Sunday 3 July 2011

27th-3rd June/July 2011

Behold my anime collage on the back of my bedroom door. Now, you may see a Total Drama picture on there.. I should explain that. Basically, I was printing pictures out to put on my school books and I accidentally printed out two pictures of the Total Drama one, the big L, the InuYasha and Sesshomaru one and the Kyo one... I was all, "Hey. I'll put these on my door, cause it looks boring," and I just added to it. I COULD take down the Total Drama one, since it isn't anime, but whatever. Now, all animes have two pictures up there. My three favourites, however, have three pictures, being Fruits Basket, Kaichou wa Maid-Sama and Ano Hana. Anyway, this is this week's picture as I have been away this week, from Monday to Thursday and watched no anime, making me realise how much I rely on it to keep me calm and sane.. It's sad, but true :)

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