Thursday 24 March 2011

I Died And Became Roman. It's All Very Confusing...

Doctor Who quote, y'all. That's right, I'm a Doctor Who fan. Didn't see that coming did you? Even most of my followers knew that already. Heh. Anyways, I never watched all the old ones, only the newest seasons. The last... 5? Yeah, I love 'em. The 10th Doctor, David Tennant, was my favourite and the new guy, Matt Smith, is actually my second favourite. I really like him and the new season. And his companions. I kind of want to be the new companion because I am in love with her bright red hair and her awesome Scottish accent. But anyway, I didn't really intend to ramble about Doctor Who this whole time. Today marks the beginning of the holidays and the end of Term 1 Year 12! WHOOP WHOOP. I spent the whole day hanging around a small bunch of people I don't usually talk to, wrapping presents for children who lost everything in the recent floods, eating lots of lollies and doing pretty much nothing else of any importance. It was a really fun day. Sometimes it's pretty cool to chat and hang with different people. I mean, the two I talked to the most are actually people I talk to semi-regularly, but it was still quite different. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE (for some reason, as soon as I thought of the world love the song R.E.S.P.E.C.T came into my head) my friends, I truly do. But sometimes a little change in pace is cool. But only for like, a day, because I am totes excited to see my bromigos again, but still. I'm not even sure I'm making sense, I'm just pretty high at the moment because today is like, the only day this week that I haven't suddenly, for no understandable reason, gotten into a bad mood. I've actually been pretty dang happy all day, and I believe it shall stay that way because YAY. Because yay. Because that made sense. Well, shut up. LOL, Ross is proposing to Emily in Friends right now. Sorry, bro but she leaves you when you say Rachel's name at the wedding. Doesn't go well for you, man. Dang, sitcoms ftw. But, no, I shall not discuss that now. OK, now there is another "SuperSlim" ad on. Seriously, shut up. I doubt all of these flippin' weight loss things work. Just exercise and don't eat so much junk! It's that simple. Not that I go by that. But hey, shut up. Anyway, better stop now while I'm making at least some sense. If I don't, I'll start a running commentary on everything that's happening on and in-between Friends, heh. I shall leave you with the first thing thing said when Friends comes back from the ad-break:
Chandler: Those were like the best seats ever. Dang, that wasn't that funny. Oh well... :D

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