Tuesday 19 July 2011

I'm A Post Thief. Deal With It.

Stealing this Fandom Quiz thang off Gojo and nath_alex01. I will do all my non-anime fandoms, as this ain't my anime blog. 

Fandom: How I Met Your Mother.
Favorite Character: Marshall Eriksen
Least Favorite Character: From their gang? Lily. In general? Maybe Victoria. Nah. Maybe that Karen chick Ted dated... 
Most Attractive Character: Is it weird that, being a girl myself, I didn't even consider the male characters? Oh well. I'd say it's pretty close between Zoey, Nora and Robin. 
Character I Wanna Marry: Hm. Probably Marshall. He's so nice and funny and, well, not the other guys... 
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Probably Marshall as well. He'd make such a good best friend. 
Favorite Pairing: This is tough. Before Season 6, my OTP was Barney/Robin. After Season 6, I am extremely conflicted between Barney/Robin and Barney/Nora. 
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: So many. I adored "Subway Wars" and episodes like "Do I Know You?" which are focused on Barney's feelings for Robin. 
Unpopular Opinion: Apparently my dislike for Lily is an unpopular opinion. She can be funny and cool but a lot of the time, I find her annoying and somewhat selfish, especially in regards to the way she is around Marshall after his father dies. 

Fandom: Doctor Who
Favorite Character: Um. The Doctor or Rose. Closely followed by Amy, I must say. 
Least Favorite Character: Uhhh. I don't know. Oooh! That big spider chick from "The Runaway Bride" sucked. And "The Wire". Oh gosh, forever scared here. 
Most Attractive Character: Amy Pond. Or the Tenth Doctor. Both. 
Character I Wanna Marry: The Doctor. Preferably the Tenth. Yeah, I'd forbid him to ever regenerate. Well, maybe, because I do love Eleven. 
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Donna Noble. She is hilarious. Or Rory. 
Favorite Pairing: Ten/Rose. Increasingly closely followed by Amy/Rory.
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: Cannot choose one. I love so many. The ones with Rose leaving were amazing and the season 5 finale was so amazing too. 
Unpopular Opinion: Don't think I really have any... I dunno. I don't really ship Nine/Rose. Not sure why, but I always preferred her with Ten. Also, don't ship Eleven with anyone really. Or Nine. Also, don't like Martha. 

Fandom: The Big Bang Theory
Favorite Character: Tied between Sheldon and Raj. 
Least Favorite Character: Leonard. He's boring and annoying and pretty selfish and not a good friend to poor Sheldon. 
Most Attractive Character: I actually don't know. I've always thought Raj was cute, but more from an, "Aww, isn't he adorable?" perspective... 
Character I Wanna Marry: Raj? But the whole Can't-Talk-To-Women-Unless-He's-Drunk thing makes that hard.. in that case, no one. 
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Again. Raj. You see, I already hang out with someone similar to Sheldon and, although Sheldon is funny on TV, I couldn't deal with him all the time.
Favorite Pairing: Shamy. 
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: Cannot choose. Especially since I don't know any off by heart. Anyone with Amy's usually pretty good :P
Unpopular Opinion: I actually really ship Howard/Bernadette. I don't know how popular that is. Maybe disliking Leonard is unpopular. I also don't ship him with anyone. I also don't really ship Shenny. I don't think it could ever actually work and it would ruin so much. 

Fandom: Friends
Favorite Character: Chandler Bing. 
Least Favorite Character: From the gang? Probably Rachel. 
Most Attractive Character: Um. Chandler throughout certain seasons. 
Character I Wanna Marry: Chandler.
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Phoebe. Or Monica. 
Favorite Pairing: Chandler/Monica. 
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: Again, I don't know. I love the one where Monica proposes. I love The One Where Everyone Finds Out. Early Ross/Rachel shipping episodes are good. The finale is emotional. 
Unpopular Opinion: I'm not sure what's popular or not. I'll throw out some random opinions then. I like Early Season Ross MUCH more than Later Season Ross. I think I like Early Seasons Ross/Rachel more too... 

Fandom: Total Drama 
Favorite Character: For all three seasons, overall, Heather. Very, very, VERY closely followed by Alejandro. 
Least Favorite Character: Beth. Oh dear, me. I groan and mumble about my wishes for her impending death whenever she speaks. I am horrible, but she is fictional, so it's OK.
Most Attractive Character: Is it really bad that the cartoon show is the one I find easiest to answer this question with? Alejandro.
Character I Wanna Marry: Uh. Alejandro. 
Character I Wanna Be Best Friends With: Harold. He's so funny and dorky. 
Favorite Pairing: AleHeather. Serious. I will go down with that ship. Followed by Duncney (I'll go down with that one too) followed by Gwent (Yeah, sure, I'll go down with that too). But AleHeather trumps everything. Ever. 
Favorite Episode/issue/etc: Oh dear. ISLAND: Brunch of Disgustingness, Hook, Line and Screamer, Phobia Factor, Basic Straining (LOVE this one. Duncney shipping!), Search and Do Not Destroy. 
ACTION: Beach Blanket Bogus, 3:10 To Crazytown, Ocean's Eight-Or Nine, Million Dollar Babies, The Princess Pride, Get A Clue.
WORLD TOUR: (I love them all, btw) Newf Kids On The Rock, I See London, Sweden Sour, African Lying Society, Rapa-Phooey, Aww, Drumheller, Planes, Trains and Hot Air Mobiles. 
I think that's all :P
Unpopular Opinion: I don't like Gwen. I don't mind Island Gwen and I STRONGLY dislike World Tour Gwen. I found that she didn't live up to her stereotype like other characters. I didn't think she was emo or goth enough and therefore, found her boring. Also, I STRONGLY dislike the pairing of Gwuncan. I know. I hate it. They are too similar. They are not interesting and I think they would make really good friends as they have a best friend/sibling-like kinda bond and I do not like them as a pair at all. The more I watch Island and see them with Trent or Courtney, the stronger I feel about this. 



    ...loljks I feel special for starting something ♥

    I wasn't that keen on Rose, actually... Though I've never been keen on /any/ of the female cast.
    I do love the tenth doctor. Unf.

    HOW CAN YOU HATE GWEN ASDFGHJKL. I get what you mean about her not being goth enough. She does kinda fail at that stereotype. But still... Heh, I kinda shipped Gwuncan from the start only because I thought they'd look attractive together. Lolwhoops. Also I kinda hate pairing her with Trent. x3

  2. You are like, my Total Drama opposite, kind of. I find it amusing.
