Sunday 20 March 2011

The Awkward Moment When the Person Walking Through Stage Door Isn't Jemma Rix

Alright, after my musical theatre character list, I must talk about Wicked tonight. Quickly, because I should sleep, but I am SO high right now. It was all such a strange experience. I am pretty sure I was mega emotionally unstable all night, because I kept crying at the most random times. Not the times when you are expected to cry... Like, the START of Defying Gravity, not the end, when Phantomess was bawling. And I would just cry randomly for about 3 seconds then be fine. So strange. But yeah, the night was amazing. I had butterflies in my stomach before it started, through any epic scene and insane butterflies at the end. I screamed a lot and laughed so hard. Man, I love that show. So bad. At the end, I screamed like crazy for David Harris and gave the cast a standing ovation, it was THAT good. After the show, I ran out of the theatre, tripped on my shoes, took my shoes off and tried to run out of the theatre, without being rude to an old lady in front of me, to ensure that I could meet David Harris. Thankfully, I did just that. Strangely enough, I managed to completely throw out my social-phobia and walk up to him and ask for his autograph and after, ask for a photo with him, all while my hands were shaking so freakishly, anyone would think they were having their own mini-hand-seizures, or something. And dayumn, he put his arm around my in the photo and I flipped out a bit inside. And by a bit, I mean a LOT. Damn, he is pretty hot, yo. He borrowed my pen (OK, Tenuto Tuo's pen) to sign other programs and when he gave it back, I swear my hands WERE having seizures as I tried to take the pen without flipping out that he'd touched me. Haha, it was pretty sad, but I felt insanely happy after that. Even though I couldn't meet Jemma Rix. It showed me that this is what I want to do next year when I'm finally out of this rat hole they call 'high school'. I want to go see musicals with my hoes and then go out on the town, just chilling in the nightlife of the city or Southbank. I truly cannot wait till I can properly be Dancing Through Life :D

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