Wednesday 23 March 2011

A Woman Pulls A Sled Carrying A Bath Tub

Yeah. That's totally the start of a question in my Physics question. I have to figure out her coefficient of friction, or something. I just did over an hour of Physics revision with my dad. I was under the impression that he didn't do Physics in high school, but half way through the revision, when he knew one of the formulas of the top of his head I blurted out, "I thought you didn't do Physics!" Of course, his answer was, "No... I DID do Physics," and I was all, "Well, that makes sense," and we continued on with the grueling task. So, about a week ago, I was pretty confident that I could probably get something in the B range for my Physics exam tomorrow. Now I am hoping to get a C. I thought I got everything and I had actually been regularly studying for about two weeks- doing revision questions in most of my spare lessons. And now I realise I don't know enough. Too much Maths that I understand, but I cannot figure it out on my own. That's the thing with this whole subject. If the teacher, or my dad, figures out a question with me, I can be all good and understand it fully. But once I get a question myself, I cannot even try to understand where to even begin. I don't think that made sense, but screw that, I'm tired. I'm really dreading going to school tomorrow. Not just because of the exam. Actually, until today, I was half looking forward to it, so it could be done. Mainly, I just don't want to be at school. At all. I don't find anything much fun anymore. I mean, sometimes there are some epic times with my friends, being stupid and stuff. But lately I've found myself just plain tired. I couldn't be bothered to be stupid and go high and I couldn't be bothered dealing with anyone who is trying to talk to me too much or trying to be stupid with me. I generally just want to go to sleep. But no. "There is no time to do nothing in Year 12," as my wonderful music teacher/head of curriculum said today. I think that's stupid. I do nothing all the time. But that's usually when I should be working, like in class. Or at home. I should be able to designate time for myself, whether at school, or at home to do nothing. They tell us that we need to take time out to chill in Year 12, but they tell us there's no time to chill. GAH. Like, make up your minds people. Actually, don't. They'll probably decide that there is no time to chill and get annoyed everytime they see me staring out a window instead of working my butt off. Anyway, I'm not even sure what I'm talking about anymore. I want to write more but I am so insanely tired that my eyes are watering and I'm making less sense than usual.

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