Thursday 30 June 2011

Doors Closing, Please Stand Clear

I went to stay with a friend this past four days and had to catch a train home today, for over two hours. Ah, the society rants that form in my head in public transport.

So, there were a lot of bogans. Man, they bugged me. So very much... I am a snob. A big snob... Oh well. Being a snob is better than throwing my life away with smoking, bad hairdos (OK, that won't ruin my life, but whatever) and getting wasted at parties. I did, however, feel so bad for judging people quickly on that train, but whatever...

A guy got on who was wearing a dark hoodie, with the hood up, a cigarette in his mouth (not smoking, obviously, but he was just THAT addicted) and a serious look on his face. I was all, "HE LOOKS LIKE DUNCAN FROM TOTAL DRAMA! Actually, he looks like Drew Nelson... But whatever! OMG! I SHOULD RELATE ALL THESE TRAIN PEOPLE TO TOTAL DRAMA CHARACTERS! WHOO!" So, I did. Here are the few I found:

Duncan: Yeah. I talked about him. He was kinda sketchy looking...

Trent: A metro looking guy. Short hair, sunnies, gray shirt. Kooking kinda stylish until he stood up and I saw he was wearing weird board-shorts. I decided that meant he was casual and nice, like Trent. He was a little pretentious, though. Whatever.

Lindsay: Yeah. She got on the train and spent 5 minutes "fixing" her hair in the train window. Her hair was fine before that. AND, she stuck half her body out the door to see something and decided to ignore the "Doors closing, please stand clear," message and the doors closed on her. SO FUNNY. Classic.

Ezekiel: Bogan kid. Really short and skinny. Long-ish, Bieber flick-esque bleach blonde hair. Classy.

Geoff and Bridgette: Just this teenage couple sitting next to me. The guy seemed like a party-lovin' guy and the girl seemed pretty nice... and they got pretty cosy. I tried not to look at them a lot in case they were making out. When they bought cigarettes from the guy behind me, I questioned their status as Geoff and Bridgette, but they were the only couple on the train, so it stays.

That's it. I saw several people that made me think of Heather, but then I realised they just made me think of her voice actor. They all looked too nice to be Heather. I was totes disappointed no Alejandros walked onto my train. Gosh. Oh! I saw a Cody. Little boy, blonde, moved around a talked a lot. Seemed kinda annoying, but harmless. Like Cody. Wish I could have seen a Courtney, Heather, Al and Izzy. That would've been cool. But hey, I saw a girl have the train doors shut on her and see two teenagers buy cigarettes. It was an alright train trip.

ALSO! Anyone know the French/Australian (ethnically French but now works and lives in Aus) chef Manu? I saw a guy who looked like him but like, a biker version of him on the train. Ah, Biker Manu. He freaked me out with his sunnies, looking like he was watching me... I doubt he was... I wasn't doing anything interesting... Just listening to my music and judging everyone...

Anyway, off to try and get through my Tumblr dashboard and read some manga. Or manga for tomorrow. Or Durarara for tomorrow. Hm.


  1. Ahahaha, I was relating this movie to Hetalia characters while on the cruise. x3
    Biker Manu? o_O

  2. You relate EVERYTHING to Hetalia, my dear. Oh, Biker Manu was funny as :D
