Thursday 7 July 2011

Relationships Are Like Communism; Fangirling Is Like Vegetables

Would you like some mmsauce with those vegetables?

All of these wonderful quotes came from the mouth of the strange Phantomess. Wonderful metaphors indeed. Now, I'm sure you are sitting there going, "I do hope she explains these intriguing metaphors, as I am quite perplexed," and, for some reason, you'd be saying that in a British accent, regardless of your country of origin. Anyway, to keep all you followers happy, I shall explain.

Relationships are like Communism- great in theory, not so great in practice.

Fangirling is like vegetables- Lots of people don't like it, but Phantomess and I do, and it's... healthy...
Now, this one stemmed for our fangirling over a particular character, but whatever.

I am sure you are all enlightened and sitting in your rooms with your hands posed under your chin in a fashion that implies you are considering intelligent things. When I do that, I'm never considering intelligent things. I'm usually considering stupid things, or stupidly posing for a stupid photo with my peeps.

So, according to TVTropes (who is ALWAYS right. ALWAYS!) you can't spell fangirl without "fang" and it is so true. At first I was all, "LOL. That's scary and creepy. Weird fangirls." Now, however, I am all, "HAHAHA. IT'S SO TRUE. I CAN HAZ FANGS?" Why, you may ask? You may not ask, but I shall answer anyway. Because, my dear friends, I am a self-confessed fangirl.

Yes, you read it right here. I admit to sitting in my room and smiling at pictures/videos etc. of real/fictional people and going, "Y U NO BE REAL?" Well, unless they ARE real, in which case I would say, "Y U BE SIGNIFICANTLY OLDER THAN ME AND IN SOME OTHER COUNTRY?" Because no one fangirls over real people their age and nationality. It just doesn't happen.

RANDOM INTERLUDE: The opening theme for Ouran High School Host Club is kinda lame, but I like the guitar solos. BACK TO MAIN POST.

Now, you may be thinking, "This girl be creepy," but, if you think that, you have not seen other fangirls. Like, wow. I am nothing compared to some other peeps on the interwebs.

Today I realised that 2 out of my Top 3 Celebrity Crushes (Yes. I worked out my Top 3. It wans't hard seeing as though I usually fangirl over fictional characters...) are Canadian. Mmm. Apparently, I likes me some Canadian. I do have some random urge to go to Canada and it has nothing to do with these dudes. I just really want to go there and I'm not sure why. It just seems cool.

I am looking up fangirl quizzes, so that internet can confirm it for me. And quizzes are cool. One question asked what you do when you see your object of fangirlismness and one option was "start giggling maniacally" and it was like a huge shout-out to Phantomess and I. Oh dear... We laugh. Maniacally.

OK, this "So You Think You're A Fangirl?" thing is funny. But it keeps relating things to like, Buffy and Veronica Mars and stuff. Hence I only knew ONE of the ships because I've heard a friend talk about these Buffy characters. I have a feeling I won't get a high rating, because it was the wrong kind of TV! I need ANIME fangirl things... And... Total Drama... As that related to almost all of my answers on this quiz... OK, RESULT TIME, GUYS. I KNOW YOU'RE EXCITED.

Just read this above the quiz:

[Special Note: Although some of these questions might specifically reference television, feel free to substitute the fictional obsession of your choice. For example: anime, Georgette Heyer novels, JDoramas, manga, anything featuring Colin Firth, etc. Also, we make lots of references to Veronica Mars. Sorry for the bias, but we're obsessed. No, we're not going to tell you our scores.]

... *facepalm*

EXCUSE ME? The results told me, "Y
ou don’t exactly ship, but you wouldn’t mind if certain characters got together. In fact, it’d be really cute." UM. NO. I LOVE TO SHIP. I almost LIVE to ship nowadays. I am insulted. How dare this random internet weirdo tell me I don't ship?? Now, when watching Total Drama World Tour, episode 25, Planes, Trains and Hot Air Mobiles (Yeah.), possible THE most AleHeather shiptastic episode in the series, I frequently descended into Creepy Hysterical Laughter Mode anytime they said ANYTHING to or about each other. I ship. 

TDWT, I realised last night with Phantomess, is actually the show that really got me into shipping and AleHeather is the ship that did that to me. A... uh, certain character.... in that ship... started me on my fangirling... And it was a downhill spiral from then on. 

My brothers and I sat outside a Maccas eating random junk and spending about half-an-hour talking about shipping non-stop. After I'd explained to them what an OTP is, of course. 

Aw, now I REALLY feel like shipping. 

Hehehe. Another quiz called me a rabid fangirl. Pffssshhhh. 

ANYWHOOOOO, I was in the city today, to get my hair cut. I officially have a hairdresser. I never deliberately go back to the same person, but now I do. She did a really good job last time so we requested her this time. She's my official hairdresser and she knows it. She might be transferring to a shop closer to me and she said she'd tell us if she does. N'aww, I feel loved. It was weird, because she remembered me well from last time even tough we realised I hadn't gotten my haircut since February. She still remembered me and she seemed to remember how she cut my hair last time and I was all, "N'AWS" I like her Anyway, I like my haircut. I hate my hair. It's mean to me. It's in the Awkward Stage at the moment. I've been considering growing it out for the end of the year/formal, but it's in that stage now where it's not stylishly short, and it's not nice and long and pretty. It's just awkward and annoying and stupid and hormonal. Now, obviously not LITERALLY hormonal, but I couldn't think of the word I was thinking of and hormones make you act like my hair. Annoying, stupid and choppy-changey-ish. I mean, come on. I cried quite a lot today because we ran out of ice blocks. I'm all, "BRAIN, Y U BE SO EMOTIONAL? TEARS, Y U BE FLOWING? WE CAN BUY MORE ICE BLOCKS, GIRL!"

*cough* That's irrelevant. LOLs, this whole post is irrelevant. 

I really want to write an Unpopular Opinion post some time. Just because sometimes, I want to yell my opinions at everyone and see how they deal with hearing opinions that they don't agree with. Humph.

Oh my gosh! Guys, click on this link, it made me smile:

OK, I'm done now.

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