Sunday 12 June 2011

Loser Is What The Lion Called You When You Couldn't Find Your Balls...

Yesterday was a really good day. I had a concert where I had to perform 3 pieces with a Flute Ensemble I'm in. That went pretty well. Apart from the fact that the tradition has stayed. It is now a recognised tradition that whenever I perform with this group, I can't see the conductor properly for most of, if not all of, the performance. For 2 out of 3 of the pieces, I could barely see her hands conducting. For the third piece I could see, because I had to move to a different spot when changing parts. Apart from that, it went well. I then had to rush to get my flute packed, grab my saxophone, go get changed and make it to the rehearsal of the Symphonic Wind Ensemble I'm in. I had much difficulty finding room to sit (including a chair and stand) in the small room we had to practice in. The 4-song performance of that went really quite well, I thought. I then had Subway for lunch and went home, bringing Phantomess along. Last night I went to see the hilarious [title of show] for the second time with Phantomess, Gojo and Miss Invisible. Absolutely amazing night. So funny, so touching. Pure brilliance. I love this show so much. I was sitting next to Gojo and at many various times the two of us were sunken in our chairs laughing hysterically. That pretty much sums up the show.

Now, I'm not really sure why, but I have the compulsion about one of my favourite shows of all time, Total Drama. Now, this show is kinda aimed at people significantly younger than me. I am definitely too old to love it as much as I do. Like, seriously. It's demographic is kinda pre-teen. Oh well. I still love it.

Now, my obsession with this show began in Term 3 of school last year. I heard heard my brothers singing the theme song and thought it sounded stupid. Then, I heard it was a cartoon "reality" TV show. I was all, "Oh my gosh, that's so stupid." If only I knew... Anyway, I remember the first bit of this show I ever saw. It was in the third season, World Tour, and it was episode 11,  called Jamaica Me Sweat. I came in about half way through to see Alejandro scheming and kinda sucking up to DJ, in order to make an alliance. I am pretty sure I said something along the lines of, "Oooh, this guy's baad," to my brothers. I never looked back...

I came to school one day and was talking to Phantomess. I'm not sure how the topic came about, but I found out she quite liked the show too. We spent a whole lesson talking about it, even though I'd only seen some episodes from Season 3 and she'd seen it all. The Friday night of that week, I went on youtube and watched all of World Tour.

In the following holidays, I had several marathons, using youtube to watch the entirety of Total Drama Island and Action. I was addicted, but World Tour shall forever be my favourite.

Phantomess spent a large majority of Term 4 last year talking about it, annoying pretty much all of our friends...

I really do have different favourite characters to like, 98% of other fans. My two favourite characters are generally hated and one of my least favourite characters is a fan favourite. Just goes to prove that I don't really conform to the fans... Now, my favourites... I don't have a specific order, but I have a group of favourites. Although, the first two are my all-time favourites.
- Heather
- Alejandro
- Duncan
- Harold
- Trent
- Courtney, strangely. I hated her when I watched WT the first time. I liked her after watching all seasons.

The only one on that list that is pretty much always liked by the fans is Duncan.

My ships. Now, I am a big shipper in this show. Well, I'm a big shipper all the time, but still. I have my very personal, strong opinions about couples in this show and have three very big ships. In a specific order, this time...
1. HeatherxAlejandro- AleHeather
2. DuncanxCourtney- Duncney
3. GwenxTrent- Gwent
Yeah. Number 2 & 3 are veryy controversial with the fan base.. Oh, the fan base...

It's re-showing on TV so I'm totes high on this show lately :P

Anyway, enough of that. For now.

I'm going to watch episode 1 of Lovely Complex tonight. I have heard about this anime for awhile. It seems kinda popular. It seems very much like a light-hearted RomCom, girly anime. Some places have plot summaries that make it seem really lame, which is why I've never watched it before, but Wikipedia's one made it seem half-decent. It has a kinda weird premise, but hey, it's worth a try.

Now, it may not be a good idea watching this tonight... Tomorrow I have work to do! Two assignments due on Thursday. Both are moving VERY slowly. Tomorrow shall be dedicated to Physics. Today was supposed to be, but I didn't do much on it. Seeing as though I didn't get up till like, 11:15am and I couldn't find mu USB till 2:30pm, I did OK...ish...

The title of this post is one of the best lines from one of the best songs from one of the best episodes of World Tour :)

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