So we'll be tipped off to when they're ticked off cause we'll know just what they're thinking just what their thinking she's so pretty but she doesn't always act that way her moods out swinging on the swing set almost everyday she said to me that she's so stressed out that it's soothing and all I said was someone get that girl a mood ring
Cause when it's black means watch your back because you're probably the last person in the world right now she wants to see and when it's blue it means you should call her up immediately and ask her out because she'll most likely agree and when it's green it simply means that she is really stressed and when it's clear is means she is completely emotionless
(And that's alright I must confess)
We all know the girls that I am talking about, she liked you Wednesday but now it's Friday and she has to wash her hair and it just figures that we'll never figure them out. Well first she's jekyl and then she's hyde... at least she makes a lovely pair
Mood ring, oh mood ring, oh tell me will you bring the key to unlock this mystery
Of girls and their emotions, play it back in slow motion so I may understand the complex infrastructure known as the female mind

I apologise for any bad grammar. I just copied-and-pasted it... 
I swear he is singing about me, dudes. MY MOODS- Y U NO BE STABLE? OMG I SHOULD MAKE THAT MEME!!!! IDEA!!! LIGHT BULB MOMENT!!!

Anywho. Nath_alex01 gave me the homework to write about the contestants in The Glee Project and my opinions on them all. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED: (Is it sad that all these facebook birthday wishes are actually starting to annoy me a bit?)

Hannah: I have to admit, her voice was not the best of them all and it was a little weak. However, she was so kind and funny and bubbly and just generally happy. She would immediately make me smile, no matter what she did and she would have made a really good character on Glee.

Cameron: I really liked Cameron, despite the opinions of some of my friends. I liked him from the start and really liked his unique voice. I really respected the decisions he made, standing up for his beliefs. Some people may hate him because he couldn't kiss a girl without crying. I did not hate him for this. I thought that the way he stood up for his beliefs throughout the whole series was actually really brave. Braver, I think, than just kissing other girls, because he got ridiculed or put down for standing up for his beliefs. I respected it and his decision to leave, despite the emotional rollercoaster I went through when that happened.

Damian: Originally, I liked him solely for his awesome, and.. attractive, Irish accent, but I found that I really liked his voice and his personality. He is nice and funny and has a good voice. I cannot, however, imagine him being on Glee as he does not seem to be enough of an underdog, despite how much I love him.

Ellis: Friends of mine also hated her, but whatever. I really liked her, from the moment she made the joke about her appearance and age. I found that relatable and I found her sarcastic, snarky sense of humour funny. Yes, she had a negative attitude and quite a few issues, but I found he really relatable. Her voice wasn't one of the best and, because of this, I don't think she should have gone much further in the series, despite how much I liked her.

Emily: First episode, I though she was going to be kinda mean, but I ended up really liking her. She was so funny and very talented but also not much of an underdog.

Marissa: I did really like her. She had a great voice and was a pretty good actress. She seemed nice, but she didn't really seem to get a lot of time to show who she really was, so I didn't really get an impression of her personality. Despite her indisputable talent, I couldn't see her being on Glee either.

McKynleigh: She was very talented and she seemed like a really nice girl, but somewhat shy. She came off quite boring as she didn't do a great job of showing off her personality and I felt really sorry for her, actually, but I don't think she would have been good for Glee.

Lindsay: She is VERY talented. She has a great voice and is a good actress. I do not, however, like her personality. I think she is quite fake and very self-centered. I also don't think she would be a great character on Glee, as she is too confident and mainstream, for lack of a better word, and isn't an underdog.

Samuel: Eh. I was indifferent towards him, then I liked him, now I don't. He has a good voice and is a decent actor, but he seems to only be able to act 'intense'. There is nothing about him I particularly dislike, or like, and that bugs me.

Matheus: I didn't like him much. He had a good voice and was alright at acting, but there was something about him I didn't like. I'm not quite sure what it was, but I am glad he went home, even though he could have made an alright character on Glee.

Bryce: Well, first character off makes him hard to judge. I didn't like him much, but I didn't really dislike him. I thought his voice was weak, but I felt kinda sorry for him, being kicked off for an "attitude problem" that I didn't really think he had.

Alex: Yes, he is extremely talented and a decent actor, but he annoys me. I find his personality annoying. He is quite stuck up and he knows he is good and has no issues sharing that with everyone. He has moments when he is obviously stuck up and other moments when he's quite dealable. I have to say though, in my personal opinion, he has looked more awkward than the other guys when they have to do guy + guy duets, which I find interesting. Anyway, he is the only one of the final four that I can imagine being on Glee as he is an underdog, but I have always thought that he is the complete mixture of the characters of Mercedes and Kurt and, therefore, wouldn't bring anything very original to the show. 

There we go, my opinions on the TGP characters, in some sort of order. 

I should end my post here, I guess to go do English and flute practice. Wish me luck!  


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