Wednesday 30 March 2011

The Awkward Moment When You Make Up Over Ten 'Awkward Moment' Jokes In One Day

So, I saw Wicked again this afternoon for the third, and almost definitely the last time. First row, amazing seats. Absolutely wonderfully amazing show but my insane, growing love of this show depresses me. I am so high when I'm there watching it and thinking about it, but when I go home and think about it more I get pretty depressed. I realised last time I saw it just how important this show is to me. It's become a huge escapism kind of thing. Seriously. I love going there and immersing myself in the land of Oz and just knowing the characters and living along with them instead of along with myself. Even that stage door experience is awesome, despite the fact that the show is over. I dunno, I guess I love seeing the real, actual people behind the characters you see in the show. And it's one place when I actually throw away my socialphobia and go up to people that I am completely star-struck by, and ask for their autographs and photos. It's pretty strange. It's funny because there is this line from Wicked that seems to fit, kind of. It's from 'I'm Not That Girl'. On a side note, I am liking that song more and more each time I hear it.

'Every so often we long to steal to the land of what might have been. But that doesn't soften the ache we feel when reality sets back in'

Well, Wicked isn't really the 'land of what might have been', since I'm pretty sure none of that will (or would have) ever happen to me, haha. But still, the lyrics fit. It's stealing to the land of what isn't. That's what I do a lot. With musical theatre and TV shows and animes and books. I steal to the land of what actually isn't. I like to live with these fictional characters. Maybe I'm sick of the characters in my own life or just sick of me. I do often like main characters in these named things more than myself at the time. Or because they have interesting things go on in their lives. Things that are interesting enough that other people (the audience) would want to watch it or read it. That doesn't really make sense, but you'll all live. I hate having to get home from seeing something as amazing as Wicked and have to do assignments, homework, argue with family members, get stressed out to the point of having a meltdown and not being free and independent. Pretty sure I'd rather live like my favourite characters in my favourite musicals, sitcoms, animes and books, but you know.

'Don't wish, don't start. Wishing only wounds the heart.'

Another 'I'm Not That Girl' line that fits very well. It's so insanely true.

OK, I'm pretty sure listening to my new David Harris CD, which is filled with slow, romanticy, easy-listening songs while trying to write a Music Extension isn't healthy. I just find myself sitting and not doing anything of any importance.

Oooh. He just hit a high note. Nice. Heh, got distracted by this song cause I officially like it. Yay for dramatic piano solos!

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya, sister. I think that's why you get people who see Wicked in excess of 100 times; it is the most amazing escapist thing everrr written.
    I know what you mean. I often try to hide from my life with books or animes or stage shows. And Wicked just works so well for this, because it's emotional, but it doesn't depress you while you're there.
    I must hear this DH CD sometime <3 :D
    *sigh* I wish yesterday was every day.
