Monday 21 March 2011

The Dynamics and Tempo In Both Pieces Assist In Creating The Intended Mood.

Yeah, blogging instead of studying, cause I haven't done that before. But this time, I'm at school in a 'study session' since it's exam block. So, I had my Maths A exam this morning and that didn't go too well... Heh. Some things were good and I was all, "ZOMG, I get it!" and other bits (more frequently) I was all, "ZOMG WHAT THE HELL." I'm pretty happy it's over, I just wish I could have done better. But you know. It's done now. Now to focus on English and Physics. English is due tomorrow and I think it's going to be my first B. I just cannot comprehend this dumb assignment. I really can't. Usually I'll be all confused for the first few days and then get it and be pretty confident I'll get an A. This time I'm STILL confused, they day before it's due, and I'm prety confident I'll get a B. And pretty confident I'll cry in the middle of English class if I do get that dreaded B *shudder*. Crying in English class sure ain't my idea of fun. OK, English class isn't my idea of fun. Physics, on the other hand, is kind of important to me. I want to get a B os bad. An A would be wonderful, but I've gotta be realistic. I think I'll get a C, but how bad I want a B. "Why don't you study now then?" you may ask. My response is, "Shut up. I wanna blog, yo." Besides, I am doing Music Extension assignment (where the title came from). Which is like, the bane of my existence. If I think about it, most things are the bane of my existence right now. Ughh. Anywho, Imma (felt the need to say that) leave now, y'all. Adios!

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