Friday 29 July 2011

Come Up With Your Own Title, Guys.

So, I'm sitting in the state library listening to Paradise Oskar and eating dried apricots. Yes, I know, I'm awesome. You can now all bask in the glory of my randomness.

So, this morning in my flute ensemble rehearsal, I learnt several different, non-traditional flute techniques. These included jet whistles (cover the entire flute embouchure and blow really quickly and harshly. It's cool), "windy sounds" as my conductor called them (similar to jet whistles but you play a scale, or random notes while covering the embouchure), pizzicatos (making popping sounds with your lips into the flute, or doing a weird thrusting thing with your tongue) and tongue rams (covering the embouchure and actually pushing your tongue through it, kind of. It's sounds weirder and grosser than it is). Personally, I love these weird techniques. Last year we learnt some and I thought they were weird but now, I love them. My school music teacher and ex-flute teacher and I were briefly talking about some of them (none of the aforementioned ones, though. I was talking to her about the technique were you actually say "ch" or "sh" into your flute) and she told me I could argue, for my Music Extension assignment, if these kinds of things are really "playing the flute". I could tell by the way she said it that, she doesn't think it's proper flute playing. I disagree. I mean, everything changes over time. 200 years ago, no one would sit in state library on a laptop listening to music through earphones and blogging, but I am now. They way we talk and write has changed so much. Styles of music have changed so much, so why can't the way we play our instruments change?

I don't know why I chose to play the flute when I was 7 years old. It was probably because it was girly and pretty- the reason most girls start to learn, if they are young. Now, however, I don't like all those pretty, frilly, Classical/Baroque, "typical flute" songs. That's what flute is stereotyped to be. High notes, quick notes, pretty notes. I love the flute in the lowest octave. It can sound so beautiful played in the lower octave. It can sounds cool high too, but when I play it, it sounds... eughcky (My new word, guys!) . I love slow, minor, emotional low flute songs. I like fast, pretty ones too, but not predictable ones. I love those songs you listen to and you go, "Oooh! That's interesting..." because you heard something you didn't expect to hear.

Maybe that's why I like these weird flute techniques. I don't think they are anymore "valid" than traditional flute techniques or any less valid. I think they're all as good as each other, it's just different.

Anyway, as you can see, I'm not doing a very good job of doing my Maths assignment.

Have you ever gone to sleep in a TERRIBLE mood (like, almost crying yourself to sleep mood) and woken up the next morning totally happy? Like, you think about the night before and you feel totally indifferent towards it? I had one of these experiences. Not going to go into the details because, frankly, talking about a bad night will make me feel... bad... and I'm feeling fine right now. A little hungry, but fine.

"When I decide to come running like Lancelot and the sirens are singing, and the sirens are singing, that I am too late..."

Guys, can I have Paradise Oskar come running to me like Lancelot? *cough* Anyway...


I watched episode 1 of The Glee Project yesterday, as requested by nath_alex01. It was pretty good, actually. I gave up on watching Glee around half way through this season. Actually, I missed an episode and therefore didn't watch the next one and then eventually I gave up. I wasn't liking it as much. It wasn't bad but it wasn't the great, funny, still heartwarming, different Glee I knew from season 1. I loved season 1 Glee. So much. I miss it. It was good. Thinking about that usually makes me depressed. Oh well. Back to The Glee Project. I choose favourites and least favourites pretty quickly. If any of you could be stuffed to look it up, or if you know it, I shall tell you my favourites and least favourites. I really like Ellis (she's 18 and looks like she's 10. I can relate. I like her weird humour and her voice is pretty cool), Marissa (She hasn't said much, but her voice is really good and different), Cameron (Firstly, he's kind of adorkable (stole that word off Gojo, I think) and I LOVE his voice. Love it), Damien (pretty cool voice, nothing spectacular, but I ADORE his Irish accent. I swear, I could listen to him for hours) and, strangely enough, Emily. I only like her because her stuck-up, flirtiness is funny. Anyway, once I've done a little bit of work here, I might watch episode 2. Just cause the preview showed Lindsay being bitchy towards Ellis. I like bitchy TV people and I like Ellis, so yeah.

I have GOT to stop eating. I'm not even sure if you're allowed to eat in here... Whoops...

There's this kinda weird couple here. I think they're Japanese. They are funny. N'aww.
... The guy keeps running away and laughing and she's all, "LOL." Well, not actually. She does literally LOL, she doesn't say it. Now she's running. In the opposite direction... As you do. And they've left their laptops and weird camera and container of gum on the little tables. Oh my gosh! She ran over to this window on the other side from where the guy ran, and she looked at and he walked past. They're now kinda talking through the window and laughing. They're leaving the window now. These two are strange...

Oh no! Paradise Oskar's album has finished. What should I listen to now?

The more I eat, the hungrier I get. Fml.

I don't think I can do any of my Maths assignment here. I need paper and pens and space. I'll do this at home. Now, I guess I'll do... Music or something. Better stop blogging then :)

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