Monday 11 July 2011

4th-10th July 2011

This is my study for my grade 7 flute exam. I do not like it. It's weird and kinda annoying and it doesn't feel like it flows together. This is the first page. The second page has lots of minims and semibreves with random accidentals and it sounds so random, out-of-place and just kinda made me go, "Wait. What?" Then there's the coda. I can't play it for some reason, but whatever. I made the piece sound horrible then. It's not that bad, I just don't really like it, personally. Of course, my flute teacher loves it. She's like, "It's really cool! You'll like it!" and I played it and she was all, "Isn't it cool?" and I'm all, "Mmm..." On Saturday I practiced it and got a pencil and wrote all over it. Things like. "Don't get too loud!" etc because I play stupid dynamics and need big visual reminders so that I play what's written.

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