Thursday 17 March 2011

You Know Me and Cartoon Butts

"You know me and cartoon butts"- a classic quote by my dear friend Miss Invisible said in Physics class this morning. We do many strange things in this subject and I think that is a major reason that, strangely enough, it is probably my favourite subject. But I can rant about this at another time. This is the time to give strange things to say, do and interesting ways to distract your teacher in what may seem a boring class. I, along with Miss Invisible, seem to be very good at distracting our Physics teacher. It's not hard though. The other day I was talking about how I always tell my parents off for not giving birth to me in the UK, or anywhere in Europe for that matter, because I want a cool accent. I was then saying that I wish I were born in Spain as I would have a cool accent and cool name. My Physics teacher overheard and said, "Your man was born in Spain?" and somehow, we got him to ask every single student in the room where their surnames originated from. It also got me talking about Spain and mispronouncing almost every word causing me to conclude I have 'Spain On The Brain'. Quite productive, indeed. Also, if you tend to argue very loudly with the person next to you, as I am often doing, this will distract your teacher. Anyway, back to strange topics of conversation. Apart from body parts of cartoon pictures, there are many strange things to talk about in Physics. Like names, for instance. Today we discussed calling Miss Invisible's children names like Tomato (pronounced only like a true Aussie, to-mah-to NOT to-may-to), Carrot and best of all- Custard Apple Li. Yes, we are just that awesome. If you are bored in Physics, you can turn to the good friend next to you and tell her/or him how much you hate her.. or him. I mean, that's what I do. Express hatred to those you truly love, get Spain On The Brain, name your future children after vegetables or speak loudly in order to distract your teacher. It all makes Physics fun :)

PS. I hate you, Miss Invisible :D


  1. :D Don't get between me and my cartoon butts or else! Muahahaha!

    Ahhhh our dear Physics teacher... I have a feeling I shall miss him when we leave school... I know I'll definitely miss Physics lessons! LOL at unintentionally making him ask the whole class the origin of their surname... He is a dear :P

    I will have no shame in naming my child Custard Apple Li! If any kid teases him, they are history!!! Evil mother coming through! Teeheehee!!! Hahahaha

    I seriously cannot remember the reason why I said I hated you... But I still love how love-hate friendship we have going ! :) There the best kind of friendships hahaha <3

    PS. I hate you too, Clearly Unfocused ^^

  2. I will defs miss him after school. Hahaha. CUSTARD APPLE LI! I shall meet this child and be all, "Yo. I helped yo mama come up with your name in a year 12 Physics class. So, there. Suck it"
