Thursday 31 March 2011

Stealing YAY

I'm bored and stole this from both Phantomess and Gojo. Double stealage!

Name as it appears on your birth certificate? That is for me to know and for you not to find out by somehow stalking me.. 
Nicknames? Many. Strangr things like Joan and Bon Jovi...
Siblings? Two younger brothers
Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? Sixteen
Date that you regularly blow them out? On my birthday
Pets? 1 goldfish :D
Height? I think my license says like, 164cm. Or something.. 
Eye color? Blue
Hair color? Brown, but getting increasingly lighter, much to my horror.
Piercings? None at all. I was a wuss but now I just don't want any. 
Tattoos? LOL no. 
How much do you love your job? Unemployed. I do love not doing work, but I wants moneys
Birthplace? Australia
Hometown? Australia
Current residence? You guessed it, Australia.
College attended, degree? Still in that evil institution they call high school.
What kind of car do you drive? Well, the car I have driven the most is actually my driving instructor's Suzuki Swift. 

Croutons or bacon bits? Depends on the context, but probably bacon
Coke or Pepsi? Coke ftw.
Sprite or 7UP? Sprite
Coffee or ice cream? Icecream!
Coffee, tea, or decaf? Coffee, even though I don't REALLY like it
Milk chocolate or dark? Milk, om nom nom 
Buttered, plain, or salted popcorn? Buttered
Red or white wine? Like, neither. Underage, y'all
Gold or silver? Silver definitely
Two or four doors? Four...?
Bridges or tunnels? Tunnels
Beach, city, or country? City. I LOVE the city. 
Summer or winter? Winter! Love Winter
Storms: Cool or scary? Bit of both
Roller coaster: Scary or exciting? Freaking terrifying. I am a wuss
Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn? Audrey Hepburn, most definitely, love her :)
Beatles or Stones? Beatles, cause we all live in a yellow submarine
Blanket or stuffed animal? ... Yeah, both... 
One pillow or two? Two. Or more
Adidas, Nike, or Reebok? Never worn any of those. I wear volleys. A lot.
Mac, PC, or Unix? Mac :D

Salad dressing? I dunno. I do like Italian.
Salad? Greek
Pizza topping? Vegetarian
Foods? Chocolate, sushi, tacos/burritos
Sandwich filling? Egg & lettuce
Dessert? Ice cream :)
Type of ice cream? Mango or cookies n' cream.. Or sorbet. 
Restaurant? Sushi train :)
Fast food place? Mmm Subway
Drink, non-alcoholic? At the moment, coke
Drink, alcoholic? Beer LOL Jk I don't drink
Color of socks? White. I have a million white socks
Shampoo or conditioner? Shampoo, I suppose
Place to be kissed? I really do not know
Holiday? Europe... Most specifically Spain :P
Color? I don't know.. Black or dark red. 
Car? I would die for a 1950s chevy. Except, if I died for it, I wouldn't get it, cause I'd be dead... 
Day of the week? Friday and sometimes Saturday
Band/Artist? At the moment, Relient K
Book? I don't know. It sounds lame, but I've always loved the Princess Diaries series. And the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy- the one's I've read.. 
Magazine? Totes don't read magazines
Movie? Again, I don't know. I love many movies. 
TV show? Don't know again. Here's a list of my favourites- Fruits Basket, Death Note, Friends, That 70s Show, Doctor Who, The Big Bang Theory, Daria
TV character? Hmm. Not sure. I has many. I can say that Kyo from Fruits Basket would be one of them :P
Disney character? Gotta steal from Phantomess here and say Flynn/Eugene from Tangled
Warner Bros. character? None, they all kinda bug me...
Sesame Street character? The old Oscar the Grouch
Word or phrase? Huh. There are SO many words to choose from.... 
Flower? I do like Frangipanis.. And roses. But I'm not a huge fan of flowers
Sport to watch? LOL, sport. Ew. Probably tennis though. Oh, and I have been known to watch a bit of State of Origin... But tennis. 
Board game? Um... Uh... 
Website? At the moment is one of the best for me :)
Least favorite thing? Your face? Yo mama? Ok, no, I don't know. I dislike a lot of things, as horrible as that sounds... 
Least favorite subject? Maths. Oh, wait... PE. Then Maths...

Well, that bought me some time while my anime episode is loading :)

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