Friday 15 July 2011

Happy Birthday To You, You're Not One Hundred And Two. You're only Fourty-Three. No, He's Only Fourty-Two.

Yesterday was my dad's birthday and in tradition, we went out for dinner with my aunty, uncle and two younger cousins. Now, by the time we got to the restaurant, it was pretty quiet and therefore, the waiters/waitresses got pretty bored. This meant that we were served a LOT. Serious. We had a lot of cups on our table and a waitress came along and asked if she could take them away. We said it was fine. She left and a waiter came along and asked if he could take them away. We let him. He left and a waitress came along and asked if she could take some plates. She left with some plates and a waiter came along and did the same thing. We were served by nearly all of the waiters in that restaurant that night.

Now, there was this one waiter who came along who was somewhat attractive. Just sayin'. Anyway, my family were making weird jokes with him as he was taking our plates (my cousins had been freaking out every waiter that night... I tried hard to pretend I wasn't there, but they all noticed my existence). He was all cool with the jokes, despite the fact I was sitting there thinking, "Stop being weird around the somewhat attractive waiter. Let him take our plates and LEAVE before I crawl into a hole under this table and die from embarrassment!" Anyway, he decided this was normal and told us about other weird things customers asked him. They have asked him things like the emergency procedure if a nuclear bomb were to be in the building, something else I can't remember and apparently, one guy asked him if he would go out with his daughter.  We all LOL'd away and he said, "See you," to us and left with our plates. Half of me was like, "YAY NO MORE EMBARRASSMENT!" and the other half was like, "Aw. I like this waiter dude." Anyway, after he'd walked away, my dad decided to turn around and say, "Will you go out with my daughter?" as a joke. Thankfully, waiter dude was totally gone and only people at our table heard. I put on a serious face and was all, "I do not appreciate this," but you know when you're totally embarrassed and whatnot, and you can't help but smile or smirk or half-laugh? Well, I did that... Firstly, my aunty replied to my comment by saying, "You might appreciate it if he went out with you," and continued to say stuff like, "Don't knock it till you try it," or whatever. My 11-year-old cousin managed to pick up on the slight smile/smirk on my face and tried to tell my dad. I don't think he really heard or cared, so that's good.

Unfortunately, that was SO not the end of the embarrassment. My cousins and brothers all decided to dare themselves to do stupid things in front of a waiter. This waiter happened to be the other nice, somewhat funny, young waiter. My brother was dared to feel his chest and say, "Where's my jacket?" even though he was wearing it. My little cousin was dared to walk around wiggling his butt. The Butt Wiggle apparently. The waiter kinda kept looking over at me during these dares as I was sitting there with my hand on my face, shaking my head, but kinda laughing at the stupidity of it all and so wishing I wasn't there. When we left, my cousins decided to dare HIM to do something. Thankfully, all they did was dare him to breathe and he was all like, "Done." Thankfully, none of these waiters seemed to mind too much. They all smiled and joked along with our stupidity... When we were leaving, Young Waiter Who Was Dared To Breathe and another waitress were cleaning our table and they were totes talking about us. Not sure I'll be inviting my cousins to my birthday dinner. Actually, I want to go to an Indian restaurant and I've only been there with the same family members before... I think the Somewhat Attractive Waiter there already knows about our issues and he usually doesn't mind that we are annoying, so I guess it's OK...

Yesterday we had this guy come to talk to us about the QCS test and help us prepare and stuff. He was one horrible dude. He was condescending and constantly looking down on us, our teachers and our school in general. It's funny because, when I left, I felt so much more pride in my school and my education and myself solely because he thought we were nothing. I went on internal rants about how, when I graduate in less than six months, I will have attended this school for 10 years and have always been the top or in the top group of people, academically, so this guy cannot judge me. He asked me some questions and, because he was scary as hell, I was flipping out. I get scared of answering questions in my normal English classes, let alone with an old, snobby, rude man asking me stuff. I could tell he was judging me and my intelligence and it made me think about how little you know about people. I mean, he made so many judgments about me and my grade and my school in that hour-and-a-half, but he has no idea. Anyway, basically, I felt lots of pride in the school I go to after that. I do love my school. 10 years can do that to you. I have seen it change a LOT and I do love it and I will miss it next year and after, I know it.

Anyway, I've got to do all my homework today because tomorrow I'm going to an expo about university etc. and after that, I'm going to visit my grandfather in hospital because he had a stroke last week. Gotta get all my school stuff done today, which should be fun seeing as though I woke up with a super sore throat and am now feeling really sick... *sigh*

The post was the way my brother's and I sang Happy Birthday to my dad yesterday. I sang the very last line because I actually knew his age...

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