Thursday 17 March 2011

Light, Control Your ADD!

So, I am supposed to be studying for one of my several exams next week, or doing my Music Extension assignments, or my English assignment but, obviously, I am not. I have been inspired to do, well, anything that isn't the aforementioned school work. YAY for procrastination. The title of this post is a classic quote from my favourite (sure, I haven't watched any others, but... hush) Death Note Abridged Series. But it totally relates to me. I have not been able to stay focused all afternoon. The music I've been playing in the background, to motivate me, has done just the opposite. I find myself sitting in my chair, doing nothing of any value, singing along as opposed to using it to inspire me to write. Well, maybe if I were listening to a song about interest loans (maths), vectors, tension and forces (physics), feature article writing (english) or, more importantly, the development of duets in musical theatre (music extension), I'd be more inclined to do something productive. Actually, I would probably wonder why on Earth someone had written a song on vectors, tension and forces. Yeah, the awkward moment that you are sitting directly across from your Music Extension teacher trying to tell her what you've done for your assignments (very, very little) while not sounding stupid, should be enough to motivate me to do more now... But, I never know what to do once I get home. I generally listen when a teacher is explaining how to do something and I sit there nodding thinking, "Oh my goodness, I actually get this!" and then get home and go, "..." and have no clue what to do. So, I sit there blogging or facebooking while eating junk food instead. It is a vicious cycle. And the fact that I am blogging about my vicious cycle is kind of ironic. I think. I don't even know what irony is anymore. Well, I do, but I always use it in the wrong context, so do not judge me :)  As my awesome retro-style clock just ticked to 9pm, a nice round number, I shall conclude. I guess. I shall leave you with lyrics from one of my favourite songs at the moment, that completely sums up most of my afternoons, especially this one, and this blog post.

"Well, I think I had a point, but I just got distracted. Cause lately it just seems to me like we've got the letters ADD branded into our mentality. We simply can't focus on anything"- Maintain Consciousness- Relient K.


  1. Don't worry, I never do anything at home these days. Studying sucks =3

  2. Studying sucks Dick from Hotel Sorrento =='

    You guys are probably getting further than I am... I haven't studied at all! Literally... I went to Maths tutoring this morning and was like wuuuuut? I didn't do any questions, Yahtzee did them for me... You know in between the other 20 kids in there -.-
