Sunday, 31 July 2011
25th-31st July 2011
It's my flute, guys. On my favourite piece of music I've ever played for flute so far. Poulenc's flute sonata, 2nd movement, Cantilena. I adore it. Also, a plastic rose is just chilling there. I was photographically experimenting this afternoon. This be my favourite. Despite the shadow. Best picture of my flute reflecting the music. Deep, I know.
Friday, 29 July 2011
Come Up With Your Own Title, Guys.
So, I'm sitting in the state library listening to Paradise Oskar and eating dried apricots. Yes, I know, I'm awesome. You can now all bask in the glory of my randomness.
So, this morning in my flute ensemble rehearsal, I learnt several different, non-traditional flute techniques. These included jet whistles (cover the entire flute embouchure and blow really quickly and harshly. It's cool), "windy sounds" as my conductor called them (similar to jet whistles but you play a scale, or random notes while covering the embouchure), pizzicatos (making popping sounds with your lips into the flute, or doing a weird thrusting thing with your tongue) and tongue rams (covering the embouchure and actually pushing your tongue through it, kind of. It's sounds weirder and grosser than it is). Personally, I love these weird techniques. Last year we learnt some and I thought they were weird but now, I love them. My school music teacher and ex-flute teacher and I were briefly talking about some of them (none of the aforementioned ones, though. I was talking to her about the technique were you actually say "ch" or "sh" into your flute) and she told me I could argue, for my Music Extension assignment, if these kinds of things are really "playing the flute". I could tell by the way she said it that, she doesn't think it's proper flute playing. I disagree. I mean, everything changes over time. 200 years ago, no one would sit in state library on a laptop listening to music through earphones and blogging, but I am now. They way we talk and write has changed so much. Styles of music have changed so much, so why can't the way we play our instruments change?
I don't know why I chose to play the flute when I was 7 years old. It was probably because it was girly and pretty- the reason most girls start to learn, if they are young. Now, however, I don't like all those pretty, frilly, Classical/Baroque, "typical flute" songs. That's what flute is stereotyped to be. High notes, quick notes, pretty notes. I love the flute in the lowest octave. It can sound so beautiful played in the lower octave. It can sounds cool high too, but when I play it, it sounds... eughcky (My new word, guys!) . I love slow, minor, emotional low flute songs. I like fast, pretty ones too, but not predictable ones. I love those songs you listen to and you go, "Oooh! That's interesting..." because you heard something you didn't expect to hear.
Maybe that's why I like these weird flute techniques. I don't think they are anymore "valid" than traditional flute techniques or any less valid. I think they're all as good as each other, it's just different.
Anyway, as you can see, I'm not doing a very good job of doing my Maths assignment.
Have you ever gone to sleep in a TERRIBLE mood (like, almost crying yourself to sleep mood) and woken up the next morning totally happy? Like, you think about the night before and you feel totally indifferent towards it? I had one of these experiences. Not going to go into the details because, frankly, talking about a bad night will make me feel... bad... and I'm feeling fine right now. A little hungry, but fine.
"When I decide to come running like Lancelot and the sirens are singing, and the sirens are singing, that I am too late..."
Guys, can I have Paradise Oskar come running to me like Lancelot? *cough* Anyway...
I watched episode 1 of The Glee Project yesterday, as requested by nath_alex01. It was pretty good, actually. I gave up on watching Glee around half way through this season. Actually, I missed an episode and therefore didn't watch the next one and then eventually I gave up. I wasn't liking it as much. It wasn't bad but it wasn't the great, funny, still heartwarming, different Glee I knew from season 1. I loved season 1 Glee. So much. I miss it. It was good. Thinking about that usually makes me depressed. Oh well. Back to The Glee Project. I choose favourites and least favourites pretty quickly. If any of you could be stuffed to look it up, or if you know it, I shall tell you my favourites and least favourites. I really like Ellis (she's 18 and looks like she's 10. I can relate. I like her weird humour and her voice is pretty cool), Marissa (She hasn't said much, but her voice is really good and different), Cameron (Firstly, he's kind of adorkable (stole that word off Gojo, I think) and I LOVE his voice. Love it), Damien (pretty cool voice, nothing spectacular, but I ADORE his Irish accent. I swear, I could listen to him for hours) and, strangely enough, Emily. I only like her because her stuck-up, flirtiness is funny. Anyway, once I've done a little bit of work here, I might watch episode 2. Just cause the preview showed Lindsay being bitchy towards Ellis. I like bitchy TV people and I like Ellis, so yeah.
I have GOT to stop eating. I'm not even sure if you're allowed to eat in here... Whoops...
There's this kinda weird couple here. I think they're Japanese. They are funny. N'aww.
... The guy keeps running away and laughing and she's all, "LOL." Well, not actually. She does literally LOL, she doesn't say it. Now she's running. In the opposite direction... As you do. And they've left their laptops and weird camera and container of gum on the little tables. Oh my gosh! She ran over to this window on the other side from where the guy ran, and she looked at and he walked past. They're now kinda talking through the window and laughing. They're leaving the window now. These two are strange...
Oh no! Paradise Oskar's album has finished. What should I listen to now?
The more I eat, the hungrier I get. Fml.
I don't think I can do any of my Maths assignment here. I need paper and pens and space. I'll do this at home. Now, I guess I'll do... Music or something. Better stop blogging then :)
So, this morning in my flute ensemble rehearsal, I learnt several different, non-traditional flute techniques. These included jet whistles (cover the entire flute embouchure and blow really quickly and harshly. It's cool), "windy sounds" as my conductor called them (similar to jet whistles but you play a scale, or random notes while covering the embouchure), pizzicatos (making popping sounds with your lips into the flute, or doing a weird thrusting thing with your tongue) and tongue rams (covering the embouchure and actually pushing your tongue through it, kind of. It's sounds weirder and grosser than it is). Personally, I love these weird techniques. Last year we learnt some and I thought they were weird but now, I love them. My school music teacher and ex-flute teacher and I were briefly talking about some of them (none of the aforementioned ones, though. I was talking to her about the technique were you actually say "ch" or "sh" into your flute) and she told me I could argue, for my Music Extension assignment, if these kinds of things are really "playing the flute". I could tell by the way she said it that, she doesn't think it's proper flute playing. I disagree. I mean, everything changes over time. 200 years ago, no one would sit in state library on a laptop listening to music through earphones and blogging, but I am now. They way we talk and write has changed so much. Styles of music have changed so much, so why can't the way we play our instruments change?
I don't know why I chose to play the flute when I was 7 years old. It was probably because it was girly and pretty- the reason most girls start to learn, if they are young. Now, however, I don't like all those pretty, frilly, Classical/Baroque, "typical flute" songs. That's what flute is stereotyped to be. High notes, quick notes, pretty notes. I love the flute in the lowest octave. It can sound so beautiful played in the lower octave. It can sounds cool high too, but when I play it, it sounds... eughcky (My new word, guys!) . I love slow, minor, emotional low flute songs. I like fast, pretty ones too, but not predictable ones. I love those songs you listen to and you go, "Oooh! That's interesting..." because you heard something you didn't expect to hear.
Maybe that's why I like these weird flute techniques. I don't think they are anymore "valid" than traditional flute techniques or any less valid. I think they're all as good as each other, it's just different.
Anyway, as you can see, I'm not doing a very good job of doing my Maths assignment.
Have you ever gone to sleep in a TERRIBLE mood (like, almost crying yourself to sleep mood) and woken up the next morning totally happy? Like, you think about the night before and you feel totally indifferent towards it? I had one of these experiences. Not going to go into the details because, frankly, talking about a bad night will make me feel... bad... and I'm feeling fine right now. A little hungry, but fine.
"When I decide to come running like Lancelot and the sirens are singing, and the sirens are singing, that I am too late..."
Guys, can I have Paradise Oskar come running to me like Lancelot? *cough* Anyway...
I watched episode 1 of The Glee Project yesterday, as requested by nath_alex01. It was pretty good, actually. I gave up on watching Glee around half way through this season. Actually, I missed an episode and therefore didn't watch the next one and then eventually I gave up. I wasn't liking it as much. It wasn't bad but it wasn't the great, funny, still heartwarming, different Glee I knew from season 1. I loved season 1 Glee. So much. I miss it. It was good. Thinking about that usually makes me depressed. Oh well. Back to The Glee Project. I choose favourites and least favourites pretty quickly. If any of you could be stuffed to look it up, or if you know it, I shall tell you my favourites and least favourites. I really like Ellis (she's 18 and looks like she's 10. I can relate. I like her weird humour and her voice is pretty cool), Marissa (She hasn't said much, but her voice is really good and different), Cameron (Firstly, he's kind of adorkable (stole that word off Gojo, I think) and I LOVE his voice. Love it), Damien (pretty cool voice, nothing spectacular, but I ADORE his Irish accent. I swear, I could listen to him for hours) and, strangely enough, Emily. I only like her because her stuck-up, flirtiness is funny. Anyway, once I've done a little bit of work here, I might watch episode 2. Just cause the preview showed Lindsay being bitchy towards Ellis. I like bitchy TV people and I like Ellis, so yeah.
I have GOT to stop eating. I'm not even sure if you're allowed to eat in here... Whoops...
There's this kinda weird couple here. I think they're Japanese. They are funny. N'aww.
... The guy keeps running away and laughing and she's all, "LOL." Well, not actually. She does literally LOL, she doesn't say it. Now she's running. In the opposite direction... As you do. And they've left their laptops and weird camera and container of gum on the little tables. Oh my gosh! She ran over to this window on the other side from where the guy ran, and she looked at and he walked past. They're now kinda talking through the window and laughing. They're leaving the window now. These two are strange...
Oh no! Paradise Oskar's album has finished. What should I listen to now?
The more I eat, the hungrier I get. Fml.
I don't think I can do any of my Maths assignment here. I need paper and pens and space. I'll do this at home. Now, I guess I'll do... Music or something. Better stop blogging then :)
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
You Are A Filthy Computer Who Likes To Punch Lanterns
So, today was kinda lame. And, no, that does not mean it couldn't walk...
I mean, the first half of it was alright. I guess. Well, music was boring as always, English was kinda sucky because our teacher got PMSy, but it got better. Maths sucked because I received my fat ass assignment and I don't understand how to do it. At all. Music Extension was alright, apart from emotionalness with Phantomess, but it was decent. Physics sucked. Lunch sucked. Form sucked. My Physics/Maths/Year 12 Coordinator was ticking me off to no end... But I don't really want to go into that.
Two friends of mine were really bugging me at lunch and, later, in Physics today. They seem to not get when to stop making ignorant comments. They seem to have an attitude that says, "Well I don't care about x, so I guess no one else does. Oh wait, x is really important to you? Oh well," and they just sit there mocking stuff and only caring about themselves despite the fact that you are really stressed out and annoyed and close to a breakdown and sitting at the lunch table holding back tears. They really don't seem to get that this senior formal and all the work I (and a couple of others) am putting into it is really important to me and is really stressing me out, despite the fact that they don't even want to go. This happened again in Physics, but with only one of the friends. After some... interesting comments from my teacher, I got kinda upset, annoyed and stressed again. My friend brought up his lack of caringness (look, I couldn't think of the word I wanted... Do not judge me). I started zoning out, in an attempt to ignore him or let him know I was upset and I was trying to hold back some tears again, cause that's always fun. Anyway, I THINK he might have caught on. I'm not sure... but I think he saw me looking at my face, which I'm sure didn't look too great right then, and then started cracking some lame jokes that made me laugh. It was probably my imagination of my unwarranted hope, but he MIGHT have been attempting to kind of cheer me up. A little. Maybe. Probably not, but saying this makes me kinda less mad at him.
There is this bit of plastic, or whatever, sticking up on the side of my laptop and it's kinda annoying but I don't want to try and take it off because I'll break my laptop.
Anyway, school sucks. Why? Because I don't hate it, yet I do. I get sick of the work and the stress and sometimes, I just want to be away from everyone. But when I think about next year, I wish I never had to leave school. I am TERRIFIED of next year. I don't want to have to be around new people and deal with new people and talk to new people. I love my group of friends and we are all going different places and I have no idea where I'm going or what I'm doing. People say, "At uni, do what you love and what you're good at." I'm not particularly good at anything. I'm 'pretty good' or 'alright' or 'not bad' at my subjects at school, but when I do well, it's because I do the work. It's not because I have talent in that area; I just do the work I'm supposed to do. So, that leaves me with "do what you love." But, what do I love? Oh wait, nothing. I don't have a passion for anything. I like music and Physics and English but I don't have a passion. They don't give me any ambition. I'm thinking of studying Psychology at uni next year. Why? Well, I'm not good at it, as I've never studied it before. I don't have a passion for it either. I just think it's really interesting and I have some weird fascination with mental illness. I look at careers I could get after uni and none of them interest me. I don't want to be an actual Psychologist and nothing else interests me. Maybe I'll figure it out when I'm studying. Maybe I'll realise, "This is what I want to do with my life," or something like that. But for now, having no idea, no ambition, no passion and no dream SUCKS.
Seems that having dinner put me in a better mood. For now.
... Wait. No, scratch that. My stomach's kinda hurting now. Oh, wonderful.
I have to go to a rehearsal for my school's spectacular tomorrow. Fml, guys. Then, it's Thursday. I hate Thursdays. But, it's my mum's birthday on Thursday. We haven't bought her a present yet. We have to get it tomorrow afternoon/evening, so I hope my dad can get off work early...
I'm feeling sick now. Great. As if I needed another excuse not to do instrumental practice.
I'm bored and I don't want to do school work. I'm not in a much better mood but I don't feel like going on an I-Can-Haz-Issues rant right now, either. What do y'all think I should do?
I SHOULD do my English homework but I don't want to. I SHOULD do my music assignments, but I don't want to. Well, actually, that wouldn't be an awful idea. I definitely should do some of my Maths assignment, and I just might... MIGHT.
Boredom, procrastination, lack of motivation and seriously watering eyes and plaguing me right now. I don't even know what is up with my eyes. STOP WATERING.
You know what? I'm going to stop being a lazy bum and do something school related.
... It's going to be hard to do school work when my eyes won't stop watering!
And my stomach feels like it literally moved inside of me. I call it Stomach Turbulence.
Did some flute practice. I like my pieces. Except one. I hate it. I can't play it. It's weird and doesn't make sense and feels so random. I do not like it and cannot play it and it's awful. I can't get the timing right because it's in freaking 2 and I can't play in 2 and I shall murder this piece. It will be the death of me.
It's Day 2 of Week 3 of this term and, as of today, I am already feeling mega-uber-super-duper-freaking-STRESSED. I do not deal with stress well, as I have learnt this year and this is the biggest term of all. I am not going to do well, I warn you all now. I need to get my grades up and I need to just tell people this when I'm at school. I need to stop chatting away and then feeling annoyed at them after class. If I talk and don't work/listen, it's my fault. I think I just need to say, "Hey, guys, could you be a bit more quiet, I need to work. Thanks," and just do my work. I'm going to try this, because I know I need to.
Ffffffssss--- OK, off to look at my Maths assignment.
[I got this title of a random phrase generator. It has some seriously funky background music that has put me in a better mood for like, 5 minutes]
I mean, the first half of it was alright. I guess. Well, music was boring as always, English was kinda sucky because our teacher got PMSy, but it got better. Maths sucked because I received my fat ass assignment and I don't understand how to do it. At all. Music Extension was alright, apart from emotionalness with Phantomess, but it was decent. Physics sucked. Lunch sucked. Form sucked. My Physics/Maths/Year 12 Coordinator was ticking me off to no end... But I don't really want to go into that.
Two friends of mine were really bugging me at lunch and, later, in Physics today. They seem to not get when to stop making ignorant comments. They seem to have an attitude that says, "Well I don't care about x, so I guess no one else does. Oh wait, x is really important to you? Oh well," and they just sit there mocking stuff and only caring about themselves despite the fact that you are really stressed out and annoyed and close to a breakdown and sitting at the lunch table holding back tears. They really don't seem to get that this senior formal and all the work I (and a couple of others) am putting into it is really important to me and is really stressing me out, despite the fact that they don't even want to go. This happened again in Physics, but with only one of the friends. After some... interesting comments from my teacher, I got kinda upset, annoyed and stressed again. My friend brought up his lack of caringness (look, I couldn't think of the word I wanted... Do not judge me). I started zoning out, in an attempt to ignore him or let him know I was upset and I was trying to hold back some tears again, cause that's always fun. Anyway, I THINK he might have caught on. I'm not sure... but I think he saw me looking at my face, which I'm sure didn't look too great right then, and then started cracking some lame jokes that made me laugh. It was probably my imagination of my unwarranted hope, but he MIGHT have been attempting to kind of cheer me up. A little. Maybe. Probably not, but saying this makes me kinda less mad at him.
There is this bit of plastic, or whatever, sticking up on the side of my laptop and it's kinda annoying but I don't want to try and take it off because I'll break my laptop.
Anyway, school sucks. Why? Because I don't hate it, yet I do. I get sick of the work and the stress and sometimes, I just want to be away from everyone. But when I think about next year, I wish I never had to leave school. I am TERRIFIED of next year. I don't want to have to be around new people and deal with new people and talk to new people. I love my group of friends and we are all going different places and I have no idea where I'm going or what I'm doing. People say, "At uni, do what you love and what you're good at." I'm not particularly good at anything. I'm 'pretty good' or 'alright' or 'not bad' at my subjects at school, but when I do well, it's because I do the work. It's not because I have talent in that area; I just do the work I'm supposed to do. So, that leaves me with "do what you love." But, what do I love? Oh wait, nothing. I don't have a passion for anything. I like music and Physics and English but I don't have a passion. They don't give me any ambition. I'm thinking of studying Psychology at uni next year. Why? Well, I'm not good at it, as I've never studied it before. I don't have a passion for it either. I just think it's really interesting and I have some weird fascination with mental illness. I look at careers I could get after uni and none of them interest me. I don't want to be an actual Psychologist and nothing else interests me. Maybe I'll figure it out when I'm studying. Maybe I'll realise, "This is what I want to do with my life," or something like that. But for now, having no idea, no ambition, no passion and no dream SUCKS.
Seems that having dinner put me in a better mood. For now.
... Wait. No, scratch that. My stomach's kinda hurting now. Oh, wonderful.
I have to go to a rehearsal for my school's spectacular tomorrow. Fml, guys. Then, it's Thursday. I hate Thursdays. But, it's my mum's birthday on Thursday. We haven't bought her a present yet. We have to get it tomorrow afternoon/evening, so I hope my dad can get off work early...
I'm feeling sick now. Great. As if I needed another excuse not to do instrumental practice.
I'm bored and I don't want to do school work. I'm not in a much better mood but I don't feel like going on an I-Can-Haz-Issues rant right now, either. What do y'all think I should do?
I SHOULD do my English homework but I don't want to. I SHOULD do my music assignments, but I don't want to. Well, actually, that wouldn't be an awful idea. I definitely should do some of my Maths assignment, and I just might... MIGHT.
Boredom, procrastination, lack of motivation and seriously watering eyes and plaguing me right now. I don't even know what is up with my eyes. STOP WATERING.
You know what? I'm going to stop being a lazy bum and do something school related.
... It's going to be hard to do school work when my eyes won't stop watering!
And my stomach feels like it literally moved inside of me. I call it Stomach Turbulence.
Did some flute practice. I like my pieces. Except one. I hate it. I can't play it. It's weird and doesn't make sense and feels so random. I do not like it and cannot play it and it's awful. I can't get the timing right because it's in freaking 2 and I can't play in 2 and I shall murder this piece. It will be the death of me.
It's Day 2 of Week 3 of this term and, as of today, I am already feeling mega-uber-super-duper-freaking-STRESSED. I do not deal with stress well, as I have learnt this year and this is the biggest term of all. I am not going to do well, I warn you all now. I need to get my grades up and I need to just tell people this when I'm at school. I need to stop chatting away and then feeling annoyed at them after class. If I talk and don't work/listen, it's my fault. I think I just need to say, "Hey, guys, could you be a bit more quiet, I need to work. Thanks," and just do my work. I'm going to try this, because I know I need to.
Ffffffssss--- OK, off to look at my Maths assignment.
[I got this title of a random phrase generator. It has some seriously funky background music that has put me in a better mood for like, 5 minutes]
Saturday, 23 July 2011
18th-24th July 2011
I kinda collect these random little toys and animals and key chains etc. and just sit them on a specific shelf of my bookcase. There are a few more over to the side, including two rubber pigs placed together so they look like they're kissing, but I couldn't fit them all in.
You'll Come A Waltzing Matilda With Me
My mum, brothers and I just played a game of I Might Be Going to [insert city name here] and I'm Bringing...
It went like this:
I might be going to [insert city name here] and I'm bringing a remote-control car, mum's book, the weight that Uncle Scott gave dad, a peg, a rhino, a bottle of water, Dom's butt, mum's scary facial expression, 12 microwaves, a bunch of flowers, appricot (family inside joke), dad's keys, a tyrannosaurus-rex, a zoo-keeper, a limousine, a jedi and a partridge in a pear tree.
Then, my youngest brother went on youtube and played us a song. Randomly, a group of little kids started singing Waltzing Matilda and afterwards, Old McDonald Had A Farm.
Yeah. It's times like these I love my family and I'll miss these weirdos when I move out...
It went like this:
I might be going to [insert city name here] and I'm bringing a remote-control car, mum's book, the weight that Uncle Scott gave dad, a peg, a rhino, a bottle of water, Dom's butt, mum's scary facial expression, 12 microwaves, a bunch of flowers, appricot (family inside joke), dad's keys, a tyrannosaurus-rex, a zoo-keeper, a limousine, a jedi and a partridge in a pear tree.
Then, my youngest brother went on youtube and played us a song. Randomly, a group of little kids started singing Waltzing Matilda and afterwards, Old McDonald Had A Farm.
Yeah. It's times like these I love my family and I'll miss these weirdos when I move out...
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Paul Likes Girl Pigs and Jim.
This shall be one of my signature Random Posts as I am bored, should be doing school work, and am avoiding doing a depressing post about how I feel lately, because it will result in me being a weird, emotional mess for the rest of the night. Not pretty.
My brother and I just sang a strange, impromptu song about how I couldn't find the kitchen scissors. It was loud, somewhat tuneful and completely random. Also, quite repetitive. I was getting a little too carried away and didn't realise my brother was practically yelling that he'd found them, because I thought he was singing some epic harmony or something. He found my failure amusing. Earlier, my other brother and I were singing "The Power of Love" really loudly and out-of-tunely with several bits hummed due to our lack of knowledge in the lyrics departments. Sometimes I want to strangle my brothers violently, but it's times like these that I get all sentimental. Maybe it's because I know that, with my current Tertiary Education Plan, I will be only living here for another year and a half before moving approximately 6 hours away. I won't miss their annoying nagging, ignoring of me and their terrible grammar (they aren't quite as academically minded as I have always been...) but I will miss the times when I sit at Maccas with them teaching them about OTPs and discussing our OTPs for every TV show we can think of, or the times we sing songs really loudly just because we want to. My older, younger brother and I are known for singing the entirety of "Bohemian Rhapsody" together. Guitar solos included. We are amazing.
I was going to get changed into my PJs, but I've just ended up sitting here for ten minutes in my school uniform with my PJs on my lap. Why do I fail so much?
I'm in my PJs now. You guys totes care. Don't lie to me, I know you do.
Today in PE we had to Design A Game. We were given two bibs, four markers, a rugby ball and a skipping rope and, in groups of four, had to create a game. Gojo, Phantomess, White Ribbon and I kinda failed. We had cool ideas like pushing people out of circles and hitting the rugby ball with a skipping rope. Our PE teacher heard one of our ideas and just looked at us and said, "Okaaayyyy......" with a look that said, "What are these girls on?" and walked away. Gosh.
I was reading a couple of my old posts then and I found one where I did a little Paradise Oskar fangirling. Dang. Now I'm listening to his album after the Fangirl Session that occured in Music today with Tenuto Tuo. We watched several videos of him and Tenuto Tuo had to deal with my creepiness being all, "He's still adorable even in a bad-quality video! Why am I not there in Finland seeing him play live? His voice is so much lower when he talks! HE'S ADORABLE!" Seriously, he sings relatively high and talks MUCH lower. It''s so weird. It has kinda confused Tenuto Tuo and I. "Da da dam, da da dam, da da da da da da da da dam."
AH! FANGIRLING IS OCCURING. I swear, this guy has become one of my favourite musicians. I just adore his music. I mean, no matter what he looked like, I would love his music. It's the kinda stuff I like and his voice is wonderful and the fact that he writes his own songs is so cool. And... he's adorable. *cough* Stop, girl.
Huh. Just briefly read why his stage name is Paradise Oskar. That's prety dang cool. Now, you know I'm a fan when I start slapping people who insult him. That happened today when my friend heard Tenuto Tuo and us playing "Jimmy's Song" (I was singing along) and my friend was all, "Who's this woman?" I proceeded to yell, "HE'S NOT A WOMAN! DO NOT INSULT HIM!" and slap him on the arm several times. He proceeded to call my dear Paradise Oskar a transvestite, just to annoy me, I'm sure, and I yelled and slapped more. Humph.
My dad came in to tell me that cowboys had towns called things like Loonyville and... something else I can't remember. He said one of them was called Peepee or something and I chuckled like a 6 year old. I swear my maturity has gone down the drain lately. *shakes head in shame*
"Thank you for making me feel like the biggest loser alive. And thank you for throwing away these three years of my life." These lines make my little heart break. Poor Paradise Oskar.
The entirety of the song "Dear Mother" breaks my heart. Oh dear. Now I'm fangirling while tearing up. NOT a good combination.
Just realised it's 8pm and I haven't done my English homework. I COULD do it in my spare tomorrow morning... Heh. I love spares. But, if I do it now, I can use my spare tomorrow to do Maths or Physics revision... Or read the book I got out for English Extension today. I'm really getting into reading classic literary texts lately. Well, kinda. This book is called "The House of Mirth." I'm actually pretty excited to read it. I told my mum I want Sense & Sensibility and told her it'd be a GREAT birthday present, so I hope she gets that hint ;)
Oh no! The Paradise Oskar album has finished playing. I'm depressed now.
Just realised I'm missing Masterchef. It's an elimination between 3 people. One of them is one of my favourites. The other two are people I've been wanting to go home for weeks and weeks. Can't believe I'm missing it.
Better go see if my family's watching it before it finishes. Hope y'all enjoyed this post about nothing.
POST TITLE EXPLANATION: This is the random crud I get up to with White Ribbon in Maths...
My brother and I just sang a strange, impromptu song about how I couldn't find the kitchen scissors. It was loud, somewhat tuneful and completely random. Also, quite repetitive. I was getting a little too carried away and didn't realise my brother was practically yelling that he'd found them, because I thought he was singing some epic harmony or something. He found my failure amusing. Earlier, my other brother and I were singing "The Power of Love" really loudly and out-of-tunely with several bits hummed due to our lack of knowledge in the lyrics departments. Sometimes I want to strangle my brothers violently, but it's times like these that I get all sentimental. Maybe it's because I know that, with my current Tertiary Education Plan, I will be only living here for another year and a half before moving approximately 6 hours away. I won't miss their annoying nagging, ignoring of me and their terrible grammar (they aren't quite as academically minded as I have always been...) but I will miss the times when I sit at Maccas with them teaching them about OTPs and discussing our OTPs for every TV show we can think of, or the times we sing songs really loudly just because we want to. My older, younger brother and I are known for singing the entirety of "Bohemian Rhapsody" together. Guitar solos included. We are amazing.
I was going to get changed into my PJs, but I've just ended up sitting here for ten minutes in my school uniform with my PJs on my lap. Why do I fail so much?
I'm in my PJs now. You guys totes care. Don't lie to me, I know you do.
Today in PE we had to Design A Game. We were given two bibs, four markers, a rugby ball and a skipping rope and, in groups of four, had to create a game. Gojo, Phantomess, White Ribbon and I kinda failed. We had cool ideas like pushing people out of circles and hitting the rugby ball with a skipping rope. Our PE teacher heard one of our ideas and just looked at us and said, "Okaaayyyy......" with a look that said, "What are these girls on?" and walked away. Gosh.
I was reading a couple of my old posts then and I found one where I did a little Paradise Oskar fangirling. Dang. Now I'm listening to his album after the Fangirl Session that occured in Music today with Tenuto Tuo. We watched several videos of him and Tenuto Tuo had to deal with my creepiness being all, "He's still adorable even in a bad-quality video! Why am I not there in Finland seeing him play live? His voice is so much lower when he talks! HE'S ADORABLE!" Seriously, he sings relatively high and talks MUCH lower. It''s so weird. It has kinda confused Tenuto Tuo and I. "Da da dam, da da dam, da da da da da da da da dam."
AH! FANGIRLING IS OCCURING. I swear, this guy has become one of my favourite musicians. I just adore his music. I mean, no matter what he looked like, I would love his music. It's the kinda stuff I like and his voice is wonderful and the fact that he writes his own songs is so cool. And... he's adorable. *cough* Stop, girl.
Huh. Just briefly read why his stage name is Paradise Oskar. That's prety dang cool. Now, you know I'm a fan when I start slapping people who insult him. That happened today when my friend heard Tenuto Tuo and us playing "Jimmy's Song" (I was singing along) and my friend was all, "Who's this woman?" I proceeded to yell, "HE'S NOT A WOMAN! DO NOT INSULT HIM!" and slap him on the arm several times. He proceeded to call my dear Paradise Oskar a transvestite, just to annoy me, I'm sure, and I yelled and slapped more. Humph.
My dad came in to tell me that cowboys had towns called things like Loonyville and... something else I can't remember. He said one of them was called Peepee or something and I chuckled like a 6 year old. I swear my maturity has gone down the drain lately. *shakes head in shame*
"Thank you for making me feel like the biggest loser alive. And thank you for throwing away these three years of my life." These lines make my little heart break. Poor Paradise Oskar.
The entirety of the song "Dear Mother" breaks my heart. Oh dear. Now I'm fangirling while tearing up. NOT a good combination.
Just realised it's 8pm and I haven't done my English homework. I COULD do it in my spare tomorrow morning... Heh. I love spares. But, if I do it now, I can use my spare tomorrow to do Maths or Physics revision... Or read the book I got out for English Extension today. I'm really getting into reading classic literary texts lately. Well, kinda. This book is called "The House of Mirth." I'm actually pretty excited to read it. I told my mum I want Sense & Sensibility and told her it'd be a GREAT birthday present, so I hope she gets that hint ;)
Oh no! The Paradise Oskar album has finished playing. I'm depressed now.
Just realised I'm missing Masterchef. It's an elimination between 3 people. One of them is one of my favourites. The other two are people I've been wanting to go home for weeks and weeks. Can't believe I'm missing it.
Better go see if my family's watching it before it finishes. Hope y'all enjoyed this post about nothing.
POST TITLE EXPLANATION: This is the random crud I get up to with White Ribbon in Maths...
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
I'm A Post Thief. Deal With It.
Stealing this Fandom Quiz thang off Gojo and nath_alex01. I will do all my non-anime fandoms, as this ain't my anime blog.
Fandom: How I Met Your Mother.
Favorite Character: Marshall Eriksen
Least Favorite Character: From their gang? Lily. In general? Maybe Victoria. Nah. Maybe that Karen chick Ted dated...
Most Attractive Character: Is it weird that, being a girl myself, I didn't even consider the male characters? Oh well. I'd say it's pretty close between Zoey, Nora and Robin.
Character I Wanna Marry: Hm. Probably Marshall. He's so nice and funny and, well, not the other guys...
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Probably Marshall as well. He'd make such a good best friend.
Favorite Pairing: This is tough. Before Season 6, my OTP was Barney/Robin. After Season 6, I am extremely conflicted between Barney/Robin and Barney/Nora.
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: So many. I adored "Subway Wars" and episodes like "Do I Know You?" which are focused on Barney's feelings for Robin.
Unpopular Opinion: Apparently my dislike for Lily is an unpopular opinion. She can be funny and cool but a lot of the time, I find her annoying and somewhat selfish, especially in regards to the way she is around Marshall after his father dies.
Fandom: Doctor Who
Favorite Character: Um. The Doctor or Rose. Closely followed by Amy, I must say.
Least Favorite Character: Uhhh. I don't know. Oooh! That big spider chick from "The Runaway Bride" sucked. And "The Wire". Oh gosh, forever scared here.
Most Attractive Character: Amy Pond. Or the Tenth Doctor. Both.
Character I Wanna Marry: The Doctor. Preferably the Tenth. Yeah, I'd forbid him to ever regenerate. Well, maybe, because I do love Eleven.
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Donna Noble. She is hilarious. Or Rory.
Favorite Pairing: Ten/Rose. Increasingly closely followed by Amy/Rory.
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: Cannot choose one. I love so many. The ones with Rose leaving were amazing and the season 5 finale was so amazing too.
Unpopular Opinion: Don't think I really have any... I dunno. I don't really ship Nine/Rose. Not sure why, but I always preferred her with Ten. Also, don't ship Eleven with anyone really. Or Nine. Also, don't like Martha.
Fandom: The Big Bang Theory
Favorite Character: Tied between Sheldon and Raj.
Least Favorite Character: Leonard. He's boring and annoying and pretty selfish and not a good friend to poor Sheldon.
Most Attractive Character: I actually don't know. I've always thought Raj was cute, but more from an, "Aww, isn't he adorable?" perspective...
Character I Wanna Marry: Raj? But the whole Can't-Talk-To-Women-Unless-He's-Drunk thing makes that hard.. in that case, no one.
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Again. Raj. You see, I already hang out with someone similar to Sheldon and, although Sheldon is funny on TV, I couldn't deal with him all the time.
Favorite Pairing: Shamy.
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: Cannot choose. Especially since I don't know any off by heart. Anyone with Amy's usually pretty good :P
Unpopular Opinion: I actually really ship Howard/Bernadette. I don't know how popular that is. Maybe disliking Leonard is unpopular. I also don't ship him with anyone. I also don't really ship Shenny. I don't think it could ever actually work and it would ruin so much.
Fandom: Friends
Favorite Character: Chandler Bing.
Least Favorite Character: From the gang? Probably Rachel.
Most Attractive Character: Um. Chandler throughout certain seasons.
Character I Wanna Marry: Chandler.
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Phoebe. Or Monica.
Favorite Pairing: Chandler/Monica.
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: Again, I don't know. I love the one where Monica proposes. I love The One Where Everyone Finds Out. Early Ross/Rachel shipping episodes are good. The finale is emotional.
Unpopular Opinion: I'm not sure what's popular or not. I'll throw out some random opinions then. I like Early Season Ross MUCH more than Later Season Ross. I think I like Early Seasons Ross/Rachel more too...
Fandom: Total Drama
Favorite Character: For all three seasons, overall, Heather. Very, very, VERY closely followed by Alejandro.
Least Favorite Character: Beth. Oh dear, me. I groan and mumble about my wishes for her impending death whenever she speaks. I am horrible, but she is fictional, so it's OK.
Most Attractive Character: Is it really bad that the cartoon show is the one I find easiest to answer this question with? Alejandro.
Character I Wanna Marry: Uh. Alejandro.
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Harold. He's so funny and dorky.
Favorite Pairing: AleHeather. Serious. I will go down with that ship. Followed by Duncney (I'll go down with that one too) followed by Gwent (Yeah, sure, I'll go down with that too). But AleHeather trumps everything. Ever.
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: Oh dear. ISLAND: Brunch of Disgustingness, Hook, Line and Screamer, Phobia Factor, Basic Straining (LOVE this one. Duncney shipping!), Search and Do Not Destroy.
ACTION: Beach Blanket Bogus, 3:10 To Crazytown, Ocean's Eight-Or Nine, Million Dollar Babies, The Princess Pride, Get A Clue.
WORLD TOUR: (I love them all, btw) Newf Kids On The Rock, I See London, Sweden Sour, African Lying Society, Rapa-Phooey, Aww, Drumheller, Planes, Trains and Hot Air Mobiles.
I think that's all :P
Unpopular Opinion: I don't like Gwen. I don't mind Island Gwen and I STRONGLY dislike World Tour Gwen. I found that she didn't live up to her stereotype like other characters. I didn't think she was emo or goth enough and therefore, found her boring. Also, I STRONGLY dislike the pairing of Gwuncan. I know. I hate it. They are too similar. They are not interesting and I think they would make really good friends as they have a best friend/sibling-like kinda bond and I do not like them as a pair at all. The more I watch Island and see them with Trent or Courtney, the stronger I feel about this.
Fandom: How I Met Your Mother.
Favorite Character: Marshall Eriksen
Least Favorite Character: From their gang? Lily. In general? Maybe Victoria. Nah. Maybe that Karen chick Ted dated...
Most Attractive Character: Is it weird that, being a girl myself, I didn't even consider the male characters? Oh well. I'd say it's pretty close between Zoey, Nora and Robin.
Character I Wanna Marry: Hm. Probably Marshall. He's so nice and funny and, well, not the other guys...
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Probably Marshall as well. He'd make such a good best friend.
Favorite Pairing: This is tough. Before Season 6, my OTP was Barney/Robin. After Season 6, I am extremely conflicted between Barney/Robin and Barney/Nora.
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: So many. I adored "Subway Wars" and episodes like "Do I Know You?" which are focused on Barney's feelings for Robin.
Unpopular Opinion: Apparently my dislike for Lily is an unpopular opinion. She can be funny and cool but a lot of the time, I find her annoying and somewhat selfish, especially in regards to the way she is around Marshall after his father dies.
Fandom: Doctor Who
Favorite Character: Um. The Doctor or Rose. Closely followed by Amy, I must say.
Least Favorite Character: Uhhh. I don't know. Oooh! That big spider chick from "The Runaway Bride" sucked. And "The Wire". Oh gosh, forever scared here.
Most Attractive Character: Amy Pond. Or the Tenth Doctor. Both.
Character I Wanna Marry: The Doctor. Preferably the Tenth. Yeah, I'd forbid him to ever regenerate. Well, maybe, because I do love Eleven.
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Donna Noble. She is hilarious. Or Rory.
Favorite Pairing: Ten/Rose. Increasingly closely followed by Amy/Rory.
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: Cannot choose one. I love so many. The ones with Rose leaving were amazing and the season 5 finale was so amazing too.
Unpopular Opinion: Don't think I really have any... I dunno. I don't really ship Nine/Rose. Not sure why, but I always preferred her with Ten. Also, don't ship Eleven with anyone really. Or Nine. Also, don't like Martha.
Fandom: The Big Bang Theory
Favorite Character: Tied between Sheldon and Raj.
Least Favorite Character: Leonard. He's boring and annoying and pretty selfish and not a good friend to poor Sheldon.
Most Attractive Character: I actually don't know. I've always thought Raj was cute, but more from an, "Aww, isn't he adorable?" perspective...
Character I Wanna Marry: Raj? But the whole Can't-Talk-To-Women-Unless-He's-Drunk thing makes that hard.. in that case, no one.
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Again. Raj. You see, I already hang out with someone similar to Sheldon and, although Sheldon is funny on TV, I couldn't deal with him all the time.
Favorite Pairing: Shamy.
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: Cannot choose. Especially since I don't know any off by heart. Anyone with Amy's usually pretty good :P
Unpopular Opinion: I actually really ship Howard/Bernadette. I don't know how popular that is. Maybe disliking Leonard is unpopular. I also don't ship him with anyone. I also don't really ship Shenny. I don't think it could ever actually work and it would ruin so much.
Fandom: Friends
Favorite Character: Chandler Bing.
Least Favorite Character: From the gang? Probably Rachel.
Most Attractive Character: Um. Chandler throughout certain seasons.
Character I Wanna Marry: Chandler.
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Phoebe. Or Monica.
Favorite Pairing: Chandler/Monica.
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: Again, I don't know. I love the one where Monica proposes. I love The One Where Everyone Finds Out. Early Ross/Rachel shipping episodes are good. The finale is emotional.
Unpopular Opinion: I'm not sure what's popular or not. I'll throw out some random opinions then. I like Early Season Ross MUCH more than Later Season Ross. I think I like Early Seasons Ross/Rachel more too...
Fandom: Total Drama
Favorite Character: For all three seasons, overall, Heather. Very, very, VERY closely followed by Alejandro.
Least Favorite Character: Beth. Oh dear, me. I groan and mumble about my wishes for her impending death whenever she speaks. I am horrible, but she is fictional, so it's OK.
Most Attractive Character: Is it really bad that the cartoon show is the one I find easiest to answer this question with? Alejandro.
Character I Wanna Marry: Uh. Alejandro.
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Harold. He's so funny and dorky.
Favorite Pairing: AleHeather. Serious. I will go down with that ship. Followed by Duncney (I'll go down with that one too) followed by Gwent (Yeah, sure, I'll go down with that too). But AleHeather trumps everything. Ever.
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: Oh dear. ISLAND: Brunch of Disgustingness, Hook, Line and Screamer, Phobia Factor, Basic Straining (LOVE this one. Duncney shipping!), Search and Do Not Destroy.
ACTION: Beach Blanket Bogus, 3:10 To Crazytown, Ocean's Eight-Or Nine, Million Dollar Babies, The Princess Pride, Get A Clue.
WORLD TOUR: (I love them all, btw) Newf Kids On The Rock, I See London, Sweden Sour, African Lying Society, Rapa-Phooey, Aww, Drumheller, Planes, Trains and Hot Air Mobiles.
I think that's all :P
Unpopular Opinion: I don't like Gwen. I don't mind Island Gwen and I STRONGLY dislike World Tour Gwen. I found that she didn't live up to her stereotype like other characters. I didn't think she was emo or goth enough and therefore, found her boring. Also, I STRONGLY dislike the pairing of Gwuncan. I know. I hate it. They are too similar. They are not interesting and I think they would make really good friends as they have a best friend/sibling-like kinda bond and I do not like them as a pair at all. The more I watch Island and see them with Trent or Courtney, the stronger I feel about this.
Saturday, 16 July 2011
11th-17th July 2011
Firstly, I am doing this photo post a day early because I probably won't have time tomorrow.
Secondly, it's my 100th post people!! Can't believe it's just a photo and a couple of lame comments, though. Oh well. I'll make my 101st post cool to make up for it.
When we visited my grandparent's last weekend, my mum and nanna got out all this old stuff that, I think, was my great-grandmother's. This included a garlic crusher, some microwave/oven/stove (I can't remember) baskets, which I stole and are now in my room, these old herb and spice jars and various other kitchen things. I loved these and the metal baskets, because I love old stuff. I love seeing old, retro, vintage stuff being used again as decorations or for practical purposes. I am yet to find a place to put these jars or anything to put in them, but I love them all the same. Also, I'm really happy with this photo and the slight editing I've done of it. Unfortunately, if I post it any bigger, it won't fit on the page properly. It's probably one of my favourites this year. LIGHTBULB MOMENT! At the end of the year, I think I'll create a post of my favourite weekly photos from 2011. Mmm, good idea indeed.
Secondly, it's my 100th post people!! Can't believe it's just a photo and a couple of lame comments, though. Oh well. I'll make my 101st post cool to make up for it.
When we visited my grandparent's last weekend, my mum and nanna got out all this old stuff that, I think, was my great-grandmother's. This included a garlic crusher, some microwave/oven/stove (I can't remember) baskets, which I stole and are now in my room, these old herb and spice jars and various other kitchen things. I loved these and the metal baskets, because I love old stuff. I love seeing old, retro, vintage stuff being used again as decorations or for practical purposes. I am yet to find a place to put these jars or anything to put in them, but I love them all the same. Also, I'm really happy with this photo and the slight editing I've done of it. Unfortunately, if I post it any bigger, it won't fit on the page properly. It's probably one of my favourites this year. LIGHTBULB MOMENT! At the end of the year, I think I'll create a post of my favourite weekly photos from 2011. Mmm, good idea indeed.
Friday, 15 July 2011
Happy Birthday To You, You're Not One Hundred And Two. You're only Fourty-Three. No, He's Only Fourty-Two.
Yesterday was my dad's birthday and in tradition, we went out for dinner with my aunty, uncle and two younger cousins. Now, by the time we got to the restaurant, it was pretty quiet and therefore, the waiters/waitresses got pretty bored. This meant that we were served a LOT. Serious. We had a lot of cups on our table and a waitress came along and asked if she could take them away. We said it was fine. She left and a waiter came along and asked if he could take them away. We let him. He left and a waitress came along and asked if she could take some plates. She left with some plates and a waiter came along and did the same thing. We were served by nearly all of the waiters in that restaurant that night.
Now, there was this one waiter who came along who was somewhat attractive. Just sayin'. Anyway, my family were making weird jokes with him as he was taking our plates (my cousins had been freaking out every waiter that night... I tried hard to pretend I wasn't there, but they all noticed my existence). He was all cool with the jokes, despite the fact I was sitting there thinking, "Stop being weird around the somewhat attractive waiter. Let him take our plates and LEAVE before I crawl into a hole under this table and die from embarrassment!" Anyway, he decided this was normal and told us about other weird things customers asked him. They have asked him things like the emergency procedure if a nuclear bomb were to be in the building, something else I can't remember and apparently, one guy asked him if he would go out with his daughter. We all LOL'd away and he said, "See you," to us and left with our plates. Half of me was like, "YAY NO MORE EMBARRASSMENT!" and the other half was like, "Aw. I like this waiter dude." Anyway, after he'd walked away, my dad decided to turn around and say, "Will you go out with my daughter?" as a joke. Thankfully, waiter dude was totally gone and only people at our table heard. I put on a serious face and was all, "I do not appreciate this," but you know when you're totally embarrassed and whatnot, and you can't help but smile or smirk or half-laugh? Well, I did that... Firstly, my aunty replied to my comment by saying, "You might appreciate it if he went out with you," and continued to say stuff like, "Don't knock it till you try it," or whatever. My 11-year-old cousin managed to pick up on the slight smile/smirk on my face and tried to tell my dad. I don't think he really heard or cared, so that's good.
Unfortunately, that was SO not the end of the embarrassment. My cousins and brothers all decided to dare themselves to do stupid things in front of a waiter. This waiter happened to be the other nice, somewhat funny, young waiter. My brother was dared to feel his chest and say, "Where's my jacket?" even though he was wearing it. My little cousin was dared to walk around wiggling his butt. The Butt Wiggle apparently. The waiter kinda kept looking over at me during these dares as I was sitting there with my hand on my face, shaking my head, but kinda laughing at the stupidity of it all and so wishing I wasn't there. When we left, my cousins decided to dare HIM to do something. Thankfully, all they did was dare him to breathe and he was all like, "Done." Thankfully, none of these waiters seemed to mind too much. They all smiled and joked along with our stupidity... When we were leaving, Young Waiter Who Was Dared To Breathe and another waitress were cleaning our table and they were totes talking about us. Not sure I'll be inviting my cousins to my birthday dinner. Actually, I want to go to an Indian restaurant and I've only been there with the same family members before... I think the Somewhat Attractive Waiter there already knows about our issues and he usually doesn't mind that we are annoying, so I guess it's OK...
Yesterday we had this guy come to talk to us about the QCS test and help us prepare and stuff. He was one horrible dude. He was condescending and constantly looking down on us, our teachers and our school in general. It's funny because, when I left, I felt so much more pride in my school and my education and myself solely because he thought we were nothing. I went on internal rants about how, when I graduate in less than six months, I will have attended this school for 10 years and have always been the top or in the top group of people, academically, so this guy cannot judge me. He asked me some questions and, because he was scary as hell, I was flipping out. I get scared of answering questions in my normal English classes, let alone with an old, snobby, rude man asking me stuff. I could tell he was judging me and my intelligence and it made me think about how little you know about people. I mean, he made so many judgments about me and my grade and my school in that hour-and-a-half, but he has no idea. Anyway, basically, I felt lots of pride in the school I go to after that. I do love my school. 10 years can do that to you. I have seen it change a LOT and I do love it and I will miss it next year and after, I know it.
Anyway, I've got to do all my homework today because tomorrow I'm going to an expo about university etc. and after that, I'm going to visit my grandfather in hospital because he had a stroke last week. Gotta get all my school stuff done today, which should be fun seeing as though I woke up with a super sore throat and am now feeling really sick... *sigh*
The post was the way my brother's and I sang Happy Birthday to my dad yesterday. I sang the very last line because I actually knew his age...
Now, there was this one waiter who came along who was somewhat attractive. Just sayin'. Anyway, my family were making weird jokes with him as he was taking our plates (my cousins had been freaking out every waiter that night... I tried hard to pretend I wasn't there, but they all noticed my existence). He was all cool with the jokes, despite the fact I was sitting there thinking, "Stop being weird around the somewhat attractive waiter. Let him take our plates and LEAVE before I crawl into a hole under this table and die from embarrassment!" Anyway, he decided this was normal and told us about other weird things customers asked him. They have asked him things like the emergency procedure if a nuclear bomb were to be in the building, something else I can't remember and apparently, one guy asked him if he would go out with his daughter. We all LOL'd away and he said, "See you," to us and left with our plates. Half of me was like, "YAY NO MORE EMBARRASSMENT!" and the other half was like, "Aw. I like this waiter dude." Anyway, after he'd walked away, my dad decided to turn around and say, "Will you go out with my daughter?" as a joke. Thankfully, waiter dude was totally gone and only people at our table heard. I put on a serious face and was all, "I do not appreciate this," but you know when you're totally embarrassed and whatnot, and you can't help but smile or smirk or half-laugh? Well, I did that... Firstly, my aunty replied to my comment by saying, "You might appreciate it if he went out with you," and continued to say stuff like, "Don't knock it till you try it," or whatever. My 11-year-old cousin managed to pick up on the slight smile/smirk on my face and tried to tell my dad. I don't think he really heard or cared, so that's good.
Unfortunately, that was SO not the end of the embarrassment. My cousins and brothers all decided to dare themselves to do stupid things in front of a waiter. This waiter happened to be the other nice, somewhat funny, young waiter. My brother was dared to feel his chest and say, "Where's my jacket?" even though he was wearing it. My little cousin was dared to walk around wiggling his butt. The Butt Wiggle apparently. The waiter kinda kept looking over at me during these dares as I was sitting there with my hand on my face, shaking my head, but kinda laughing at the stupidity of it all and so wishing I wasn't there. When we left, my cousins decided to dare HIM to do something. Thankfully, all they did was dare him to breathe and he was all like, "Done." Thankfully, none of these waiters seemed to mind too much. They all smiled and joked along with our stupidity... When we were leaving, Young Waiter Who Was Dared To Breathe and another waitress were cleaning our table and they were totes talking about us. Not sure I'll be inviting my cousins to my birthday dinner. Actually, I want to go to an Indian restaurant and I've only been there with the same family members before... I think the Somewhat Attractive Waiter there already knows about our issues and he usually doesn't mind that we are annoying, so I guess it's OK...
Yesterday we had this guy come to talk to us about the QCS test and help us prepare and stuff. He was one horrible dude. He was condescending and constantly looking down on us, our teachers and our school in general. It's funny because, when I left, I felt so much more pride in my school and my education and myself solely because he thought we were nothing. I went on internal rants about how, when I graduate in less than six months, I will have attended this school for 10 years and have always been the top or in the top group of people, academically, so this guy cannot judge me. He asked me some questions and, because he was scary as hell, I was flipping out. I get scared of answering questions in my normal English classes, let alone with an old, snobby, rude man asking me stuff. I could tell he was judging me and my intelligence and it made me think about how little you know about people. I mean, he made so many judgments about me and my grade and my school in that hour-and-a-half, but he has no idea. Anyway, basically, I felt lots of pride in the school I go to after that. I do love my school. 10 years can do that to you. I have seen it change a LOT and I do love it and I will miss it next year and after, I know it.
Anyway, I've got to do all my homework today because tomorrow I'm going to an expo about university etc. and after that, I'm going to visit my grandfather in hospital because he had a stroke last week. Gotta get all my school stuff done today, which should be fun seeing as though I woke up with a super sore throat and am now feeling really sick... *sigh*
The post was the way my brother's and I sang Happy Birthday to my dad yesterday. I sang the very last line because I actually knew his age...
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
I've Got No Clue What To Name This Post, Guys.
Sup guys?
Apparently my brother said it would be easy to be a mime so he is now forbidden to talk for 30 minutes. My parents have also told him he cannot write things down because he's a a mime not a scribe. Haha. Sucked in, dude.
So, I went back to school today after 3 weeks off. It was surprisingly good. In music we looked at uni sites as our teacher was away. In lesson two, we had a dude come in a tell us how to study and whatnot. I saw him and my first thought was, "He kinda looks like Neil Patrick Harris." Sadly, he was not Neil Patrick Harris. Or the musical theatre dude that I really thought he looked like. Oh well. Next I had Maths. We did next to nothing. Next was spare. I looked at uni courses and got quite confused, conflicted and somewhat depressed. More on that later. Then Physics. We watched some video on some dude trying to figure out nuclear fusion. It was kinda interesting but I kept zoning out and wanting to sleep.
Uni courses suck, bros. Before today, I knew what I wanted to do. I was going to do a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Spanish and Psychology. I was also highly considering doing a dual degree with Communication. The more I looked at courses in our university booklet thang, the more conflicted I felt. I'd really like to do an actual Psychology degree but at the uni I want, I need an OP 4. Which is, like, not doable for me. Other unis have seriously doable OPs but their courses aren't as interesting to me. Also, if I did do an actual Psychology degree, I can't do Spanish and this depresses me greatly. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO, GUYS. The Psychology degree that I want to do means I can do a whole subject on pathopsychology. Pathopyschology is the study of mental diseases/disorders/abnormalities. This is the main reason I wanted to get into Psychology. I am really interested in mental illnesses and want so badly to learn about them. I need to see if I can still do this subject if I do my Arts degree, but frankly, I don't think that's what I want to do anymore. All of my friends have more interesting sounding degrees and all of their degrees sound like they can take them somewhere career-wise. Mine doesn't. I'm kinda flipping out. Oh well, I've got an excursion at the uni I want to go to on Thursday and hopefully, I'll figure out something then...
LOL Masterchef makes me... well, LOL. I have an OTP in Masterchef right now. Yeah, I ship in Masterchef. My dad was saying that this guy had a thing for this blonde chick and I was all, "No.... That would ruin my ship..." He was all, "...?" and I was all, "I ship him with Black Hair Chick," and my dad was all, "Eeehh, I guess..." Ugh. He doesn't get my ship. Psshhffshssh.
They plated up pasta with parmesan and I could suddenly smell parmesan. SO WEIRD. I can still kinda smell it. My. Mind. Is. Blown.
I need some more Real Life Ships. I don't have enough. I ship two people in my class at school and I ship my brother with a friend of ours. They've known each other for like, ever, and used to like each other. You know those stories of people who were always best friends and eventually realised they were in love and then go out and get married and have kids and die together? Yeah. You know the ones. That's my story for my brother. Since I had one close dude friend when I was younger and I never see him anymore (He and his family spent Christmas at my house like 2 years ago and it was weird and awkward cause we didn't talk even though we were totes BFFs in grade 1 and 2) so I'm obviously not having that kind of story.
Oh dear. The Masterchef dude mentioned Black Hair Chick and I did one of my Creepy Shipper Laughs. Oh deary, deary me.
I'm not a huge Oreo fan, bros. I mean, they're yum and all, but... I've never actually liked the the biscuits, just the cream. The biscuits with the cream is pretty good... but, I usually eat one of the biscuits then eat the edges of biscuit around the cream and then eat that. So, I always have to get through one of the biscuits before the yummy cream.
In tomorrow night's Masterchef the contestant dudes are put into pairs. My ship are paired together. OH, YEAH. I told my parents this and they were slightly weirded out and amused and my dad said, "Maybe they'll go kissy-kissy in the corner." Sometimes I wonder how I am related to these people.
Wow. Just researched exchange programs at the university I want to go to and they sound amazing. Dang, I want to do an exchange program and study in Spain now. I'm just scared that I will be totally out of my depth and not good enough and scared of people and asdfghjkl. Well, I still want to go and I think I really need to just do things and not be so flipping scared all the time. It sounds like it would be such a great opportunity and could be such a great learning and growing experience from me... Ah, the conflictingness in my mind.
Apparently my brother said it would be easy to be a mime so he is now forbidden to talk for 30 minutes. My parents have also told him he cannot write things down because he's a a mime not a scribe. Haha. Sucked in, dude.
So, I went back to school today after 3 weeks off. It was surprisingly good. In music we looked at uni sites as our teacher was away. In lesson two, we had a dude come in a tell us how to study and whatnot. I saw him and my first thought was, "He kinda looks like Neil Patrick Harris." Sadly, he was not Neil Patrick Harris. Or the musical theatre dude that I really thought he looked like. Oh well. Next I had Maths. We did next to nothing. Next was spare. I looked at uni courses and got quite confused, conflicted and somewhat depressed. More on that later. Then Physics. We watched some video on some dude trying to figure out nuclear fusion. It was kinda interesting but I kept zoning out and wanting to sleep.
Uni courses suck, bros. Before today, I knew what I wanted to do. I was going to do a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Spanish and Psychology. I was also highly considering doing a dual degree with Communication. The more I looked at courses in our university booklet thang, the more conflicted I felt. I'd really like to do an actual Psychology degree but at the uni I want, I need an OP 4. Which is, like, not doable for me. Other unis have seriously doable OPs but their courses aren't as interesting to me. Also, if I did do an actual Psychology degree, I can't do Spanish and this depresses me greatly. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO, GUYS. The Psychology degree that I want to do means I can do a whole subject on pathopsychology. Pathopyschology is the study of mental diseases/disorders/abnormalities. This is the main reason I wanted to get into Psychology. I am really interested in mental illnesses and want so badly to learn about them. I need to see if I can still do this subject if I do my Arts degree, but frankly, I don't think that's what I want to do anymore. All of my friends have more interesting sounding degrees and all of their degrees sound like they can take them somewhere career-wise. Mine doesn't. I'm kinda flipping out. Oh well, I've got an excursion at the uni I want to go to on Thursday and hopefully, I'll figure out something then...
LOL Masterchef makes me... well, LOL. I have an OTP in Masterchef right now. Yeah, I ship in Masterchef. My dad was saying that this guy had a thing for this blonde chick and I was all, "No.... That would ruin my ship..." He was all, "...?" and I was all, "I ship him with Black Hair Chick," and my dad was all, "Eeehh, I guess..." Ugh. He doesn't get my ship. Psshhffshssh.
They plated up pasta with parmesan and I could suddenly smell parmesan. SO WEIRD. I can still kinda smell it. My. Mind. Is. Blown.
I need some more Real Life Ships. I don't have enough. I ship two people in my class at school and I ship my brother with a friend of ours. They've known each other for like, ever, and used to like each other. You know those stories of people who were always best friends and eventually realised they were in love and then go out and get married and have kids and die together? Yeah. You know the ones. That's my story for my brother. Since I had one close dude friend when I was younger and I never see him anymore (He and his family spent Christmas at my house like 2 years ago and it was weird and awkward cause we didn't talk even though we were totes BFFs in grade 1 and 2) so I'm obviously not having that kind of story.
Oh dear. The Masterchef dude mentioned Black Hair Chick and I did one of my Creepy Shipper Laughs. Oh deary, deary me.
I'm not a huge Oreo fan, bros. I mean, they're yum and all, but... I've never actually liked the the biscuits, just the cream. The biscuits with the cream is pretty good... but, I usually eat one of the biscuits then eat the edges of biscuit around the cream and then eat that. So, I always have to get through one of the biscuits before the yummy cream.
In tomorrow night's Masterchef the contestant dudes are put into pairs. My ship are paired together. OH, YEAH. I told my parents this and they were slightly weirded out and amused and my dad said, "Maybe they'll go kissy-kissy in the corner." Sometimes I wonder how I am related to these people.
Wow. Just researched exchange programs at the university I want to go to and they sound amazing. Dang, I want to do an exchange program and study in Spain now. I'm just scared that I will be totally out of my depth and not good enough and scared of people and asdfghjkl. Well, I still want to go and I think I really need to just do things and not be so flipping scared all the time. It sounds like it would be such a great opportunity and could be such a great learning and growing experience from me... Ah, the conflictingness in my mind.
Monday, 11 July 2011
Ceiling In The Sky
Back to school tomorrow. My face literally looks like this: -_- Well, I don't know since I cannot see my face right now... Whatever, you get the idea.
I'm not really too upset, I'm just lazy. I know I'll have to do stuff. And, like, associate with people. I like sitting in my room watching anime and surfing the web and not having to do too much talking to people. When I do socialise, I choose to. At school, it doesn't quite work that way. I doubt my friends would be OK with me going, "Sorry guys. Totes don't feel like talking to y'all this lunch time. I'm going to sit at the table all by myself and ignore your existences until I feel like socialising again. See ya later." Like I'd want to sit at a table by myself anyway. There'd be one table free and it would be free because it'd be the dirtiest table in the area, I'm sure.
Now, I wasn't overly happy with my report card for the past semester. I mean, based on the term that had passed, it was pretty good. No failures and the only overall C I got was in PE, which is to be expected. It's just that, before this year, I had become so used to being an A student with the occasional B (and a C in PE). NOW, I'm a B student with a couple of As (and a C in PE). I know it's good and I'd tried hard and stressed and flipped out many times in that past term, but I know I can do better. I don't care if my friends are all, "Nah bro, Bs are good. Screw all that. I couldn't be bothered," or if my parent's are all, "Those are good grades is you're happy with them. Good job," or whatever. I don't want to try harder and do better for anyone else but myself. I guess I kinda want to prove something. I'm not sure who to, but part of it is proving it to myself. I want all of that crappy stressing and kinda frequent breakdowns and the strange, unexplainable, emotional turmoil to be worth it. I don't want to have an awful term and get to the end and have mediocre grades, dang it.
I read Macbeth today. I had decided I'd read it in the last week of my holidays, but read it on the last day... Whatever. I have no clue what happened, guys. Serious. People died. The witches weren't as important as I thought they'd be. Macbeth died. So, yeah, lots of death. That's about all I got out of that play. Sure, I was listening to J-Rock/Visual Kei and thinking about how I'd rather be watching anime and spending half the time thinking, "OK. If I read till 2:30, then I can watch one episode of anime, taking me to about 3:00. Then, I can do half an hour of flute practice, followed by more anime then more Macbeth and this will take me to 4:30..." I did this while reading and, therefore, did not take most of the play in. At all. Oh well, when my teacher asks, "Who read Macbeth?" I can put my hand up. If he asks, "Who actually took anything in and understood it and can tell me what happened?" I cannot put my hand up, though.
I really don't know what I wanted this post to be about. I don't think there was a cause. Hm.
Well, I better go pack my bag and lunch and watch some anime. Ciao! I shall probably blog tomorrow. I hope.
Ceiling In The Sky is apparently the English translation of one of my favourite Japanese songs. Coool.
I'm not really too upset, I'm just lazy. I know I'll have to do stuff. And, like, associate with people. I like sitting in my room watching anime and surfing the web and not having to do too much talking to people. When I do socialise, I choose to. At school, it doesn't quite work that way. I doubt my friends would be OK with me going, "Sorry guys. Totes don't feel like talking to y'all this lunch time. I'm going to sit at the table all by myself and ignore your existences until I feel like socialising again. See ya later." Like I'd want to sit at a table by myself anyway. There'd be one table free and it would be free because it'd be the dirtiest table in the area, I'm sure.
Now, I wasn't overly happy with my report card for the past semester. I mean, based on the term that had passed, it was pretty good. No failures and the only overall C I got was in PE, which is to be expected. It's just that, before this year, I had become so used to being an A student with the occasional B (and a C in PE). NOW, I'm a B student with a couple of As (and a C in PE). I know it's good and I'd tried hard and stressed and flipped out many times in that past term, but I know I can do better. I don't care if my friends are all, "Nah bro, Bs are good. Screw all that. I couldn't be bothered," or if my parent's are all, "Those are good grades is you're happy with them. Good job," or whatever. I don't want to try harder and do better for anyone else but myself. I guess I kinda want to prove something. I'm not sure who to, but part of it is proving it to myself. I want all of that crappy stressing and kinda frequent breakdowns and the strange, unexplainable, emotional turmoil to be worth it. I don't want to have an awful term and get to the end and have mediocre grades, dang it.
I read Macbeth today. I had decided I'd read it in the last week of my holidays, but read it on the last day... Whatever. I have no clue what happened, guys. Serious. People died. The witches weren't as important as I thought they'd be. Macbeth died. So, yeah, lots of death. That's about all I got out of that play. Sure, I was listening to J-Rock/Visual Kei and thinking about how I'd rather be watching anime and spending half the time thinking, "OK. If I read till 2:30, then I can watch one episode of anime, taking me to about 3:00. Then, I can do half an hour of flute practice, followed by more anime then more Macbeth and this will take me to 4:30..." I did this while reading and, therefore, did not take most of the play in. At all. Oh well, when my teacher asks, "Who read Macbeth?" I can put my hand up. If he asks, "Who actually took anything in and understood it and can tell me what happened?" I cannot put my hand up, though.
I really don't know what I wanted this post to be about. I don't think there was a cause. Hm.
Well, I better go pack my bag and lunch and watch some anime. Ciao! I shall probably blog tomorrow. I hope.
Ceiling In The Sky is apparently the English translation of one of my favourite Japanese songs. Coool.
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I don't even know... |
4th-10th July 2011
This is my study for my grade 7 flute exam. I do not like it. It's weird and kinda annoying and it doesn't feel like it flows together. This is the first page. The second page has lots of minims and semibreves with random accidentals and it sounds so random, out-of-place and just kinda made me go, "Wait. What?" Then there's the coda. I can't play it for some reason, but whatever. I made the piece sound horrible then. It's not that bad, I just don't really like it, personally. Of course, my flute teacher loves it. She's like, "It's really cool! You'll like it!" and I played it and she was all, "Isn't it cool?" and I'm all, "Mmm..." On Saturday I practiced it and got a pencil and wrote all over it. Things like. "Don't get too loud!" etc because I play stupid dynamics and need big visual reminders so that I play what's written.
Thursday, 7 July 2011
Relationships Are Like Communism; Fangirling Is Like Vegetables
Would you like some mmsauce with those vegetables?
All of these wonderful quotes came from the mouth of the strange Phantomess. Wonderful metaphors indeed. Now, I'm sure you are sitting there going, "I do hope she explains these intriguing metaphors, as I am quite perplexed," and, for some reason, you'd be saying that in a British accent, regardless of your country of origin. Anyway, to keep all you followers happy, I shall explain.
Relationships are like Communism- great in theory, not so great in practice.
Fangirling is like vegetables- Lots of people don't like it, but Phantomess and I do, and it's... healthy...
Now, this one stemmed for our fangirling over a particular character, but whatever.
I am sure you are all enlightened and sitting in your rooms with your hands posed under your chin in a fashion that implies you are considering intelligent things. When I do that, I'm never considering intelligent things. I'm usually considering stupid things, or stupidly posing for a stupid photo with my peeps.
So, according to TVTropes (who is ALWAYS right. ALWAYS!) you can't spell fangirl without "fang" and it is so true. At first I was all, "LOL. That's scary and creepy. Weird fangirls." Now, however, I am all, "HAHAHA. IT'S SO TRUE. I CAN HAZ FANGS?" Why, you may ask? You may not ask, but I shall answer anyway. Because, my dear friends, I am a self-confessed fangirl.
Yes, you read it right here. I admit to sitting in my room and smiling at pictures/videos etc. of real/fictional people and going, "Y U NO BE REAL?" Well, unless they ARE real, in which case I would say, "Y U BE SIGNIFICANTLY OLDER THAN ME AND IN SOME OTHER COUNTRY?" Because no one fangirls over real people their age and nationality. It just doesn't happen.
RANDOM INTERLUDE: The opening theme for Ouran High School Host Club is kinda lame, but I like the guitar solos. BACK TO MAIN POST.
Now, you may be thinking, "This girl be creepy," but, if you think that, you have not seen other fangirls. Like, wow. I am nothing compared to some other peeps on the interwebs.
Today I realised that 2 out of my Top 3 Celebrity Crushes (Yes. I worked out my Top 3. It wans't hard seeing as though I usually fangirl over fictional characters...) are Canadian. Mmm. Apparently, I likes me some Canadian. I do have some random urge to go to Canada and it has nothing to do with these dudes. I just really want to go there and I'm not sure why. It just seems cool.
I am looking up fangirl quizzes, so that internet can confirm it for me. And quizzes are cool. One question asked what you do when you see your object of fangirlismness and one option was "start giggling maniacally" and it was like a huge shout-out to Phantomess and I. Oh dear... We laugh. Maniacally.
OK, this "So You Think You're A Fangirl?" thing is funny. But it keeps relating things to like, Buffy and Veronica Mars and stuff. Hence I only knew ONE of the ships because I've heard a friend talk about these Buffy characters. I have a feeling I won't get a high rating, because it was the wrong kind of TV! I need ANIME fangirl things... And... Total Drama... As that related to almost all of my answers on this quiz... OK, RESULT TIME, GUYS. I KNOW YOU'RE EXCITED.
Just read this above the quiz:
[Special Note: Although some of these questions might specifically reference television, feel free to substitute the fictional obsession of your choice. For example: anime, Georgette Heyer novels, JDoramas, manga, anything featuring Colin Firth, etc. Also, we make lots of references to Veronica Mars. Sorry for the bias, but we're obsessed. No, we're not going to tell you our scores.]
All of these wonderful quotes came from the mouth of the strange Phantomess. Wonderful metaphors indeed. Now, I'm sure you are sitting there going, "I do hope she explains these intriguing metaphors, as I am quite perplexed," and, for some reason, you'd be saying that in a British accent, regardless of your country of origin. Anyway, to keep all you followers happy, I shall explain.
Relationships are like Communism- great in theory, not so great in practice.
Fangirling is like vegetables- Lots of people don't like it, but Phantomess and I do, and it's... healthy...
Now, this one stemmed for our fangirling over a particular character, but whatever.
I am sure you are all enlightened and sitting in your rooms with your hands posed under your chin in a fashion that implies you are considering intelligent things. When I do that, I'm never considering intelligent things. I'm usually considering stupid things, or stupidly posing for a stupid photo with my peeps.
So, according to TVTropes (who is ALWAYS right. ALWAYS!) you can't spell fangirl without "fang" and it is so true. At first I was all, "LOL. That's scary and creepy. Weird fangirls." Now, however, I am all, "HAHAHA. IT'S SO TRUE. I CAN HAZ FANGS?" Why, you may ask? You may not ask, but I shall answer anyway. Because, my dear friends, I am a self-confessed fangirl.
Yes, you read it right here. I admit to sitting in my room and smiling at pictures/videos etc. of real/fictional people and going, "Y U NO BE REAL?" Well, unless they ARE real, in which case I would say, "Y U BE SIGNIFICANTLY OLDER THAN ME AND IN SOME OTHER COUNTRY?" Because no one fangirls over real people their age and nationality. It just doesn't happen.
RANDOM INTERLUDE: The opening theme for Ouran High School Host Club is kinda lame, but I like the guitar solos. BACK TO MAIN POST.
Now, you may be thinking, "This girl be creepy," but, if you think that, you have not seen other fangirls. Like, wow. I am nothing compared to some other peeps on the interwebs.
Today I realised that 2 out of my Top 3 Celebrity Crushes (Yes. I worked out my Top 3. It wans't hard seeing as though I usually fangirl over fictional characters...) are Canadian. Mmm. Apparently, I likes me some Canadian. I do have some random urge to go to Canada and it has nothing to do with these dudes. I just really want to go there and I'm not sure why. It just seems cool.
I am looking up fangirl quizzes, so that internet can confirm it for me. And quizzes are cool. One question asked what you do when you see your object of fangirlismness and one option was "start giggling maniacally" and it was like a huge shout-out to Phantomess and I. Oh dear... We laugh. Maniacally.
OK, this "So You Think You're A Fangirl?" thing is funny. But it keeps relating things to like, Buffy and Veronica Mars and stuff. Hence I only knew ONE of the ships because I've heard a friend talk about these Buffy characters. I have a feeling I won't get a high rating, because it was the wrong kind of TV! I need ANIME fangirl things... And... Total Drama... As that related to almost all of my answers on this quiz... OK, RESULT TIME, GUYS. I KNOW YOU'RE EXCITED.
Just read this above the quiz:
[Special Note: Although some of these questions might specifically reference television, feel free to substitute the fictional obsession of your choice. For example: anime, Georgette Heyer novels, JDoramas, manga, anything featuring Colin Firth, etc. Also, we make lots of references to Veronica Mars. Sorry for the bias, but we're obsessed. No, we're not going to tell you our scores.]
... *facepalm*
EXCUSE ME? The results told me, "Y
ou don’t exactly ship, but you wouldn’t mind if certain characters got together. In fact, it’d be really cute." UM. NO. I LOVE TO SHIP. I almost LIVE to ship nowadays. I am insulted. How dare this random internet weirdo tell me I don't ship?? Now, when watching Total Drama World Tour, episode 25, Planes, Trains and Hot Air Mobiles (Yeah.), possible THE most AleHeather shiptastic episode in the series, I frequently descended into Creepy Hysterical Laughter Mode anytime they said ANYTHING to or about each other. I ship.
TDWT, I realised last night with Phantomess, is actually the show that really got me into shipping and AleHeather is the ship that did that to me. A... uh, certain character.... in that ship... started me on my fangirling... And it was a downhill spiral from then on.
My brothers and I sat outside a Maccas eating random junk and spending about half-an-hour talking about shipping non-stop. After I'd explained to them what an OTP is, of course.
Aw, now I REALLY feel like shipping.
Hehehe. Another quiz called me a rabid fangirl. Pffssshhhh.
ANYWHOOOOO, I was in the city today, to get my hair cut. I officially have a hairdresser. I never deliberately go back to the same person, but now I do. She did a really good job last time so we requested her this time. She's my official hairdresser and she knows it. She might be transferring to a shop closer to me and she said she'd tell us if she does. N'aww, I feel loved. It was weird, because she remembered me well from last time even tough we realised I hadn't gotten my haircut since February. She still remembered me and she seemed to remember how she cut my hair last time and I was all, "N'AWS" I like her Anyway, I like my haircut. I hate my hair. It's mean to me. It's in the Awkward Stage at the moment. I've been considering growing it out for the end of the year/formal, but it's in that stage now where it's not stylishly short, and it's not nice and long and pretty. It's just awkward and annoying and stupid and hormonal. Now, obviously not LITERALLY hormonal, but I couldn't think of the word I was thinking of and hormones make you act like my hair. Annoying, stupid and choppy-changey-ish. I mean, come on. I cried quite a lot today because we ran out of ice blocks. I'm all, "BRAIN, Y U BE SO EMOTIONAL? TEARS, Y U BE FLOWING? WE CAN BUY MORE ICE BLOCKS, GIRL!"
*cough* That's irrelevant. LOLs, this whole post is irrelevant.
I really want to write an Unpopular Opinion post some time. Just because sometimes, I want to yell my opinions at everyone and see how they deal with hearing opinions that they don't agree with. Humph.
Oh my gosh! Guys, click on this link, it made me smile:
OK, I'm done now.
Sunday, 3 July 2011
Giant Clam Is Good.
I just randomly read an old post of mine. Well, I saw my one tag of Matthew Thiessen and wanted to read where I tagged him. It got me reading a post from a month or so ago and made me smile. It was kind of like those ones where I just write what I'm doing. They're fun, so I shall do one.
I've been catching up on Durarara today, since I was away all week and it's good. SO GOOD. But, I'll leave that to my anime blog.
We went to a different church today, to hear this really good speaker. I kinda like this church. People there were really nice. This chick came up to me and started talking to me and asking a LOT of questions. Like, non-stop questions. Slightly annoying, but really nice. Plus, their youth pastor is kinda attractive. Just sayin'. He's married to one of my brother's teachers and she is so pretty. I was sitting there in the service at some point, when I realised she was his wife, wondering how they can be married and both be so attractive. Like, how does that even happen? Anywho...
OK, so, Durarara has the BEST opening songs ever. I am in love with the first one, and they changed it at episode 14 and I'm still in love with it. Wait, episode 13. Whatever.
So, someone on Tumblr told me my Tumblr blog was wonderful. I gave a huge, I'm-A-Sad-Loner-Who-Doesn't-Get-Many-Internet-Compliments-So-Now-I-Love-You-Random-Stranger-I'll-Never-Meet kind of smile at my computer :D
Shh. Durarara time!
So. This guy has a pole thrown at him/near him and he's all, "All I wanted was to learn..." I love this show.
"Fighting isn't good. Peace is good. You should look. Giant clam is good."
... Weird episode.
So, as I sat at my desk before, I heard my mum saying, "Tomorrow we're doing lots of cleaning! We're going to play music and clean!" ... Shoot me now. Maybe I can pump up some music in my room and clean my room... Because I'm sure whatever music they play out there won't be what I want to listen to. Actually, it'll probably be a mix of our 80s hits CDs, which aren't bad. Some of the songs are good. The classics like 500 Miles, Total Eclipse of the Heart, Heaven Is A Place On Earth etc. Others aren't so great...
Just saw this. It is entitled Who You Really Are.
OK. The results: I am a sexy beast who loves to be different who ran shirtless with a stripper because the naked cowboy told me to.
Somebody tell me where the time went? Not literally. But serious, it's already nearly 9:30?
I was sitting here, on the net and suddenly my mind said to me, "I feel like shipping real people. That's fun.. I wanna ship. I. WANT. TO. SHIP." I do love to ship and shipping real people is fun. I shipped Tenuto Tuo with someone last week :P I ship people in my various instrumental ensembles and that's fun. I shipped this guy and girl last year in my flute ensemble and then I realised that the guy might have had a girlfriend. I was all, "Oh well. He should dump her and be with this chick." This year, his girlfriend joined our ensemble and she's really nice and now I ship them, which is probably better. Actually, I do kinda ship him with another chick. Gosh, being the only guy in a 15-ish person ensemble makes you very shippable.
So, yesterday I went to the city with Phantomess and White Ribbon. It was good fun. We went it to fancy as shops like Tiffany & Co. and Louis Vuitton. Then we went into bridal/formal shops because we are girly like that. We didn't find formal accessories, which is the reason we met up, but it was fun all the same. We went looking for lunch and wanted to go to a cafe, because we're fancy like that. We walked past a few, but they were too expensive. See, we're fancy, but poor :P Anyway, we walked past this one, because it was kinda expensive, and this waiter walks out in front of us and says hello and we said hi and walked on. You know when you see an attractive person with your friend and you give each other a look? Yeah. All three of us gave each other looks. Quite amusing actually. But, hey, hot waiter. So, we crossed the road and looked at two other cafes, but we all kinda wanted to go back to the other one. We didn't want to look weird and desperate so we went back and had a long look at their menu, before deciding to sit down. Yes, this lunch was filled with quite a bit of checking-out on our behalves, but whatever, the food was REALLY good. Like, super yum. I really want that focaccia now... Mmmm.
I found this hilarious That 70s Show clip online that made me literally LOL quite a bit. I, strangely enough, really like this show. Too bad I'm only really able to watch it on midday Foxtel when my whole family's out. Therefore, it's completely out of chronological order. I'll watch an episode and Jackie's dating Hyde and Eric and Donna have broken up and then the next one I'll see, a week or two later, and Jackie will be with Kelso and Eric and Donna are together. Actually, I haven't seen much of them actually together. I've seen them before they go out and several times after break-ups, but I think I've only seen one episode when they are together. Weird. I don't know how popular she is with the fanbase, but I really don't like Donna. I am not sure why, but she annoys me. My least favourite of the group. My favourite being Fez, closely followed by Hyde and Eric, then Jackie, then Kelso, then Donna. Eric used to be my favourite. It's not that I like him less now, it's that I like Fez and Hyde more.
In the mood to ship again. I NEED TO SHIP. No one is being shipworthy. I only ship like, two couples in Durarara... Oooh. Just looked over at my Peanuts day-by-day desk calender. I ship Charlie Brown and Lucy. I totally do.
I am so tired, but I don't want to go to bed. I want to sit here... I'm trying to watch some of the Durarara dub so I can compare voices, but it's not loading quick enough.
BUT... The later I go to sleep, the later I'll sleep in and the less house work I'll have to do! Brilliant! Actually, knowing my luck, I'll get up at 10am and have a quick breakfast and my mum will say, "OK. NOW IT'S WORK TIME!"
Oh, I give up on this dang dub video. I'll do it tomorrow... Or something.
Crudballs, I was going to say something and it totally flew out my ears. I'm so bored and tired that I keep just sitting and rubbing my eyes and looking around my room and thinking about how I should do something... I am pretty sure what I should do is GO TO SLEEP. And lie in bed thinking about shipping. Mmm. Maybe I'll have a weird cracktastic shipping dream! That'd be cool!
OK. I was right, this WAS fun. I am glad I wrote one of these random posts that define my normal life and thoughts.
OH! I remember what I was going to say. I like sitting at the computer with earphones in and no music. I mean, I prefer music, but when there's none playing, I feel weird if my earphones aren't in.
Just put in lots of labels and looking at them it makes this post seem exceedingly random. Which it is...
I've been catching up on Durarara today, since I was away all week and it's good. SO GOOD. But, I'll leave that to my anime blog.
We went to a different church today, to hear this really good speaker. I kinda like this church. People there were really nice. This chick came up to me and started talking to me and asking a LOT of questions. Like, non-stop questions. Slightly annoying, but really nice. Plus, their youth pastor is kinda attractive. Just sayin'. He's married to one of my brother's teachers and she is so pretty. I was sitting there in the service at some point, when I realised she was his wife, wondering how they can be married and both be so attractive. Like, how does that even happen? Anywho...
OK, so, Durarara has the BEST opening songs ever. I am in love with the first one, and they changed it at episode 14 and I'm still in love with it. Wait, episode 13. Whatever.
So, someone on Tumblr told me my Tumblr blog was wonderful. I gave a huge, I'm-A-Sad-Loner-Who-Doesn't-Get-Many-Internet-Compliments-So-Now-I-Love-You-Random-Stranger-I'll-Never-Meet kind of smile at my computer :D
Shh. Durarara time!
So. This guy has a pole thrown at him/near him and he's all, "All I wanted was to learn..." I love this show.
"Fighting isn't good. Peace is good. You should look. Giant clam is good."
... Weird episode.
So, as I sat at my desk before, I heard my mum saying, "Tomorrow we're doing lots of cleaning! We're going to play music and clean!" ... Shoot me now. Maybe I can pump up some music in my room and clean my room... Because I'm sure whatever music they play out there won't be what I want to listen to. Actually, it'll probably be a mix of our 80s hits CDs, which aren't bad. Some of the songs are good. The classics like 500 Miles, Total Eclipse of the Heart, Heaven Is A Place On Earth etc. Others aren't so great...
Just saw this. It is entitled Who You Really Are.
What colour of socks are you wearing
[ ] Red = loud
[ ] Green = stupid
[] None = freaky
[ ] Fuzzy = gorgeous
[ ] Yellow = innocent
[ ] Purple = a little too happy
[ ] Black = emo
[ ] Stripes = funny
[ ] Gray = old
[ ] Pink = preppy
[ ] Light blue = sweaty
[ ] Other = hot
[x ] White = sexy
What kind of bottom half are you wearing?
[ ] Shorts = cutie
[ ] Skirt/skort = trailer trash
[ ] Corduroy = retired University Professor
[ ] Tight jeans = scene kid
[ ] Ripped jeans = emo
[ ] Cammo = cage fighter
[] Jeans = prep
[ ] Cargo = clown
[ ] Sweats = athlete
[ ] Boxers = brat
[ ] Booty shorts = female
[ ] Capri’s = Gangster
[ ] Nothing = wanker
[ ] Dickies = weirdo
[ ] Bikini bottoms = tiki girl
[x ] Skinny jeans = beast
[] Other = sex addict
What is your natural hair colour?
[ ] Auburn = whom everyone wants to make out with
[ ] Blond = with a broken heart
[ ] Black = with a sexy smile
[ ] Dark brown = with a hot boyfriend/girlfriend
[ ] Red = who likes to have fun
[x] Brown = who loves to be different
[ ] Dirty blond = with sexy eyes
[ ] Bald = with herpes
[ ] Other = with a nice ass
Pick the month you were born in:
[ ] 1 = who ate
[ ] 2 = who needed
[ ] 3 = who bowled with
[ ] 4 = who shot darts with
[ ] 5 = who kissed
[ ] 6 = who smoked with
[ ] 7 = who farted on
[x] 8 = who ran shirtless with
[ ] 9 = who showered with
[ ] 10 = who cuddled with
[ ] 11 = who slept with
[ ] 12 = who ran naked with
Pick the day you were born on:
[ ] 01 = the kool-aid man
[ ] 02 = a dog
[ ] 03 = a shoe
[ ] 04 = a toothbrush
[ ] 05 = Santa Claus
[ ] 06 = The Trojan man
[ ] 07 = Barney the Dinosaur
[ ] 08 = a prostitute
[ ] 09 = a porn star
[] 10 = a bag of weed
[ ] 11 = a lover
[ ] 12 = a glass of milk
[ ] 13 = a horse
[] 14 = a lesbian
[x ] 15 = a stripper
[ ] 16 = a pickle
[ ] 17 = a Leprechaun
[ ] 18 = a gay porn star
[ ] 19 = an orange
[ ] 20 = a dildo
[ ] 21 = a homeless guy
[ ] 22 = a whore
[ ] 23 = my crush
[ ] 24 = an Easter egg
[ ] 25 = a jar of honey
[ ] 26 = a condom
[ ] 27 = a bowl of cereal
[ ] 28 = a French fry
[ ] 29 = Michael Jackson
[ ] 30 = Paris Hilton
[ ] 31 = YOUR MOM
Pick the color of the shirt you are wearing:
[] White = because I love marijuana
[] Black = because I’m sexy as hell
[x ] Blue = because the naked cowboy told me to
[ ] Pink = because I have AMAZING boobs
[ ] Red = because I’m a pimp and you’re jealous
[ ] Polka Dots = because I hate my life
[ ] Purple = because I’m gay
[ ] Gray = because I got dared
[ ] Other = because I’m straight
[ ] Green = because I’m good in bed
[ ] Orange = because I smoke crack
[ ] Turquoise = because I have a noodle in my nose
[ ] Brown = because I had to
[ ] Shirtless = because I’ve got abs
[ ] Green = stupid
[] None = freaky
[ ] Fuzzy = gorgeous
[ ] Yellow = innocent
[ ] Purple = a little too happy
[ ] Black = emo
[ ] Stripes = funny
[ ] Gray = old
[ ] Pink = preppy
[ ] Light blue = sweaty
[ ] Other = hot
[x ] White = sexy
What kind of bottom half are you wearing?
[ ] Shorts = cutie
[ ] Skirt/skort = trailer trash
[ ] Corduroy = retired University Professor
[ ] Tight jeans = scene kid
[ ] Ripped jeans = emo
[ ] Cammo = cage fighter
[] Jeans = prep
[ ] Cargo = clown
[ ] Sweats = athlete
[ ] Boxers = brat
[ ] Booty shorts = female
[ ] Capri’s = Gangster
[ ] Nothing = wanker
[ ] Dickies = weirdo
[ ] Bikini bottoms = tiki girl
[x ] Skinny jeans = beast
[] Other = sex addict
What is your natural hair colour?
[ ] Auburn = whom everyone wants to make out with
[ ] Blond = with a broken heart
[ ] Black = with a sexy smile
[ ] Dark brown = with a hot boyfriend/girlfriend
[ ] Red = who likes to have fun
[x] Brown = who loves to be different
[ ] Dirty blond = with sexy eyes
[ ] Bald = with herpes
[ ] Other = with a nice ass
Pick the month you were born in:
[ ] 1 = who ate
[ ] 2 = who needed
[ ] 3 = who bowled with
[ ] 4 = who shot darts with
[ ] 5 = who kissed
[ ] 6 = who smoked with
[ ] 7 = who farted on
[x] 8 = who ran shirtless with
[ ] 9 = who showered with
[ ] 10 = who cuddled with
[ ] 11 = who slept with
[ ] 12 = who ran naked with
Pick the day you were born on:
[ ] 01 = the kool-aid man
[ ] 02 = a dog
[ ] 03 = a shoe
[ ] 04 = a toothbrush
[ ] 05 = Santa Claus
[ ] 06 = The Trojan man
[ ] 07 = Barney the Dinosaur
[ ] 08 = a prostitute
[ ] 09 = a porn star
[] 10 = a bag of weed
[ ] 11 = a lover
[ ] 12 = a glass of milk
[ ] 13 = a horse
[] 14 = a lesbian
[x ] 15 = a stripper
[ ] 16 = a pickle
[ ] 17 = a Leprechaun
[ ] 18 = a gay porn star
[ ] 19 = an orange
[ ] 20 = a dildo
[ ] 21 = a homeless guy
[ ] 22 = a whore
[ ] 23 = my crush
[ ] 24 = an Easter egg
[ ] 25 = a jar of honey
[ ] 26 = a condom
[ ] 27 = a bowl of cereal
[ ] 28 = a French fry
[ ] 29 = Michael Jackson
[ ] 30 = Paris Hilton
[ ] 31 = YOUR MOM
Pick the color of the shirt you are wearing:
[] White = because I love marijuana
[] Black = because I’m sexy as hell
[x ] Blue = because the naked cowboy told me to
[ ] Pink = because I have AMAZING boobs
[ ] Red = because I’m a pimp and you’re jealous
[ ] Polka Dots = because I hate my life
[ ] Purple = because I’m gay
[ ] Gray = because I got dared
[ ] Other = because I’m straight
[ ] Green = because I’m good in bed
[ ] Orange = because I smoke crack
[ ] Turquoise = because I have a noodle in my nose
[ ] Brown = because I had to
[ ] Shirtless = because I’ve got abs
OK. The results: I am a sexy beast who loves to be different who ran shirtless with a stripper because the naked cowboy told me to.
Somebody tell me where the time went? Not literally. But serious, it's already nearly 9:30?
I was sitting here, on the net and suddenly my mind said to me, "I feel like shipping real people. That's fun.. I wanna ship. I. WANT. TO. SHIP." I do love to ship and shipping real people is fun. I shipped Tenuto Tuo with someone last week :P I ship people in my various instrumental ensembles and that's fun. I shipped this guy and girl last year in my flute ensemble and then I realised that the guy might have had a girlfriend. I was all, "Oh well. He should dump her and be with this chick." This year, his girlfriend joined our ensemble and she's really nice and now I ship them, which is probably better. Actually, I do kinda ship him with another chick. Gosh, being the only guy in a 15-ish person ensemble makes you very shippable.
So, yesterday I went to the city with Phantomess and White Ribbon. It was good fun. We went it to fancy as shops like Tiffany & Co. and Louis Vuitton. Then we went into bridal/formal shops because we are girly like that. We didn't find formal accessories, which is the reason we met up, but it was fun all the same. We went looking for lunch and wanted to go to a cafe, because we're fancy like that. We walked past a few, but they were too expensive. See, we're fancy, but poor :P Anyway, we walked past this one, because it was kinda expensive, and this waiter walks out in front of us and says hello and we said hi and walked on. You know when you see an attractive person with your friend and you give each other a look? Yeah. All three of us gave each other looks. Quite amusing actually. But, hey, hot waiter. So, we crossed the road and looked at two other cafes, but we all kinda wanted to go back to the other one. We didn't want to look weird and desperate so we went back and had a long look at their menu, before deciding to sit down. Yes, this lunch was filled with quite a bit of checking-out on our behalves, but whatever, the food was REALLY good. Like, super yum. I really want that focaccia now... Mmmm.
I found this hilarious That 70s Show clip online that made me literally LOL quite a bit. I, strangely enough, really like this show. Too bad I'm only really able to watch it on midday Foxtel when my whole family's out. Therefore, it's completely out of chronological order. I'll watch an episode and Jackie's dating Hyde and Eric and Donna have broken up and then the next one I'll see, a week or two later, and Jackie will be with Kelso and Eric and Donna are together. Actually, I haven't seen much of them actually together. I've seen them before they go out and several times after break-ups, but I think I've only seen one episode when they are together. Weird. I don't know how popular she is with the fanbase, but I really don't like Donna. I am not sure why, but she annoys me. My least favourite of the group. My favourite being Fez, closely followed by Hyde and Eric, then Jackie, then Kelso, then Donna. Eric used to be my favourite. It's not that I like him less now, it's that I like Fez and Hyde more.
In the mood to ship again. I NEED TO SHIP. No one is being shipworthy. I only ship like, two couples in Durarara... Oooh. Just looked over at my Peanuts day-by-day desk calender. I ship Charlie Brown and Lucy. I totally do.
I am so tired, but I don't want to go to bed. I want to sit here... I'm trying to watch some of the Durarara dub so I can compare voices, but it's not loading quick enough.
BUT... The later I go to sleep, the later I'll sleep in and the less house work I'll have to do! Brilliant! Actually, knowing my luck, I'll get up at 10am and have a quick breakfast and my mum will say, "OK. NOW IT'S WORK TIME!"
Oh, I give up on this dang dub video. I'll do it tomorrow... Or something.
Crudballs, I was going to say something and it totally flew out my ears. I'm so bored and tired that I keep just sitting and rubbing my eyes and looking around my room and thinking about how I should do something... I am pretty sure what I should do is GO TO SLEEP. And lie in bed thinking about shipping. Mmm. Maybe I'll have a weird cracktastic shipping dream! That'd be cool!
OK. I was right, this WAS fun. I am glad I wrote one of these random posts that define my normal life and thoughts.
OH! I remember what I was going to say. I like sitting at the computer with earphones in and no music. I mean, I prefer music, but when there's none playing, I feel weird if my earphones aren't in.
Just put in lots of labels and looking at them it makes this post seem exceedingly random. Which it is...
27th-3rd June/July 2011
Behold my anime collage on the back of my bedroom door. Now, you may see a Total Drama picture on there.. I should explain that. Basically, I was printing pictures out to put on my school books and I accidentally printed out two pictures of the Total Drama one, the big L, the InuYasha and Sesshomaru one and the Kyo one... I was all, "Hey. I'll put these on my door, cause it looks boring," and I just added to it. I COULD take down the Total Drama one, since it isn't anime, but whatever. Now, all animes have two pictures up there. My three favourites, however, have three pictures, being Fruits Basket, Kaichou wa Maid-Sama and Ano Hana. Anyway, this is this week's picture as I have been away this week, from Monday to Thursday and watched no anime, making me realise how much I rely on it to keep me calm and sane.. It's sad, but true :)
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