Tuesday 12 July 2011

I've Got No Clue What To Name This Post, Guys.

Sup guys?

Apparently my brother said it would be easy to be a mime so he is now forbidden to talk for 30 minutes. My parents have also told him he cannot write things down because he's a a mime not a scribe. Haha. Sucked in, dude.

So, I went back to school today after 3 weeks off. It was surprisingly good. In music we looked at uni sites as our teacher was away. In lesson two, we had a dude come in a tell us how to study and whatnot. I saw him and my first thought was, "He kinda looks like Neil Patrick Harris." Sadly, he was not Neil Patrick Harris. Or the musical theatre dude that I really thought he looked like. Oh well. Next I had Maths. We did next to nothing. Next was spare. I looked at uni courses and got quite confused, conflicted and somewhat depressed. More on that later. Then Physics. We watched some video on some dude trying to figure out nuclear fusion. It was kinda interesting but I kept zoning out and wanting to sleep.

Uni courses suck, bros. Before today, I knew what I wanted to do. I was going to do a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Spanish and Psychology. I was also highly considering doing a dual degree with Communication. The more I looked at courses in our university booklet thang, the more conflicted I felt. I'd really like to do an actual Psychology degree but at the uni I want, I need an OP 4. Which is, like, not doable for me. Other unis have seriously doable OPs but their courses aren't as interesting to me. Also, if I did do an actual Psychology degree, I can't do Spanish and this depresses me greatly. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO, GUYS. The Psychology degree that I want to do means I can do a whole subject on pathopsychology. Pathopyschology is the study of mental diseases/disorders/abnormalities. This is the main reason I wanted to get into Psychology. I am really interested in mental illnesses and want so badly to learn about them. I need to see if I can still do this subject if I do my Arts degree, but frankly, I don't think that's what I want to do anymore. All of my friends have more interesting sounding degrees and all of their degrees sound like they can take them somewhere career-wise. Mine doesn't. I'm kinda flipping out. Oh well, I've got an excursion at the uni I want to go to on Thursday and hopefully, I'll figure out something then...


LOL Masterchef makes me... well, LOL. I have an OTP in Masterchef right now. Yeah, I ship in Masterchef. My dad was saying that this guy had a thing for this blonde chick and I was all, "No.... That would ruin my ship..." He was all, "...?" and I was all, "I ship him with Black Hair Chick," and my dad was all, "Eeehh,  I guess..." Ugh. He doesn't get my ship. Psshhffshssh.

They plated up pasta with parmesan and I could suddenly smell parmesan. SO WEIRD. I can still kinda smell it. My. Mind. Is. Blown.

I need some more Real Life Ships. I don't have enough. I ship two people in my class at school and I ship my brother with a friend of ours. They've known each other for like, ever, and used to like each other. You know those stories of people who were always best friends and eventually realised they were in love and then go out and get married and have kids and die together? Yeah. You know the ones. That's my story for my brother. Since I had one close dude friend when I was younger and I never see him anymore (He and his family spent Christmas at my house like 2 years ago and it was weird and awkward cause we didn't talk even though we were totes BFFs in grade 1 and 2) so I'm obviously not having that kind of story.

Oh dear. The Masterchef dude mentioned Black Hair Chick and I did one of my Creepy Shipper Laughs. Oh deary, deary me.

I'm not a huge Oreo fan, bros. I mean, they're yum and all, but... I've never actually liked the the biscuits, just the cream. The biscuits with the cream is pretty good... but, I usually eat one of the biscuits then eat the edges of biscuit around the cream and then eat that. So, I always have to get through one of the biscuits before the yummy cream.

In tomorrow night's Masterchef the contestant dudes are put into pairs. My ship are paired together. OH, YEAH. I told my parents this and they were slightly weirded out and amused and my dad said, "Maybe they'll go kissy-kissy in the corner." Sometimes I wonder how I am related to these people.

Wow. Just researched exchange programs at the university I want to go to and they sound amazing. Dang, I want to do an exchange program and study in Spain now. I'm just scared that I will be totally out of my depth and not good enough and scared of people and asdfghjkl. Well, I still want to go and I think I really need to just do things and not be so flipping scared all the time. It sounds like it would be such a great opportunity and could be such a great learning and growing experience from me... Ah, the conflictingness in my mind.

1 comment:

  1. Duuuuuude! I want to go to Ireland... Or maybe Italy? Or even Finland! :3 There are too many places to choose from =.= :P
