Sunday 12 June 2011

Me Gusta la Música Japonesa, Tíos.

That's right. Spanish title, guys. For those of you who cannot speak Spanish, it says, "I like Japanese music, dudes," and it speaks the truth. I am getting into Japanese music a lot this year. Thanks to anime and Gojo. About two years ago, Tenuto Tuo would try and play foreign music to me and I'd be all, "I don't really like it... cause I can't understand it." Now Mr Tuo and Miss Gojo have gotten me into JPop/JRock/Europop :)   I don't even care if I have no clue what they're singing about. I can hear the emotion in their voices, very often. I love their voices. I love the occasional time when I understand a word (OK, basically, I know when they say, "thank you" in a song). I love the music. I find myself dancing and humming and making weird noises that might sound like the words. It's good fun.

So, today is supposed to be Physics Day. My English Extension teacher hasn't gotten back to me about my draft, so I can't work on it. Well, that's a lie. I CAN work on it, but I really don't know what to do without his assistance. I doubt I'll know what to do WITH his assistance either, but whatever. It's Physics Day. It's not going so well. I am... very confused. Mmm, it's not going so well. And it's due Thursday. You know what else is due Thursday? That English Extension assignment I can't do. I will fail. Or get something in the C range, for sure. For both assignments. Wait. No, stop. No stressing! CALM, GIRL!

*cough* Moving on. I started watching Toradora! yesterday. Because that was smart. Anyway, I love it. I've only watched two episodes, but it's exactly the kind of anime I was looking for. BST FTW, guys. Basically, the main guy and chick like two other people. They are helping each other get with their respective people. But, obviously, they'll end up falling for each other. N'aww. It's good.

Now, yesterday I told y'all I was going to watch an episode of Lovely Complex. Mmm, yeah. About that... I watched episode 1... and did not like it much. The main chick's voice was very annoying. The animation was meh. The premise behind the show was still dumb. Tall girl and short guy. For some reason their height is a big deal. They both fell for people, tried to get those people, gave up on those people and let them be together all in one episode. No idea where the plot would go for the next 23 or so episodes. Plus, neither of the male characters where even slightly fangirl worthy. So, I gave up after one episode.

Maybe it would get better, but an anime really has to grab me pretty early on or I won't continue watching it. I remember the first time I watched Special A, when I was an Anime Noob. I thought it was weird. Very weird. I watched one episode and then, I believe I found Fruits Basket. I don't know what made me go back to Special A, but I'm glad I did, because I loved it. Something must have grabbed me.

I watched episode 1 of Ouran High School Host Club a couple of months ago, because it is SO popular and I kept reading about it. It didn't grab me, strangely. I should probably watch the sub instead of the dub that I watched. I just found it kinda strange and the voices annoyed me and I didn't really like the animation. I got kinda bored and I didn't find ANY of the MANY guys fangirl worthy. Mm, this is all quite an unpopular opinion, I'm sure, as many people who like the shoujo kinda things I watch, love this show... Oh well. I'll try it again sometime.

But for now, Toradora! I really like it. Definitely my kinda thing. These coming holidays I would like to finish both Toradora! and Durarara!! It's my plan. I doubt I'll finish them both, but I must finish one and watch more of the other. I have a feeling I'll finish Toradora! first.

Also, I really like the main guy. He is really quite cool. As is his pet parrot.

1 comment:

  1. My efforts have finally converted you! :D It was probably mostly Gojo, but I don't care! Icelandic, French, Russian, Korean, Swedish, Finnish, Slovene, etc music ftw! ♥
