Tuesday 19 April 2011

11th-18th April 2011

Little maths lesson for you all. Now, I read about this on some random blog I skimmed through. Someone was attempting a 365 Day Photo Challenge- take a photo everyday. They gave up, on account of their ADD or something. They then read about a weekly challenge and are doing that instead. Now, I have had an interest in photography for years, but have never done anything about it and am really want to now. Only problem is, I have like, no money and a cruddy camera. But hey, I can save up... Maybe. I was thinking of also doing this challenge- the weekly one. I will upload a photo every week. I hope. I am going to forget I know, so everyone needs to help me remember. These won't just be random photos, but photos of small, strange things in my life, things that make me smile or think or just things that represent me now or my hopeful future. Now, my brief, vague calculations told me that there are 36 weeks left in the year. If anyone disagrees, please tell me, because I don't think I'm right. Now, since I don't have some cool, expensive camera with loads of cool effects and whatnot, I like editing pictures, so I'll do that, to make 'em look cooler. I will here upload my Photo Of The Week for last week:

This is my favourite building around. I mean, I haven't been to many architecturally astounding buildings or anything. In short, this building represents the hopes for my future. It represents everything I want to be and everything I hope I will be. No, I do not want to be a building, just to clear that up. I could not love this place more.

1 comment:

  1. Faaaaaaa...kir. That is one damn schmexi building. I'm not in love with that place *shifty eyes* noooo.
    And I must say, that is quite an impressive photo of it :#3 Defs does it justice.
    I tried to do a 365 day photo challenge earlier this year, but I found myself taking photos of things like assginments and rubbish. In short, I gave up after 5 days. Dedication! xP
