Tuesday 15 March 2011

I Don't Care What You Put On My Sandwich, It's Alright, You'll Get It One Day

This was what one of my good friends sang to me this afternoon as a parody of a song we sing in our school chapel services. It was quite amusing as he often likes to tell me to make him a sandwich. This might sound quite sexist, and I guess it is, but honestly, he is not like that. This has sparked an idea in my head, or gave me a light bulb moment or whatever phrasing you are compelled to use. It has pushed me to talk about my friends. Now, I don't want to get all cheesy or anything because I'll probably make you, and quite possible me too, gag excessively. But honestly, my friends are great. To put it simply, we are a group of misfits who don't care about 'fitting in' or the status quo and somehow all ended up together. Thinking about the title of this blog and the friend who said it, made me think about my friends of the male variety. They are great. Very different from my female friends (for some reason, it has always annoyed me when girls call their friends 'girlfriends'... I'm not sure why, so I shall not call them that as I would not want to annoy myself now, would I?). I can talk to them differently and they seem less judgmental, or if not less judgmental, they judge differently. They aren't catty like girls. Now, I'm not saying I have any catty female friends now, but I have had friends like that in the past and it's so complicated. Last night, when contemplating (I do a lot of contemplating in my bed late at night) the advantages of guy friends, I thought about how I act differently around each one of my friends. I don't think it's 'fakeness', though. I'm not fake around them all, it's just that all of my friends are quite different and I will talk to each one about different things and actually, speak at least slightly differently around each one. I don't think my true self can be defined in the way I act around one friend... If someone were to combine they way I act around each of my friends and the way I act at home and, even more importantly, how I am when I am alone, then they may be able to get a full view of me... But I don't advise anyone try and do that kind of thing, because a full view of me could be a scary thing to see. Hey, I rhymed! I'm a poet and I didn't know it... I know that is pretty lame and overused, but I always found it kind of funny.. It does lost its hilarity, however, when you hear your annoying PE teacher (well, the teacher himself isn't always annoying.. It's the fact that he teaches PE, the evil subject forced upon students for the pleasure of sadist teachers) says that. Anyway, I can see that blogging is not going to help the problems I have with procrastination, getting sidetracked and rambling. It shall fuel these problems.. Oh well. 

1 comment:

  1. "To put it simply, we are a group of misfits who don't care about 'fitting in' or the status quo and somehow all ended up together." So true! :D
    I'm loving your bloggin' & thinkin' already.
