Friday 18 March 2011

They'll Hold a Double Funeral, Because A Part of You Will Die Along With Me.

Alrighty, I am currently watching one of my favourite shows of the moment, "Don't Tell the Bride". The groom in a relationship has to plan the entire wedding by himself. It is quite amusing and I often find myself yelling at the naive, somewhat annoying grooms who seem to always plan the opposite of what their fiance wants. I, being a serious hopeless romantic, am getting pretty frustrated with the groom on this particular episode. He is completely unromantic, pretty selfish and seriously stingy. He has tried to bargain, and succeeded with almost everything, on everything he has bought for this wedding. The proposal, if you can call it that, was him being forced to buy a ring by his fiance and then her asking, "Does that mean we're engaged?" and he replied with, "Yeah, I guess so". I have to say, if I were ever 'proposed' to like that, I would give that man a serious piece of my mind. And after that, I doubt he'd want to marry me anymore... Which would probably be a good thing. Anyway, it's interesting because the brother of this guy is definitely better 'husband material'. Firstly, he seemed romantic, he was keeping the bride's interests in mind the whole time and... He is kinda better looking. And by 'kinda', I mean definitely better looking. Anyway (boy, do I say that a lot), I find it intriguing that I can be so un-girly (no make-up, sneakers, no pink and I barely wear dresses- when I do, they are dark colours) and often quite a cynic (especially in relation to most of the world's population (I'm not a huge fan of... society... at all)) but am such a hopeless romantic. I mean, I really am. I have always dreamt of a great wedding, since I was little. I don't really want  some big, princessy wedding, cause that's totally not me. But, man, it would have to pretty dang romantic. Romantic proposal too, definitely. I was just talking to my mum about how we think it is so sweet when a guy, in these days, asks the fiance's father for her hand in marriage. Yeah, that's a bit old-fashioned, but I'm pretty sure I'd melt into a puddle of water (strange metaphor, indeed) if a guy asked my dad for my hand in marriage. Well, I really should not go on a rant on my perfect guy and how he'd propose or anything, cause that could get a little cheesy. Heh. But, dayumn, I am going to have freaking great wedding someday. Mark my words, y'all.

Dang, think this post is totally getting my mind off anything school-related and putting it in a mushy, romanticy state of mind.. Heh.

Anyway, this mush-tastic post made me think of this song. And, serious, if a guy were to ever sing this to me, I'd be like with them for, like, ever. Unless they died, or were like, singing it just to well 'get some', to put it bluntly, but whatever. This video isn't the BEST vocally, but I like it cause you can see his hair and he has dang cool hair. And the ending is cool. So yeah, watch it. And stuff.


  1. You crack me up: "I'd be like with them for, like, ever. Unless they died, or were like, singing it just to well 'get some', to put it bluntly, but whatever"
    I loves your blog :3
    Ahhh. Being a hopeless romantic *sighs and smiles... no.. not THAT smile. Okay, maybe it is, but shut uppp!* ;P

  2. Haha. Now that sounds like an interesting show. ;D I MUST see it sometime... Stupid men who don't take their fiance's interests in mind. </3 Gotta love being a hopeless romantic.

  3. Omg someone else has heard that song, I mean, I've only really listened to the original. But still, win. It is epic <3 I love the lyrics.

    Ahem, anyway. I'm not really into the romantic thing at all, but that's kinda cute bro =P

  4. Haha I watch that show. I swear weddings bring out the worst in people. xD I lol'd at the mention of the better looking/cooler brother though.

  5. I laugh at imagining That Smile, Phantomess. Tenuto Tuo, you must watch it. I love it. I am addicted to wedding shows...
    Gojo, I love that song. With a passion...
    Lainey, yeah... I was kinda sitting there half-yelling "Go for the brother!! He's cuter!"

  6. I am loving your blog !!!!! :D

    I feel the same about a guy asking the father to marry me :) I'm pretty sure James is one of those guys so that's one big tick next to his name hehehehe

    Stupid fiance not considering his wife-to-be!!! :O Virtually slap him for me ^^

    YAY for being a hopeless romantic ! :P
