Friday 18 March 2011

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head

That tile isn't metaphorical or deep or anything. I am in Southbank and it is raining and raindrops just keep falling on my head. Well, they aren't now... Because I'm in the State Library and if raindrops were falling on me now, I would question the construction of this building. It's just my luck that today, I decided to wear thongs instead of sneakers and, despite the fact that I only had one, uncomfortable pair of shorts in my cupboard, opted not to wear jeans. I had to sit one of the very few dry tables outside Subway to eat my 11am lunch and then had to walk to the complete opposite side of Southbank around a lot of umbrella-bearing, relatively dry people. Now I am sitting here, around a lot of older, dryer people, listening to music, trying to prevent my now-demented hair from going completely spaz and completely, utterly failing at changing my terrible English Assignment Draft. Oh, and my mail program just spent 10 minutes trying to get a new email for me, just for me to realise it was some chain-mail-like email with pictures of space from my grandad. Whoop. I keep freaking out that some hard-working uni-student is going to walk past, see my computer screen and be all, "Why are you using the free wi-fi to blog and use facebook and msn as opposed to doing important work? You are a disgrace to society." I don't think blogging in the state library makes me a disgrace to society, but hey, others might. And what I just said actually inspired me to open facebook as opposed to open my English assignment. Cause that makes sense...
"Everyone knows I'm in over my head" - Listening to The Fray, cause I'm that awesome and it made me think, "Dang, it is so good these dudes in the library can't read my mind." It's also probably a good thing they aren't reading my blog... U2 time! "It's a beautiful day," yeah, well, Bono sure ain't in Southbank. Actually, I love the rain. With a passion. It makes me happy. Much happier than sunshine. I just am not a huge fan of walking around alone, in thongs and shorts in Southbank in the rain... Heh. I salute you all and wish you all a.. less wet day than I am having :)

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