Wednesday 31 August 2011

This Post Has No Overarching Theme, So You Can Come Up With A Suitable Title Yourself.

So, I just finished the biggest, most important test of my schooling life today. It doesn't even feel like I did it. It felt like a practice test. Oh well, I don't really want to talk about that. I have a feeling I'll get depressed and I don't know why. I can just feel my mood deflating. My mood is a balloon and it was all full today, but at around 2pm-ish, several questions on this exam and my own dumb issues untied the balloon and it's been deflating ever since. Wow. Dumb metaphor much?

I'm hungry, but I really don't want to eat.

I think this fan is making my eyes watery. Either that or my hormones are playing games with me and I'm actually about to cry for no reason... Wouldn't be the first time.

GAH I'M HUNGRY. I suddenly feel like Nando's. Huh. Great. There is a VERY VERY VERY small chance I'll be getting Nando's tonight.

My brother's too sick to go out so we can't have Nando's. Fudgeballs.

My balloon has fully deflated. My mood is now a popped balloon lying on the floor. MUST. STOP. WITH. THE. BAD. METAPHOR. ABOUT. BALLOONS. Anyway, I'm going to watch some anime in an attempt to reflate my balloon.

Well, that kinda inflated my mood. I guess.

Still hungry. Ugh.

I made guacamole and ate that with crackers. Yum. But I'm still hungry.

I'm always too scared to submit confessions to all the various Tumblr confession blogs... so I'm currently posting my own unpopular opinion. Who is ever too scared to post an anonymous confession? I make no sense, guys.

I seriously have NOTHING to post here. I don't feel like pouring my heart and soul out because it will most likely end in some sort of unpleasantry, so I think I'll wrap this totally pointless post up now. Maybe I should end this with a picture of some sort? OR GIFS.

HEY! I just realised that they are all gifs from three of my favourite shows, like, ever. N'aww. How serendipitous. Not really, I just wanted to use that word.

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