Monday 18 April 2011

Does a Radioactive Cat Have 18 Half-Lives?

I had a parent-teacher interview this afternoon. It's funny to say that, since I'm neither a parent or a teacher. But whatever, I feel like something might have clicked in my strange, muddled brain. This teacher was my Physics & Maths A teacher and from here-on-in shall be called Mr Carrot & Tuna or Mr C&T. Yes, because once, he left the room and came back with a carrot, causing me and Miss Invisible to laugh uncontrollably. Today, he left and came back with a can of tuna. He ate it (not the actual can, obviously) and left the room and came back with another can of tuna. Anyway, his food habits are not important. Now, we sat down and Mr T&C told me mother that I am doing very well in Physics. I wasn't too surprised by this, not because of my huge ego or anything, as he has always seemed to be a fan of me and my relatively consistent B grade in Physics. Now, he pulled out my last exam, in which I got a B-, C, D+ in the three sections, averaging out at about a C. Not my best, but I passed. He proceeded to say that I do well in knowledge and I understand the concepts and can do everything, but the high level of maths seems to freak me out and I panic, especially in exams. This is true as, in the exam, I was going to cry many times and was pretty much having mini-panic attacks in my seat. Now, he went on to talk about Physics, how I am self-motivated (I had to restrain from laughing out loud at that. If only he knew how un-motivated I am. But, I guess I am kinda motivated when it comes to Physics) and work hard, especially since I have not been sitting next to my friend who shall be known as Albino, as the two of us would do nothing but yell at each other. A lot. I do miss those yelling matches though. Anyway, this talk made me feel good. He also said I'm pretty good at Maths. Hah. He thinks that I can maintain, or maybe even raise, my solid B in Maths and try and stay at a solid high B in Physics. It reminded me of how important this subject is to me. Physics, not Maths. I hate Maths. But, Physics is some huge symbolic thing for me. It's weird, but true. Now, at the end of last year I was doing Maths A, English, Biology, Physics and Music. I wanted to pick up English Extension and Music Extension for thus year- making 7 subjects. This COULD have been done, but I was so stressed out doing 5 and knew I couldn't do 7. I needed to drop one. This was one of the toughest decisions I had ever made. I liked Physics, but got Bs and Cs. I was pretty bored with Biology, but I got As relatively easily. I could not decide. Some people would say, "Go with the one with better grades," and others would say, "Go with the one you like." After SO much deliberation and crying and stressing, I chose to drop Biology. Best decision I've made in a long time. I do kinda miss it, because I had done it, and had that teacher, for years, but I really, really like Physics. It's become a statement for me. I never thought I could do Physics when I started in year 11. And I managed to finish year 11 on a high B and half a mark behind the top of the class. I felt SO good. I felt like, if I dropped Physics, I would be giving up and all of that hard work and boosted ego would have been for nothing. I felt like I would be proving something if I managed to do well in two years of Physics, despite my questionable Maths abilities. I still feel like that. This subject interests me and is, strangely enough, the only subject that I never dread going to. That's impressive, since I dread every other class quite frequently. I generally quite like going to Physics, I have fun, I don't mind doing the homework and, weirdly enough, I am kinda excited to do my assginment. I guess I want to finish and just show everyone up. I want to be able to say, "You didn't think I could do it? You didn't think I would make it and actually do well? Well, in your face. Me, the shy, weird girl in Maths A just beat you all in Physics!" I know most of them don't care how I do, but I still don't think grades for any subject this year could make me feel much better. Now, I fear that if I type this next thing, I'll always remember it, setting myself up for disappointment, but my big dream for this year (apart from looking really good and feeling really good at my formal, but that's another post...) is to win the Physics Subject Award. Subject Awards are given at our Valedictory Dinner to the best in the subject. I know I won't get it for any other subjects. You see, I'm in the top group for every other subject, but I'm never the top. I could be the top of Physics, but there is one guy standing in my way and he shall be known as The Insane as his grades and knowledge of Physics and Maths is insane. I won't beat him, but if I did, I couldn't ask for a better graduating present. I know that's weird and nerdy, but it means a lot to me to do well in this subject. This is what this interview with Mr T&C reminded me of. I need to keep remembering this and keep this goal of a B or higher, and the subject prize, in mind and just work my butt off to try my damnedest to get it. 
I have NO idea what that weird Trident-like symbol means, but hey, it's still amusing. 
N'aw, Physicist love <3
Even I don't fail that much 

Heh. Faceplant. 

PS. I was looking up Physics jokes, where I found the post's title, and it feels good, albeit nerdy, to understand the jokes and be able to laugh at them. Heh, 18 half-lives. 


  1. Ahhhh how I love you and your entertaining blogs! :D
    I suggest fixing the line where you mention me... You left it unfinished hahaha.
    I hate you for being so much better than me in Physics >.< Wish I could be as good...

  2. I am glad you enjoy my posts :)
    You are not bad at Physics, you are good and smart you are just unfocused XP
