Friday 29 April 2011

Who Gives A Toss About The Royal Wedding?

Me. Yes, I actually care. At school, people were either like, "Man, who cares? I'm gonna totally ignore it cause I don't give a crap," or girls saying, "I'm just going to watch it to see her dress."
I am different. I actually kinda care. Well, you know, I actually like the royals. I honestly do. I have grown up with my father and he loves the royals. My mum likes them too. I find them interesting.

I don't see why everyone goes, "Agh, who cares? They're just royals!" I mean, it's true, but if your favourite celebrity where getting married, you'd be as excited. Anywho. I don't honestly care much about Prince William. I'm not one of those women who find him attractive. I mean, dude. He's got a receding hairline. I'm not into baldness.

I like Harry better. Despite the fact that he is more wild and goes off partying. Firstly, red hair. Yes, please.  Secondly, Harry. Loving that name. Especially said with a British accent. So, like, relatively young prince with red hair and a name that sounds very cool with a British accent. Yeah. Did I mention, British accent? Sorry.

Anyway, I am interested in Kate. Being a commoner and all. Imagine marrying a prince. That'd be insane. I wouldn't want to do it. I don't want all that publicity and whatnot. Also, I so wouldn't want to be in-line for Queen. I mean, I haven't figured out what I want to do with my life, but I do know I don't want to be Queen.

I have to say, despite the fact that he has things that look like ropes hanging off his clothes, I definitely like Harry's clothes better than William's flaming red thing.

LOL! Harry has a bald spot.

So, I'm watching the news coverage of it now, hence my running commentary.

I am totes annoyed that my 'wonderful' Prime Minister is attending this wedding, but I probably shouldn't go into that.

Hahaha. Poor Harry. He's walking down the isle smiling at all these offical dudes kinda awkwardly cause William's next to him talking to some dude.

My dad just told me that Harry's actual name is Henry. I must say, I am very disappointed. Oh well, I still like Harry.

The one thing I do find annoying is the huge deal that is made out of all the outfits women are wearing. I mean, duh, we care about Kate's dress. But must we care so much about her mother's dress? Well, I guess. But, seriously, Harry's on-again-off-again girlfriend's outfit? Seriously, who cares? She looked annoying. I think her hair was lighter than her skin. That bugs me.

It'd be kinda cool to be one of those royal dudes that no one talks about. I mean, they just introduced the Prince and Princess of Kent. Some guy called Michael, or something. Like, who? See? They are royalty, they are rich, they are at least slightly famous, they get invited to royal weddings, but they don't have a million paparazzi taking photos of them when they leave their house every morning.

So, Charles and Camilla just arrived. I like the royals, but I don't like them. Charles kinda freaks me out. He seems kinda creepy to me. And I always thought Camilla looked like she was conspiring against people and had some scheme to overthrow people with the naive help of Charles. Yes, cynical, I know.

So, Beatrice and Eugenie just arrived. Gosh. I don't think they could have been given more unfortunate names.

They Queen drove past. I really like her. She just seems like such a nice, kind lady. And I like her yellow outfit.

Heh. Charles and Camilla are walking in now. My reaction was, "WOW! He's old now. THEY'RE OLD NOW!"

My parents don't agree with my Charles-and-Camilla-Conspiracy-Theory. Dang. Guess I'm on my own with that one.

I do like the name Camilla though. Not on an old woman though. I'm so ageist.

The Queen is pretty short. Pretty sure that makes me like her more. SHORT PRIDE!

My mum's getting pretty excited here, haha.

Just have to say, Kate is very, very pretty. Like, seriously. Almost unnaturally.

These little dudes in dresses and cute mini-William outfits. Totes 'n'aww' worthy.

I should like, post this and stop writing now, or else I'll keep giving you all a commentary for a few hours.

Before I go though, I have to say that Kate looks really happy in the car. Of course she has to smile at all the thousands of the fans, but still. She looks genuinely happy and I find that really cool. As you all know, I am a hopeless romantic, wedding-lover so seeing people so happy driving into their wedding, despite the insane hype and pressure, makes the hopeless romantic in me smile widely. And the Queen looks extremely happy too.

OMG, it's starting now. Now, I will stop writing to you, as the wedding is actually starting, hahaha. So long :)

PS. She has quite a nice dress, despite the fact that I do not like lace (despite the fact that I have lace on my formal dress).


  1. Oh, that's not totally true. Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood are celebrities that I absolutely adore, yet I didn't care when they got married (to other people, I might add) =P I might have cared if they were marrying me, but... =D

    It's not so much that they're royals in my case. I've always been rather indifferent about weddings, even in my own family.
    And I've always thought of weddings being a family ordeal, not a huge public spectacle...
    I mean, I get why people want to watch, and I kind of get the media obsession. It just doesn't appeal to me at all. I do like the royal family as well, but... weddings aren't... just... yeah... xD

    But hey, accents and military uniforms! I can't complain about being forced to watch, because some of the guards and officials are turning me on. :3

  2. Mmhmm. I never thought you'd be one who'd get into it :P
    I do understand your points there, indeed. Good arguments, Miss Gojo.
    It's my hopeless romanticness and wedding-lovingness that makes me interested. But I've lost interest because a) They sang SO many hymns, b) They aren't showing Harry at the moment and c) These commentators are annoying XP

  3. Hehehe, yes, well =P My idea of romance is a little different to yours, methinks.
    Oh yes, the hymns... the kids were cute while singing though ^^

  4. Hahaha. Yes, we do have different tastes. Except- RED HAIR <3
    Oh my gosh, the little kids were adorable. You know, the little boys in the military outfits? Soo cute.

  5. I ended up watching it with my family, becuase it was a 'historical event that I needed to be there for'. To be honest, I felt REALLY awkward watching the wedding of people I didn't know, and I actually felt bad for them. Eh, I dunno, it just made me want my wedding to be even more private, when that day comes. And it made me realise that I don't really care about wedding ceremonies, which shocked me.
    Nevertheless, Kate looked to beautiful :3 I LOVED her dress. The kids were cute. Princess Beatrice and Euginie looked like hookers/ugly stepsisters as always. Julia Gillard shouldn't have been there. William and Kate looked like they were about to LOL when she had finished walking up the isle. Her sister is also very pretty. Camilla and Charles suck. Yeah... I should totes blog about this...

  6. Yeah, they really looked like they just wanted to be able to be alone and celebrate. I kept watching William and he looked like he was so happy he wanted to jump up and scream and dance, but he couldn't because you know. Royalty and all. The balcony scene was interesting. She didn't look to awkward but he kinda did, haha. My parents were saying he just wanted to kiss his wife but millions of people were watching.
    Kate did look stunning and I agree with everything else said. I liked watching Harry when Kate was walking down the isle, he kept looking back and smiling and telling William that she looked great.
