Thursday 21 July 2011

Paul Likes Girl Pigs and Jim.

This shall be one of my signature Random Posts as I am bored, should be doing school work, and am avoiding doing a depressing post about how I feel lately, because it will result in me being a weird, emotional mess for the rest of the night. Not pretty.

My brother and I just sang a strange, impromptu song about how I couldn't find the kitchen scissors. It was loud, somewhat tuneful and completely random. Also, quite repetitive. I was getting a little too carried away and didn't realise my brother was practically yelling that he'd found them, because I thought he was singing some epic harmony or something. He found my failure amusing. Earlier, my other brother and I were singing "The Power of Love" really loudly and out-of-tunely with several bits hummed due to our lack of knowledge in the lyrics departments. Sometimes I want to strangle my brothers violently, but it's times like these that I get all sentimental. Maybe it's because I know that, with my current Tertiary Education Plan, I will be only living here for another year and a half before moving approximately 6 hours away. I won't miss their annoying nagging, ignoring of me and their terrible grammar (they aren't quite as academically minded as I have always been...) but I will miss the times when I sit at Maccas with them teaching them about OTPs and discussing our OTPs for every TV show we can think of, or the times we sing songs really loudly just because we want to. My older, younger brother and I are known for singing the entirety of "Bohemian Rhapsody" together. Guitar solos included. We are amazing.

I was going to get changed into my PJs, but I've just ended up sitting here for ten minutes in my school uniform with my PJs on my lap. Why do I fail so much?

I'm in my PJs now. You guys totes care. Don't lie to me, I know you do.

Today in PE we had to Design A Game. We were given two bibs, four markers, a rugby ball and a skipping rope and, in groups of four, had to create a game. Gojo, Phantomess, White Ribbon and I kinda failed. We had cool ideas like pushing people out of circles and hitting the rugby ball with a skipping rope. Our PE teacher heard one of our ideas and just looked at us and said, "Okaaayyyy......" with a look that said, "What are these girls on?" and walked away. Gosh.

I was reading a couple of my old posts then and I found one where I did a little Paradise Oskar fangirling. Dang. Now I'm listening to his album after the Fangirl Session that occured in Music today with Tenuto Tuo. We watched several videos of him and Tenuto Tuo had to deal with my creepiness being all, "He's still adorable even in a bad-quality video! Why am I not there in Finland seeing him play live? His voice is so much lower when he talks! HE'S ADORABLE!" Seriously, he sings relatively high and talks MUCH lower. It''s so weird. It has kinda confused Tenuto Tuo and I. "Da da dam, da da dam, da da da da da da da da dam."

AH! FANGIRLING IS OCCURING. I swear, this guy has become one of my favourite musicians. I just adore his music. I mean, no matter what he looked like, I would love his music. It's the kinda stuff I like and his voice is wonderful and the fact that he writes his own songs is so cool. And... he's adorable. *cough* Stop, girl.

Huh. Just briefly read why his stage name is Paradise Oskar. That's prety dang cool. Now, you know I'm a fan when I start slapping people who insult him. That happened today when my friend heard Tenuto Tuo and us playing "Jimmy's Song" (I was singing along) and my friend was all, "Who's this woman?" I proceeded to yell, "HE'S NOT A WOMAN! DO NOT INSULT HIM!" and slap him on the arm several times. He proceeded to call my dear Paradise Oskar a transvestite, just to annoy me, I'm sure, and I yelled and slapped more. Humph.

My dad came in to tell me that cowboys had towns called things like Loonyville and... something else I can't remember. He said one of them was called Peepee or something and I chuckled like a 6 year old. I swear my maturity has gone down the drain lately. *shakes head in shame*

"Thank you for making me feel like the biggest loser alive. And thank you for throwing away these three years of my life." These lines make my little heart break. Poor Paradise Oskar.

The entirety of the song "Dear Mother" breaks my heart. Oh dear. Now I'm fangirling while tearing up. NOT a good combination.

Just realised it's 8pm and I haven't done my English homework. I COULD do it in my spare tomorrow morning... Heh. I love spares. But, if I do it now, I can use my spare tomorrow to do Maths or Physics revision... Or read the book I got out for English Extension today. I'm really getting into reading classic literary texts lately. Well, kinda. This book is called "The House of Mirth." I'm actually pretty excited to read it. I told my mum I want Sense & Sensibility and told her it'd be a GREAT birthday present, so I hope she gets that hint ;)

Oh no! The Paradise Oskar album has finished playing. I'm depressed now.

Just realised I'm missing Masterchef. It's an elimination between 3 people. One of them is one of my favourites. The other two are people I've been wanting to go home for weeks and weeks. Can't believe I'm missing it.

Better go see if my family's watching it before it finishes. Hope y'all enjoyed this post about nothing.

POST TITLE EXPLANATION: This is the random crud I get up to with White Ribbon in Maths...

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