Monday 20 June 2011

I Dreamt That You Were A Dog And That Dog Was My Husband

Last night I had a dream about my school formal. It was pretty similar to most dreams I have, but we'll get to that soon enough.

Basically, I bought some shoes to wear the day of the formal (cutting it fine, much?). From what I remember of them, they were kinda ugly and nothing I'd actually wear. So, at one point in my dream, I was a shopping centre food court with my family, before the formal. I was worried we'd be late. I saw my friend, Old Man, and his mum on their way to the formal. I MIGHT have also seen Miss Invisible. I'm not sure. Anyway, I wanted my family to hurry up, because I was worried we'd be late to MY FORMAL. They bought me some food, cause I was hungry. I didn't want much. They bought me KFC. I got kinda annoyed at them, saying things like, "I have my formal tonight. I can't have KFC! It's so unhealthy. I'm going to get fat and not fit intro my dress!" and things along those lines. I can't remember if I ate it or not. I might have been in my dress too, because I remember being worried about getting grease on me. Yuck. Eventually, I had to get changed and, at some stage, I was in my car, worrying about being late. I was probably freaking out a bit. Eventually, I made it to the formal. All I remember about the formal is that my date was - HERE COMES THE WEIRD PART - none other than Miss Invisible's boyfriend! Yeah. I don't even talk to him! Anyway, I don't actually know who Miss Invisible's date was and why I wasn't there with Phantomess, as planned. Well, then later on I was at church and apparently I had some thing for two guys who were married with one child. Well, I didn't have a THING for them, I just thought they were attractive. WEIRD DREAM, GUYS.

So, I seem to frequently have dreams that involve being late. I'm always running late to something and no matter what I do and no matter how much I freak out and try and be quicker, I end up being later and later. It's frustrating in my dreams.

I've researched what it means to be late in a dream. Generally, people say it means you fear change. Interesting indeed. Although, I think it makes sense, in relation to me. I do kinda fear change. I mean, in certain aspects, I like change, but I can be pretty dang good at holding on to all the good memories associated with something and not wanting to let go. Take school for example. I've hated this year. It sucks, right? Yeah, I'm looking forward to graduating and beginning my kinda "new life" as a Finally-Not-School-Student. But, I am freaked out like crazy. I keep thinking about all the good school times and all the crazy fun times I've had with my friends and suddenly, I don't want to graduate. But I do. But I don't. I do want to leave school, I'm just terrified. I don't think that fear's a bad thing though. I think my fear of change, in this case, will help me cherish all the good memories and will kinda help me get rid of the bad ones. It helps me put my 12 years of schooling in a good light and I would rather that than remember 12 years negatively.

I've been having a Super Toradora Marathon today. Like, seriously SUPER. I've so far watched from episode 12 to 22... I ONLY HAVE 3 EPISODES LEFT. AH!

I'm going to do a review of this anime when I'm done. Which will be either tonight or Thursday, because I am going to the beach tomorrow! Whoop. With a small group of my hos. I might do a review of that tomorrow night :)

Anyway, that's the end. I need to go grab something to eat, chat a little to my family and come back to finish Toradora.

1 comment:

  1. Umm, okay? Just take my boyfriend to the formal why don't you? :P You special child! Hahahaha
