Sunday 3 July 2011

Giant Clam Is Good.

I just randomly read an old post of mine. Well, I saw my one tag of Matthew Thiessen and wanted to read where I tagged him. It got me reading a post from a month or so ago and made me smile. It was kind of like those ones where I just write what I'm doing. They're fun, so I shall do one.

I've been catching up on Durarara today, since I was away all week and it's good. SO GOOD. But, I'll leave that to my anime blog.

We went to a different church today, to hear this really good speaker. I kinda like this church. People there were really nice. This chick came up to me and started talking to me and asking a LOT of questions. Like, non-stop questions. Slightly annoying, but really nice. Plus, their youth pastor is kinda attractive. Just sayin'. He's married to one of my brother's teachers and she is so pretty. I was sitting there in the service at some point, when I realised she was his wife, wondering how they can be married and both be so attractive. Like, how does that even happen? Anywho...

OK, so, Durarara has the BEST opening songs ever. I am in love with the first one, and they changed it at episode 14 and I'm still in love with it. Wait, episode 13. Whatever.

So, someone on Tumblr told me my Tumblr blog was wonderful. I gave a huge, I'm-A-Sad-Loner-Who-Doesn't-Get-Many-Internet-Compliments-So-Now-I-Love-You-Random-Stranger-I'll-Never-Meet kind of smile at my computer :D

Shh. Durarara time!

So. This guy has a pole thrown at him/near him and he's all, "All I wanted was to learn..." I love this show.

"Fighting isn't good. Peace is good. You should look. Giant clam is good."

... Weird episode.

So, as I sat at my desk before, I heard my mum saying, "Tomorrow we're doing lots of cleaning! We're going to play music and clean!" ... Shoot me now. Maybe I can pump up some music in my room and clean my room... Because I'm sure whatever music they play out there won't be what I want to listen to. Actually, it'll probably be a mix of our 80s hits CDs, which aren't bad. Some of the songs are good. The classics like 500 Miles, Total Eclipse of the Heart, Heaven Is A Place On Earth etc. Others aren't so great...

Just saw this. It is entitled Who You Really Are.

What colour of socks are you wearing
[ ] Red = loud
[ ] Green = stupid
[] None = freaky
[ ] Fuzzy = gorgeous
[ ] Yellow = innocent
[ ] Purple = a little too happy
[ ] Black = emo
[ ] Stripes = funny
[ ] Gray = old
[ ] Pink = preppy
[ ] Light blue = sweaty
[ ] Other = hot
[x ] White = sexy

What kind of bottom half are you wearing?

[ ] Shorts = cutie
[ ] Skirt/skort = trailer trash
[ ] Corduroy = retired University Professor
[ ] Tight jeans = scene kid
[ ] Ripped jeans = emo
[ ] Cammo = cage fighter
[] Jeans = prep
[ ] Cargo = clown
[ ] Sweats = athlete
[ ] Boxers = brat
[ ] Booty shorts = female
[ ] Capri’s = Gangster
[ ] Nothing = wanker
[ ] Dickies = weirdo
[ ] Bikini bottoms = tiki girl
[x ] Skinny jeans = beast
[] Other = sex addict

What is your natural hair colour?

[ ] Auburn = whom everyone wants to make out with
[ ] Blond = with a broken heart
[ ] Black = with a sexy smile
[ ] Dark brown = with a hot boyfriend/girlfriend
[ ] Red = who likes to have fun
[x] Brown = who loves to be different
[ ] Dirty blond = with sexy eyes
[ ] Bald = with herpes
[ ] Other = with a nice ass

Pick the month you were born in:

[ ] 1 = who ate
[ ] 2 = who needed
[ ] 3 = who bowled with
[ ] 4 = who shot darts with
[ ] 5 = who kissed
[ ] 6 = who smoked with
[ ] 7 = who farted on
[x] 8 = who ran shirtless with
[ ] 9 = who showered with
[ ] 10 = who cuddled with
[ ] 11 = who slept with
[ ] 12 = who ran naked with

Pick the day you were born on:

[ ] 01 = the kool-aid man
[ ] 02 = a dog
[ ] 03 = a shoe
[ ] 04 = a toothbrush
[ ] 05 = Santa Claus
[ ] 06 = The Trojan man
[ ] 07 = Barney the Dinosaur
[ ] 08 = a prostitute
[ ] 09 = a porn star
[] 10 = a bag of weed
[ ] 11 = a lover
[ ] 12 = a glass of milk
[ ] 13 = a horse
[] 14 = a lesbian
[x ] 15 = a stripper
[ ] 16 = a pickle
[ ] 17 = a Leprechaun
[ ] 18 = a gay porn star
[ ] 19 = an orange
[ ] 20 = a dildo
[ ] 21 = a homeless guy
[ ] 22 = a whore
[ ] 23 = my crush
[ ] 24 = an Easter egg
[ ] 25 = a jar of honey
[ ] 26 = a condom
[ ] 27 = a bowl of cereal
[ ] 28 = a French fry
[ ] 29 = Michael Jackson
[ ] 30 = Paris Hilton
[ ] 31 = YOUR MOM

Pick the color of the shirt you are wearing:

[] White = because I love marijuana
[] Black = because I’m sexy as hell
[x ] Blue = because the naked cowboy told me to
[ ] Pink = because I have AMAZING boobs
[ ] Red = because I’m a pimp and you’re jealous
[ ] Polka Dots = because I hate my life
[ ] Purple = because I’m gay
[ ] Gray = because I got dared
[ ] Other = because I’m straight
[ ] Green = because I’m good in bed
[ ] Orange = because I smoke crack
[ ] Turquoise = because I have a noodle in my nose
[ ] Brown = because I had to
[ ] Shirtless = because I’ve got abs

 OK. The results: I am a sexy beast who loves to be different who ran shirtless with a stripper because the naked cowboy told me to.


Somebody tell me where the time went? Not literally. But serious, it's already nearly 9:30?

I was sitting here, on the net and suddenly my mind said to me, "I feel like shipping real people. That's fun.. I wanna ship. I. WANT. TO. SHIP." I do love to ship and shipping real people is fun. I shipped Tenuto Tuo with someone last week :P  I ship people in my various instrumental ensembles and that's fun. I shipped this guy and girl last year in my flute ensemble and then I realised that the guy might have had a girlfriend. I was all, "Oh well. He should dump her and be with this chick." This year, his girlfriend joined our ensemble and she's really nice and now I ship them, which is probably better. Actually, I do kinda ship him with another chick. Gosh, being the only guy in a 15-ish person ensemble makes you very shippable.

So, yesterday I went to the city with Phantomess and White Ribbon. It was good fun. We went it to fancy as shops like Tiffany & Co. and Louis Vuitton. Then we went into bridal/formal shops because we are girly like that. We didn't find formal accessories, which is the reason we met up, but it was fun all the same. We went looking for lunch and wanted to go to a cafe, because we're fancy like that. We walked past a few, but they were too expensive. See, we're fancy, but poor :P  Anyway, we walked past this one, because it was kinda expensive, and this waiter walks out in front of us and says hello and we said hi and walked on. You know when you see an attractive person with your friend and you give each other a look? Yeah. All three of us gave each other looks. Quite amusing actually. But, hey, hot waiter. So, we crossed the road and looked at two other cafes, but we all kinda wanted to go back to the other one. We didn't want to look weird and desperate so we went back and had a long look at their menu, before deciding to sit down. Yes, this lunch was filled with quite a bit of checking-out on our behalves, but whatever, the food was REALLY good. Like, super yum. I really want that focaccia now... Mmmm.

I found this hilarious That 70s Show clip online that made me literally LOL quite a bit. I, strangely enough, really like this show. Too bad I'm only really able to watch it on midday Foxtel when my whole family's out. Therefore, it's completely out of chronological order. I'll watch an episode and Jackie's dating Hyde and Eric and Donna have broken up and then the next one I'll see, a week or two later, and Jackie will be with Kelso and Eric and Donna are together. Actually, I haven't seen much of them actually together. I've seen them before they go out and several times after break-ups, but I think I've only seen one episode when they are together. Weird. I don't know how popular she is with the fanbase, but I really don't like Donna. I am not sure why, but she annoys me. My least favourite of the group. My favourite being Fez, closely followed by Hyde and Eric, then Jackie, then Kelso, then Donna. Eric used to be my favourite. It's not that I like him less now, it's that I like Fez and Hyde more.

In the mood to ship again. I NEED TO SHIP. No one is being shipworthy. I only ship like, two couples in Durarara... Oooh. Just looked over at my Peanuts day-by-day desk calender. I ship Charlie Brown and Lucy. I totally do.

I am so tired, but I don't want to go to bed. I want to sit here... I'm trying to watch some of the Durarara dub so I can compare voices, but it's not loading quick enough.

BUT... The later I go to sleep, the later I'll sleep in and the less house work I'll have to do! Brilliant! Actually, knowing my luck, I'll get up at 10am and have a quick breakfast and my mum will say, "OK. NOW IT'S WORK TIME!"

Oh, I give up on this dang dub video. I'll do it tomorrow... Or something.

Crudballs, I was going to say something and it totally flew out my ears. I'm so bored and tired that I keep just sitting and rubbing my eyes and looking around my room and thinking about how I should do something... I am pretty sure what I should do is GO TO SLEEP. And lie in bed thinking about shipping. Mmm. Maybe I'll have a weird cracktastic shipping dream! That'd be cool!

OK. I was right, this WAS fun. I am glad I wrote one of these random posts that define my normal life and thoughts.

OH! I remember what I was going to say. I like sitting at the computer with earphones in and no music. I mean, I prefer music, but when there's none playing, I feel weird if my earphones aren't in.

Just put in lots of labels and looking at them it makes this post seem exceedingly random. Which it is...


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