Sunday 19 June 2011

13th-19th June 2011

So, this is the pile of books that was cleaned out of my locker at the end of this term. It's a depressing pile. Well, they are the best looking school books I've had. Each are covered in different pictures of things I love. LIST TIME.
English- InuYasha
Physics- Death Note
English Extension- Fruits Basket
QCS- Daria
RAVE- Total Drama
Maths- My friends (N'aww)
Music Extension- Musicals
Anyway, this pile is still depressing to look at, sitting there on my floor. It's like it's taunting me saying, "Yeah. You're on holidays. Yeah, you're half way through your final year of school, but in three weeks, you gotta go back to that mental institution." Oh well. I've got three weeks :)

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