Sunday 29 May 2011

23rd-29th May 2011

I remembered. On time. Impressive.
Gojo bought this for me earlier this year. It may be "just a bookmark" but I love it. It marks pages in my school diary because then, everytime I write down my homework, I see it and see Kyo looking at me and I'm all, "Hey guys!" :)

I believe that's the corner of my Physics notebook. 

We Took Prescription Drugs, But Look How Much Good That Did...

Can anyone tell me why on Earth someone decided to make Oral Assessments compulsory for Senior English? Why? WHY I ASK YOU? Humph. 

I have an English assignment due tomorrow. It's the closing argument for a court case, defending or prosecuting a character from 1984. 7-10 minute oral. I have to perform it on Tuesday. I am FREAKING out. The teachers want it memorised, or as close to memorised as possible. 

The memorising isn't go so well so far. I only finished the assignment yesterday and so far, have memorised the first sentence of my 1500 word assignment. *facepalm*

I can do half of the second sentence. For some reason, I always get tripped up when I say, "disobedience against the governing group, the Party." I can never remember disobedience. It's not that hard. Agh. 

They want it basically memorised so that we act more like lawyers, instead of reading off a page. The less I'm reading off my page, the more I'm pausing, saying 'um' and 'uh' and the more I'm stumbling. Pretty sure lawyers don't do that. Unless they suck. Pretty sure my English teacher doesn't want me to behave like a crud lawyer. I can do that though. 

I say the word 'chaos' about 20 million times. That's only a slight exaggeration, guys.

I am SO tempted to ask my teacher if I can do my performance in a lunch time. With just him, the camera (all our orals have to be taped...) and maybe 2 friends. I did that once. I did an oral in front of my teacher, the camera and Phantomess and it was good. So laid-back. No where NEAR as terrifying. Still scary, but I didn't want to throw up and cry, like I usually do. 

K, I have a good knowledge of most of the first page of my assignment. The next two-and-a-half pages aren't quite as good... 

"In order to keep our orderly society..." Oh my gosh. I write some really lame stuff sometimes.

I say "selfish desires" or a variation of that many times too... And 're-education'. And 'society'.   -_-

Guys. This ain't gonna be even close to memorised. I'll be reading. Way too much. He'll sigh, be disappointed and give be a B. I'm not going to get an A, or anything in the A range, for my last English oral ever. asdfghjkl. 

Gosh, I hate orals. Probably my biggest fear ever throughout all of high school. Well, that and the fear of failing. But oral assignments are more frequent than me failing. They make me feel sick. I was fearing this assignment since the day we HEARD about it. Before we got the criteria sheet, before we knew what it was really about, before we started, before we even thought about starting. That's how much I detest public speaking. 

Tears+shaking+sickness+stumbling+lack of eye contact+uber fast speaking+sweaty palms= Me when speaking in public. Yeah, just read my earlier post on social anxiety disorders. All of the signs and symptoms there can pretty much sum up my feelings towards public speaking. 

So much worse than the usual nervousness and shyness. *shudder* 

Crudballs, I feel like looking up anxiety disorders now. It interests me. Yes, mental illness interests me. Hence, I'm considering studying psychology next year at uni. 

So, posting this isn't helping calm me down.

Last night I had a dream and I was in the office at the primary campus of my school, with Gojo. Two girls from last year's grade 12 class came in, in uniform. We chatted and compared badges. Because they weren't wearing senior's badges anymore, and we were. Soon after, I proceeded to tell Gojo about my love for Matthew Thiessen (Relient K, bros) and how I was depressed when I found out he was turning 31. Gojo didn't understand why this depressed me and she went on to give me several confused, "What the heck is wrong with you, girl?" kind of looks. I also had a very close-up picture of Matthew Thiessen on a computer screen, I think. Maybe an iPod, iPad or iPhone or something. I dunno. 

I've got a triple spare tomorrow, bros. Whoop. Me and another guy in my class are going to help each other do the Physics assignment then. That gave me a really good reason to leave my Physics assignment alone for the rest of today and try and focus on English. Even though I'd rather focus on Physics. See, with Physics, I'd be almost ecstatic if I got a B. With English, I'd be likely to cry if I got a B. I'm not really one for crying at school. I've never really properly cried at school. I've been teary a couple of times, but never properly cried. Therefore, I don't think any of my friends have actually properly seen me crying. Probably a good thing. They'd all be, "Woah. 0_O" Haha.

I suddenly lost all motivation to practice. I ate a chip, started reading a sentence of my English and thought ,"LOL. Screw this, I'll be fine." Where'd that attitude come from? 

"I'd like to share with 5 great things about America. Freedom. Justice. America. And what's that last one? Oh yeah, Taco Bell." Bee Your Man- Relient K. Classic. Love this band. These lyrics are followed by guys talking with high, altered voices trying to sound like bees promoting their next album. They sound like they're on helium. Brilliance, right there. 

Saying "they're on helium" totes made helium sound like a drug.

I did not realise how much I liked Cheese & Onion chips until tonight. OM. NOM. NOM. 


"because real people suck" - Yeah. So does the quality of this picture. 

Yes, Ryuk, you can haz apple :)

Ok. I'm done now. 

I lied.

That made me LOL. 
NOW I'm done. Better go read some Pride and Prejudice. It's getting really good again. The more Darcy there is, the better it is. Fact. Anywho, it's all intense and Darcy-filled at the moment. 

Think I'm getting a headache. Yes, I am. Great. Saying that made me headache worse... *facepalm*

Off to read and learn more English now. Wish me luck. With the English, not with reading. I am perfectly capable of reading. Not so much with learning 1500 word speeches in two days.

... I have a meerkat bookmark and one of the meerkats is looking at me really weirdly. It's kinda creeping me out o_O 

Saturday 28 May 2011

Jesus Said You Should Never Swear

Paradise Oskar, y'all. Pretty sure his album is like, my heroin or something. I am completely and utterly addicted. "I am a stupid little fool for being who I am and doing what I do." N'aw.

So. Still doing Physics. Well, not still. Again.

2238 words, guys. Including some sub-headings. And calculations. But still. Whoop.

I kinda suddenly feel like editing a picture of Usui Takumi. Mm, I shall do that. It'll restrain me from editing a picture of Kyo Sohma. Pretty sure Kyo will be my favourite anime/manga character forever. Mm.

"Or the old lady that just said to me that I'm going straight to hell because Jesus said you should never swear...." I can't understand what he says next and NO ONE online has uploaded the lyrics. Gosh, guys. Maybe no one else can understand what he says either. Huh.

In keeping with the European music theme going on, I'm totes listening to the Icelandic pop singer, Yohanna. Introduced to me by Tenuto Tuo through Eurovision. I liked her second-place song "Is It True?" and am now in possession of... 6 of her songs. I love her voice. And her hair. And some of the metaphors used in these songs. It's really nice music to listen to in bed before going to sleep. Relaxing.

"The funny thing is I can see myself. Like a star on the big screen, it's like I'm somebody else"

Ok. I gave up on listening to Yohanna. I felt like listening to a dude singing. Relient K time, guys. "I don't like the tone of the way we say, "I love you," a thousand times..."

Just realised I need more pictures of Usui Takumi. Hm.

Wait, that's a really bad thing to realise when I'm trying to do assignments.

Usui edit done. I feel fulfilled. LOL JKS I still want to look up pictures of Kyo...

Oh man, this assignment is confusing me. So much. My calculations are not making sense and no one else is making sense to me. I just hope I can get a B. I have worked really hard on this. I'm not expecting an A because I know I haven't done enough and won't be able to do enough. I THINK I've done enough for something in the B range. I need a B on this assignment to bring up my mark for this semester. Oh man. If I don't get a B, I'll get a C for Physics overall because of the cruddy mark on my exam last term. And, the next assignment we have is due in the last week of term but I'm pretty sure it's after report cards are written. I confident that I can do well in that assignment. But it'll be too late to boost this semester's mark. Oh dear.

And despite this, I'm on blogger. Facepalm.

Guys. I was so busy trying to figure out my weird calculations that I only realised one of my favourite Relient K songs was playing when it nearly finished. REPLAY. I am totes in love with this song. I always want to quote it, but I don't like quoting songs on sites like facebook if they don't relate to me. I cannot relate to this song at all. But I love it. So much. CHORUS: "There's just one last thing that I have to say as we reflect on the mess of all of this I've made. It was cowardice that made me push you away. I was so afraid 'cause you were so much better than me." Man, I love the word cowardice. And the way he says cowardice. *cough* No, no fangirling. Ok, saying "no fangirling" has made me fangirl a bit. Sigh. I wonder if any males who start bands or singing careers know how many teenage girls will become obsessed with them. If they did, would they still sing? Do they find obsessive girls endearing and encouraging or just plain annoying and creepy?

Shoot me now. Pretty sure I just stuffed up an important calculation. Well, I just looked at one I'd done ages ago and went, "THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE!"   -_-

Don't worry, guys. I changed the numbers and it turns out the answer is the same.

I found another thing that don't make no sense to me.

I'm pretty sure asking for help from other people has confused me more in the long run.

So, I'm kinda "winging it" with this equation now. Not the equation actually, it's the numbers.

You know what? If I could ever meet Relient K, and more specifically Matthew Thiessen once in my life, my life would forever be complete. Forever and ever. Yes, I could be 60 years old and get depressed and then go, "Remember that day when you met Relient K? (OMG! THAT RHYMED!)," and then I'd be forever happy. I should stop saying 'forever'.

So, I have started watching a new anime. Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. It's known as Ano Hana. It translates to "We still don't know the name of the flower we saw that day" and only 7 episodes have been released. I've seen 4. I love it. Basically, there was this group of friends called The Super Peace Busters. They all chilled together and were cool friends. One of them died and the others drifted apart through their grief. Now, many years later, one of the boys is haunted (well, not really haunted, but it's the only word I could think of) by the ghost/hallucination of the girl who died. He has to grant her wish but neither of them know what the wish was, but they know that she does want all the friends to be together again. It is very good and quite emotional.
From bottom right, clockwise: Menma, Yukiatsu, Poppo, Tsuruko, Jintan, Anaru. 

It reminded me how quick I am to judge characters and how quick I am to ship. I decided upon my favourite character the moment I saw him. Then he insulted the main character. I liked him more. He is still my favourite. I shipped one couple after they had one short scene together. Still ship them. Bad. I ship my favourite character with the ghost girl and shipped this before they had any real scene together.
*sniff* No, you cannot.
If any of you are ever planning on watching, SPOILER ALERT: Is it weird to want to cry when a guy cross dresses? And not because you go, "NO! DON'T CROSS DRESS! I LIKED YOU!" but because you felt sorry for them and felt like it was such an emotional, heart-breaking statement? Fudgeballs, I really want to watch the next episode now.

Physics first. Ano Hana second.

This is when he arrived. I was all, "I like this guy." Turns out Phantomess was as quick to judge :)

"Originality is a ghost town and it's oh-so-hard to get to. And when you do people start to hate. Just cream what you believe out loud in crowd, people will hate you. Cause repetition's just so safe. Repetition's just like prison. I'd prefer to be out of place, cause I'm not really into prison." Ah, the truth.

Hm. My calculations are making no sense.

No more Physics for today. Touch-up English time.

1542 words for English. I'm happy with that. I think this means I can watch some Ano Hana now. Then read some Pride and Prejudice. Then maybe watch some more Ano Hana. Then I'll leave episode 7 as a reward for work tomorrow.

I thought it was funny. 

Friday 27 May 2011

Not Happy, Jan!

Yo, blogger peeps. Totes chilling in the State Library now. Opening my Physics assignment. Due on Tuesday. Whoop. -_- I thought I would share with you much randomness.

So, walking into the library about 5 minutes ago, I saw a man sitting alone and the first thing I thought was, "He looks British. If he starts talking and doesn't have a kinda posh English accent, I'll be very surprised." How does someone look British. I do not know. Unfortunately, he didn't just start randomly talking like a crazy person, so I couldn't test my theory.

I also saw a man who looked like he didn't have a face. He looked like an... Auton (I believe that's what they're called) from Doctor Who. Basically, walking mannequin alien dudes. Yeah, I freaked out a little then he raised his head and funnily enough, he had a face. He's a human being. Not an alien from Doctor Who. Hallelujah for that.

I had a slightly embarassing time in my Flute Ensemble rehearsal this morning. 4 people in my part have to play a high D-flat. Worst note on the flute. Awful. We were so out-of-tune because I was SUPER SHARP. We spent awhile trying to rectify that sharpness and failed. I adjusted everything that could be adjusted and was still sharp. So, she got me to play the fingering for low D-flat/C-sharp and overblow, to try and play a harmonic. Yeah, I had to play a note 2 octaves above the one I was fingering. Fun. I got one octave. Then 3 octaves. Mmm. I fluctuated between playing a bit low and too high. Finally I got it and held it (every other time I got it, it was for about 2 seconds) and we tuned that with another guy. It was flat. F my life. So, after all that, we decided that one guy in our section will play that note and the rest of us won't.

Gotta write an abstract for my Physics. It's annoying. We've got to do an abstract, introduction AND background information. So far, my abstract and intro are VERY similar. And all of these "How To Write An Abstract" websites aren't really helping...

"Abstracts have always served the function of "selling" your work." So, I've got to try and sell my Physics assignment. I am completely sure no one would want to buy this. Really. Who in the right mind would pay money to read a year 12 analyse the physics in the Tower of Terror in about 2000 words? Not me, that's for sure.

123 words, guys. Big enough abstract. Sure. Wait, no, I'll facebook some of my Physics bros to see what they have. Even though the one who will have the best abstract won't reply to me, I'm sure. Grr.

Sent a message to like, 5 guys.  One of them's bound to answer. I just hope they don't answer with, "i haven't done mine yet. i dunno how to. lol" I'll facepalm if that happens.

My posture here is hurting my back. Ouchies. Actually, it's my neck. Actually, it's the back of my neck.

What are you talking about? Constantly correcting myself and blogging about the pain in my neck is not weak form of procrastination.

My teacher told me to make my introduction sound interesting. It was boring. Pretty sure that reflects the rest of my assignment.

Well, I see Phantomess coming towards me. So long, dudes.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Baby, Do You Like My Sweater?

I had a really fun day today. Like, really. Everything I had freaked out about actually went well. 

In my spare I travelled with a friend of mine down to the school's "gym" to get a TV and wheel it all the way back up to the library in the freezing cold. That was kind of amusing.

In music I did SOME work before our group got collectively confused and sat and chatted instead.

Maths wasn't so much fun but a memorable moment was when dear Phantomess created a short cover of the Eurovision 2011 entry Ding Dong that went, "Ext Eng, what the hell?"

Physics was lots of fun. We didn't do a lot of work, but I asked my teacher for help, so it wasn't a complete waste of time. Basically, I argued with Albino for a LONG time. Well, 95% of the lesson. We haven't argued that much consecutively in Physics since early this year or even last year. We argued over whether Zip Lock Bags or called such, or called "Zip Seal Bags" as he insisted. This turned into a very loud argument causing Mr T&C to inquire what we were fighting about now (he told us he'll actually kinda miss our constant arguing. N'aww) and say, "Go take a survey at a supermarket! But not here, do Physics!"Yeah, he got annoyed with our arguments. Oh well...

PE was the best. Yeah, I know. Unusual, right? Gojo, Phantomess, Albino and I got to play tennis while everyone else was off playing volleyball (*shudder*). We played doubles and, ironically, Albino and I became a team. Yeah. That went well. Basically to cut a long story short, the lesson went something like this:
- Albino and I yelling so much at each other that I nearly lost my voice. Whoops.
- Me missing the ball. A lot.
- Everyone else missing the ball a lot, but less than me.
- The occasional rally always stopped by Phantomess' failed aiming.
- Mouthed swear words from Albino.
- Tennis racket fights between Albino and Phantomess.
- Hat fights between Albino and Gojo
- Acting extremely condescending towards Albino. "Now... Pick up the ball. Good! Now... Hit that ball... Over the fence..."
- Phantomess and Gojo leaving to do a job, leaving a one-on-one game between Albino and myself. This resulted in him telling me that I was a terrible ally (I sucked that much) and he wanted to swap.
- At one stage, we did a high-five with rackets and decided to use our powers to try and be epic. We failed. Of course. We are that epic. 
Good times.

After school, Phantomess, Gojo, Lingy and I hunted down our English teacher and made him mark our drafts in front of us, so we could finally get them back. It was amusing, as he misunderstood us at one stage, thinking we were using the word 'chocolate' as a codeword for heroin and getting half-jokingly-death-stared by our instrumental teacher. 

As I read in Phantomess' blog, these are the times she'll remember from school, and I agree. I will remember the pointless screaming fights and the stupid PE lessons and harassing the English teacher. 

Tomorrow night, two of the school's bands are performing in an Eisteddfod, and I'm playing in one. I am actually excited. I had fun last year. We lost by one point to a band that wasn't even on the program. My teacher was so happy and proud she cried. I am looking forward to sitting there watching other performances, critiquing them, insulting the annoying adjudicator, playing and showing everyone how awesome our band can be. And besides, I get Maccas with Tenuto Tuo beforehand :P  It's another one of those memories I'll miss- Eisteddfods, band performances, band in general. I will miss band. I actually have enjoyed being in this band. Not the junior band, oh no.

I am currently attempting to fix up my English assignment draft. It's going alright, but I've only added about 150 words. Grrs. Yes, multiple grrs. 

"No, I don't hate you, don't wanna fight you. You know I'll always love you, but right now I just don't like you"..."I tried to move you, but you just wouldn't budge. I tried to hold your hand, but you'd rather hold your grudge."
*cough* Ok, I'm good. That's from... Oh crud, can't remember the name of the song... Um... Oh! Which To Bury; Us Or The Hatchet by Relient K. I like pumping out Relient K when doing assignments. Well, tonight I've listened to the All-American Rejects, then Paradise Oskar and now Relient K. 

I'm basically addicted to Paradise Oskar's album, guys. Like, so addicted. His music is so good and his voice is soo nice. Now, who wouldn't love a guy that sings, "I've been dreaming about nobody but you for the last few years and I've been screaming out for nobody but you for the last few years"? Like, nice, much? And, his song Dear Mother is one of the saddest songs I've heard. He's singing about his mother and his relationship with her before she dies from an illness. You can hear him choking on his words, about to cry, as he sings it. The last lines are, "Nothing's set in stone except your name". How can you not tear up?

So, 1200 words... Anyone think this is a reasonable word count for tonight? That's precisely 167 words that I've written tonight. Wow. That's all? 
Oh, Charlie Brown, you always understand me... 
Last night, a old friend of mine, who shall hereby be known as Kiwi, sent a facebook message to White Ribbon and I. The three of us used to be very good friends 6-7 years ago, before she returned to New Zealand. I have visited her once, she has visited as once and we keep in not-so-regular contact through facebook. It was cool, cause I felt quite special getting this message last night. It reminds me that she hasn't forgotten about us. The three of us have changed so much over the years, but we still talk and get along. It feels good. She has changed the most, I think. Well, maybe not. I've been good friends with White Ribbon for most of this time, so I've seen her change, making it less obvious to me. When your friend who barely spoke to anyone and was the shy, artistic girl leaves the country and then sends messages about her partying friends and hot guys with several swear words, you notice the difference. I still love her though. She cracks me up. Our conversation last night somehow resulted in the three of us arguing (well, White Ribbon didn't get into the argument. She laughed at Kiwi and I instead) over the nationality with the hottest guys. Kiwi was on side America. I was side Spain. White Ribbon was relatively neutral but kinda on side Australia. Kiwi sent many funny images. A middle-aged guy attempting to be gangster- that was to show that Spanish guys aren't hot. A kangaroo wearing a tux- her depiction of Aussie guys. It was very amusing. At lunch today, White Ribbon and I reminisced and realised just how much we miss her. We are hoping she can come over here next year for a visit and the three of us will have a little party/sleepover like the old days. Despite the fact that I don't talk to her much, I really do miss her.

Anyone think indiscretion would be a good word for my assignment? Hm? I can't hear you guys. 

So, I found the OVA episode of Kaichou wa Maid-Sama. The youtube page is fully loaded and is sitting here as a tab, waiting for me to finish enough work, so I can reward myself by seeing some Usui Takumi. Om nom. 

Just remembered I have to start coming up with the Invited Reading for Pride and Prejudice. I don't know what it is. Can I not just read this book for enjoyment and not have to transform it and justify my transformation in a 15 minute oral? Please. 

Yes, thank you Google. When I search: Pride and Prejudice "invited reading" I totes want an essay about Emma. WRONG BOOK GUYS. 

So, I look at my Musical Wall to see Dash Kruck from [title of show] looking at me with wide eyes and a huge grin. Kinda freaky, but cool. He has Kynan Francis (same show. Duh) behind him with a "What the heck?" kinda look on his face. Their facial expressions combined (excitement and wonder combined with confusion) kinda totally explain this musical. I mean, one of the lines of a song are (sung by Heidi. I believe. If not, it was Susan. Pretty sure it was Heidi though), "When you handed me the first draft of this show, I’ll admit I was a little bit “what the f***?” 

Yep. Eat it. WHAT'S THE INVITED READING OF PRIDE & PREJUDICE? That rich dudes want to marry rich chicks and slightly less rich chicks want to marry rich dudes but you shouldn't judge rich dudes on their "rudeness" because they are actually really awesome and you should marry for love not money? Hm? Is that it? Pretty sure I should give that sentence to my English Extension teacher. He'd be all, "0_o"

My face feels really hot. I think that means I need an ice cream. Yes, that is definitely what it means.

So, I have a spare tomorrow. I am sitting here trying to decide whether to do English or Physics in my spare tomorrow. I will do this ExtEng homework, but which assignment shall I neglect for tonight and put off until tomorrow... Uuum... ENGLISH. 

PHYSICS TIME! Well, ice cream time first!

I have my ice cream. Now it's PHYSICS TIME!

Ok, guys, you must hear this song. So good. Sadie Hawkins Dance by Relient K.
(Ok, so, I search on youtube, "relient k sadie hawkins dance" and it suggests that I add "official music video" I am surprised as I did not think one existed, so I search for it. THERE IS NO OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO. Just random ones done by people because they have too much free time. I'd prefer an official one, because well, Matthew Thiessen, lead singer, omnom). Ok, just watched one of the home-made videos. Pretty funny, actually. 

Watch it. Well, at least listen to it. 

OK, I'm off to do Physics now. Ciao. Adios. 再见。Goodbye. 

My blog seems to be formatting this kinda weird. Oh wells. 

Tuesday 24 May 2011

16th-22nd May 2011

Yeah. I forgot to post my Photo of the Week on Sunday. I'm getting worse at remembering! Ah! I will not give up, though! I will persevere! Anyway, I took this one mid-week last week. It's a photo of the picture that hangs on my wall (IKEA FTW). I really love it and I have a thing for comic book style. I couldn't get a good photo without the flash, but whatever. I love the colours.

Monday 23 May 2011

Baa Baa Rainbow Sheep.

Yeah. Imma copy Phantomess, Gojo AND Lainey and do a list of 100 random things about myself.

1. I can't look people in the eyes for very long. Especially not teachers. It makes it awkward as...
2. I don't like driving. I have an awful fear of driving and just wish I had my P's and the confidence to drive anywhere already. Having my Learner's freaks me out.
3. I actually really like public transport. Well, not all of its issues and unpunctuality, but I like being on public transport.
4. When I was a kid, I used to find it soo exciting to ride the train to the city. Both were such exciting treats for me. I still love both so much.
5. I love potatoes. Chips, mashed potato, roast potato, wedges. I just love potatoes. Sure, they are best cooked in a lot of oil with quite a bit of salt, but hey.
6. I wish I was a gamer but, honestly, I suck.
7. I suck at Pacman. A lot.
8. When I play Halo (or Halo 2) with my little brother, I can never aim properly and that, coupled with my not-so-quick reflexes, means that he kills me about 17 times and I kill him once or twice, if I'm lucky. This results in my hitting him with cushions yelling, "LET ME KILL YOU!"
9. I realised I can have quite a violent streak when I was going to play Doom or something (I was in a First-Person Shooter game mood) and there was this really long intro thing and I pressed every button to try and skip it but it wouldn't skip. Instead I sat there moaning going, "Oh my gosh. I just wanna shoot someone!"
10. I'm not vert creative. Sure, I play two instruments and get As in English and Music and do decently in Music Extension and English Extension, but I'm actually not all that creative.
11. I'm not that mathematically minded either. I guess I'm a bit of both.
12. I'm a left-hander.
13. My dad always said that if you are right-handed, you generally wear watches and other jewellery on your left hand, cause it doesn't get in the way of when you write, or something. I can't wear jewellery on my right hand. It annoys the heck out of me.
14. I wanna go to Broadway someday. So bad. So, so, so bad.
15. For some reason, I really like the sound of Canada and really want to go there. I don't even know that much about Canada.
16. I'm not all that great with pop culture.
17. Or general knowledge.
18. I haven't seen most movies that people my age have seen.
19. I haven't heard of most bands that people my age listen to. Or used to listen to. Or those classic bands from like, 30 years ago. I don't know their music.
20. I have an extremely random selection of music on my iPod.
21. I kinda regret giving up Chinese and I do really miss Chinese classes with Tenuto Tuo.
22. I have the really bad habit of singing along to songs when I'm listening to my iPod because my voice sounds like theirs and I forget that everyone else can hear me and I most likely sound awful.
23. I used to really want to learn guitar. Acoustic. Now, if I were to learn guitar, I'd wanna learn bass. Not sure why.
24. I played the flute and always wanted to do piccolo but now, I love low instruments. Double Bass, Bass Clarinet, Tuba FTW.
25. I never used to like the trumpet much at all. I really like it now and wish I'd learnt it earlier.
26. I don't actually see what the fuss with being tall is about. I like being short...
27. I've always liked Saturdays and Fridays the best. Sundays are cool, I guess, but I usually spend them doing homework and assignments and getting depressed that it's nearly Monday.
28. Whenever I see people crying on TV or movies, I begin to get teary, whether I care about the character or their story or whatever's going on.
29. People are all, "You know you're an Australian when you can run in thongs." I can't run in thongs.
30. I am listening to the last song on Paradise Oskar's album, Da Da Dam Acoustic and I am officially a huge fan of this guy. I am like, practically in love with him now :)
31. Doing this whole list is a lot harder than I thought it would be.
32. When I type, my left pinky sticks up really funny.
33. When I play sax, my left pinky sticks out really funny.
34. I have sucky flute posture. I always remember the time my first flute teacher said that flautists hold their flutes up straight because flautists are snobby.
35. I like to sit on the computer with my earphones in even if there's no music playing.
36. I sit cross-legged a lot.
37. When I'm not sitting cross-legged, I'm often sitting like guys sit, apparently.
38. If I eat a little bit of breakfast, I'll get more hungry than if I eat no breakfast.
39. If I'm really tired and not worried about anything at all, I'll lie in bed thinking about anything and everything and not be able to sleep.
40. I'm arguing with Tenuto Tuo over who'd make a better couple with Paradise Oskar. It's me btw. Unless Paradise Oskar is gay... I'm not going to look that up. Ok, yes I am...
41. I seem to have a bit of a different perception of "attractive" to everyone else. When little teen fangirls think some guy is "totes hot" I'm all, "Really?"
42. Tenuto Tuo and I have very different opinions on attractiveness. It's quite amusing.
43. I have a very long list of animes I want to watch.
44. I watched Honey and Clover for the first time in ages last night and, afterwards realised I'd skipped two episodes.
45. It takes me quite a few episodes to remember all characters' names. I refer to them as Glasses Guy or Dude With Blue Hair or Maid Chick etc.
46. I hate it when people ask, "How's life?" It's so broad and vague and I never know how to answer briefly. I usually respond by telling them how much I hate that question and they laugh.
47. When cleaning up my room when I was younger (like, 12 or 13 and younger), I used to pretend I was on some show where I organised other people's rooms and I would mouth to myself or talk in my head (or whisper) a commentary on how I was cleaning this room.
48. When I was younger, if my brothers and I cooked together, we used to pretend we were on a cooking show.
49. I kinda like cooking but I read the recipe a LOT because I do not wanna mess anything up.
50. (WE'RE HALF WAY THERE!) When going to use public restrooms, I read the "female" sign many, many times to make sure I'm not about to walk into the wrong room.
51. I hate walking in front of people. I freak out that they're all watching the way I walk or looking at my legs or somethin.
52. I'm starting a new anime. So excited! Only watched like, 3 minutes and I already like it.
53. My argument with Tenuto Tuo is getting pretty serious now. I wonder what Paradise Oskar would think.
54. I really want to watch an anime that'll make me cry.
55. "I have been dreaming about nobody but you, for the last few years. I have been screaming out for nobody but for, for the last few years," OMG PARADISE OSKAR.
56. Probably said this before, but make-up makes me feel sick. Even just the smell.
57. I get excited when I actually have proper conversations with people that aren't my friends or family. I go over the conversation a LOT because this kind of social interaction is rare.
58. I can't help analysing the metaphors and camera angles used in TV shows and movies now. Thanks, Senior English.
59. I often go ranting at the TV when ads are shown about weight loss or weight maintenance and it shows young, skinny, pretty young women "watching their weight". That is why people feel they must watch their weight- because the media tells you that skinny, pretty women need to watch their weight. For goodness sake, a small chocolate bar isn't going to make you fat. Chillax.
60. Despite this, I ain't happy with my weight. Sure, I don't think I'm fat, cause I'm not, but I wish I were a bit smaller.
61. Despite this, I will continue to eat unhealthy foods and not exercise.
62. This argument with Tenuto Tuo is still going and is resulting in us using caps lock a lot. I use caps lock a lot lately. SEE?
63. I really respect performers when they show emotion especially in musical theatre or just mainstream singer dudes. If I can hear genuine emotion in their music and their singer, their talent, or lack thereof, becomes less important.
64. I have a display folder filled with notes I passed with friends last year and letters from my friend, Old Man.
65. I am extremely sentimental. I'm all, "I wanna keep this bus ticket. It'll make me nostalgic in 5 years time."
66. I'm very nostalgic.
67. I should be doing Physics right now.
68. Or reading Pride and Prejudice.
69. LOLS 69. Makes me think of year 8 and my weird friends then. I don't remember a lot from back then.
70. I have a kinda sucky memory.
71. I like acoustic versions of songs. Sometimes more than the original.
72. I've never been to a concert. Well, early this year, there wasn't anyone I really wanted to see live. I wanted to go see Paramore, but did not. A few months later, I became obsessed with Relient K, the opening act for the Paramore concert. I have been kicking myself for not going ever since.
73. I still have the vein hope and fantasy that I'll see Relient K live and meet Matthew Thiessen and I'll restrain from squealing, "I LOVE YOU!"
74. Actually, I'd be all, "...."
75. Maybe not. Going to stage door so many times has shown me that, when a star is involved, I will do anything (like, get in their way and stop them from going to have drinks and talk to them and shove my program in their face) to get a signature and photo. I mean, I got two photos and... three signatures from David Harris, didn't I?
76. I don't like it when I act loud. I wanna yell at myself cause it feels fake.
77. I am determined to get this finished before I go to bed, even though I started HOURS ago.
78. I can't dance. I actually don't know how to dance. At all. So I don't try. I just bob. Or do stupid disco moves to be stupid.
79. Never read Harry Potter. Never watched Harry Potter. Not planning on it. Don't want to.
80. I do, however, want to read Sense and Sensibility.
81. I hope that my brothers didn't hear my singing along to Lipstick by Jedward then when they walked past my room. I really like this song.
82. I get car sick. It sucks. I can't read in the car or bus or plane or train.
83. Up until late last year (or early this year. I can't remember) I couldn't take tablets for the life of me. I still have difficulties often.
84. All that soluble stuff makes me gag.
85. Old Man bought me a Rubik's Cube for my last birthday and I really like it, but it just sits on my bookshelf looking cool. I can't solve it. Nor do I have the motivation to try very hard.
86. I can't play chess. Never been really properly taught the rules and I can never remember the things that people have taught me. I spend the whole time going, "Wait. So, which way can this piece move?"
87. I will forever love Bulgaria's entry in Eurovision this year. NA INAT!
88. I have done absolutely NO work tonight. Crud. I am a terrible student. LOL JKS I'm better than most people in my grade.
89. I'm a ribbon hoarder. I have lots of ribbons tied around the poles on my bed/desk.
90. I really don't like it when people make rape jokes or jokes about porn or whatever. I so don't find it funny, guys.
91. I love key changes in songs. So dramatic.
92. I also love it when there's like, a choir of back-up singers.
93. Or when an entire orchestra pops up in a climactic moment of the song. Yay for using the musical elements to create climactic moments.
94. Hi, I'm Clearly Unfocused and I am a TVTropes addict.
95. I could not be stuffed arguing over Paradise Oskar anymore. I mean, for goodness sake. Neither me or Tenuto Tuo are going to be loved by him so let's stop this facebook argument. Let us fangirl (or fanboy) from afar.
96. I'm good at that. Fangirling from afar. Seeing as though I mainly fangirl over anime characters, I can't really fangirl close up.
97. Up until about 2 years ago, I hated wearing sneakers. I only wore thongs. Now, I practically only wear sneakers. And boots.
98. I don't totally hate the UKs Eurovision song. Despite the boy band. It's not as bad when you're not watching them and you try and forget they're a boy band.
99. I still would love to be a voice actor. It'd be awesome. If I couldn't do that, I'd love to work for an anime company. Not that I know what I could do, not knowing animation and not being able to do voice acting. Fffffsssss.
100. I'M DONE. My face is really hot. Like, fever-wise, not attractiveness-wise.


Sunday 22 May 2011

Anime: My Anti-Drug. Because When You're Addicted To Anime, You Can't Afford No Drugs.

I am in a really big anime mood right now. Oh, and Total Drama, heh. But anyway, anime. I have found this 30 Day Anime Challenge and have decided to do it all now. Mainly because I really felt like blogging but couldn't think of anything to write about...
Day 1 - Very first anime
- Death Note. First anime I ever fully watched. Sure, I might have seen tiny bits of Pokemon or whatever, but it's the only anime I'd properly watched. Ah, if only I knew how my life would be changed...

Day 2 - Favorite anime You’ve watched so far
- If you've read anything I've posted or spent well, any time with me, you'd probably know the answer. Fruits Basket :)  Yeah, it's my favourite, indeed. It's had the biggest impact on me, that's for sure, and I'll always love it. 
Day 3 - Your anime crush 

- Hahaha. I like how it says that as if I only have one. Well, previous posts have my lists of anime crushes, so I'll put my all-time number one here. Kyo Sohma, guys. 
Don't be sad, Kyo...  :)

Day 4 - Anime you’re ashamed you enjoyed 

- I'm not really ashamed I enjoyed anime animes. If anything, I'd have to say La Corda D'Oro, because it turns out quite a few people didn't like it and there were things about it I didn't like, but I still got addicted. I'm not really ashamed though.. 
Day 5 - Anime character you feel you are most like (or wish you were) 

- I feel like I'm a bit of a mixture of Kyo and Akito Sohma from Fruits Basket. I'd like to be Ayuzawa Misaki from Kaichou wa Maid-Sama because I like her feistiness and determination and the fact that she always works hard. And, besides, she gets Usui ;P
Day 6 - Most annoying anime character 

- Momiji Sohma. This is definitely an unpopular opinion as he is dearly loved by many Fruits Basket fans, but hated by me. 
Pretty sure he's crying because Kyo bashed him up a bit... Go Kyo!

Day 7 - Favorite anime couple 

- Hm. I guess I won't put KyoxTohru here, as they don't become a couple in the anime... Although, I do love their shipping in the anime. I would have to say, however, MisakixUsui. They are one awesome couple. They are called a Super Human Tag Team in the show and I just love them.
BST, much?
Day 8 - Most epic scene ever 
- Hm. It's a tie between Episode 25 of Death Note, when L dies and the final episode of Death Note, when all is revealed and Light loses. Probably the last episode. Man, I was on the edge of my seat.

Day 9 - Saddest anime scene 

- Episode 8 of Fruits Basket. Hatori's backstory. Tears galore. 
Day 10 - Favorite slice of life anime
- I haven't watched many slice of life. Actually, I think the only one I've watched is Honey and Clover and I've only watched like, 7 episodes... 

Day 11 - Favorite mech series

- I had to look up what a mech series is and I have watched none. Not planning on watching any either... 
Day 12 - An ecchi picture from your favorite series 
- Yeah. So, I am not really into ecchi so I has no pictures. 

Day 13 - Cosplay of your ‘waifu’ or Husbando’
- I don't even get this one.  

Day 14 - current (or most recent) anime wallpaper 
- Well, the one I have right now is:
But my last one, which actually worked as a wallpaper was this: 

Both made myself :)

Day 15 - Post a cute Neko-girl
- Yeah. I know none.  Wait, I found a picture that isn't really neko-girl but it kinda is...

Day 16 - post a kigurumi cosplay of your favorite anime character 

- I looked, but could not find any... Kigurumi cosplay is.. interesting though..
Day 17 - Favorite tsundere 

- Ah, tsunderes. Ayuzawa Misaki from Maid-Sama. Or Kagura Sohma from Fruits Basket. 
Day 18 - Something moe 

- I love these guys. Not really sure if it is "moe" but the Google Image caption said so :P

Day 19 - Mandatory swimsuit post 

Competitive, much?
Day 20 - Favorite shoujo anime 

- Uh, Fruits Basket. 
Day 21 - Best yandere character
- Well, by reading the TVTropes page, I was sure Kagura Sohma would be a yandere but she was not in the examples. Hm. Akito Sohma was, though. So, I say Akito and Kagura, whether she actually is one or not :P 

Day 22 - Favorite boy’s love couple (or yuri couple, if you don’t like that sort of thing) 

- Yeah... I'm not into boy's love or yuri, sorry. 
Day 23 - Anime you think had the best, or most intrigueing art 
- Um. Probably Death Note. It had the most realistic anime art I'd ever seen and, seeing as though it was my first anime (the one that stopped me thinking anime was stupid) it kinda showed me that my view of anime art wasn't all there was. 

Day 24 - Favorite anime hero or heroine 

- Hm. Hero... Probably Usui Takumi. He is pretty dang heroic. Or L. 
Day 25 - Best anime villian

- Akito Sohma. I mean, many fans and characters do see him as a villainous type, but he's one of my favourites. 
Day 26 - Your favorite harem anime 

- Wikipedia cast Fruits Basket as a harem anime, but I wouldn't have thought so. Well, I've only watched two harem animes, La Corda D'Oro (I mean, dude. She hangs with 5 guys and they all fall in love with her) and Kanon, but I haven't seen much of it. The harem side of La Corda D'Oro kinda annoyed me but I kinda liked it in Kanon. Even though I couldn't decide who I shipped him with... 
Day 27 - Favorite anime opening theme song 

- Very close between InuYasha and Death Note... 
Day 28 - Favorite pokemon
- I never really watched Pokemon and don't know all that much about it, but I've always had a soft spot for Squirtle.

Day 29 - Favorite school uniform
- Special A. It's about time that anime gets a mention in here... 
Very cool jackets and yellow ties. 

Day 30 - Anime character you want to cosplay
- I am actually planning on cosplaying as Akito Sohma next year as my very first cosplay ever. 

Friday 20 May 2011

There Are Many Good Reasons to Eat- Hunger, Boredom, Wanting to Be The World's Fattest Man... But Not Revenge

^ Truer words have never been spoken ^

This shall be a post about that wonderful institution known as school... Ugh. My opinions of school and attitudes towards it have changed so much over the years, but let's not go into that. Seeing as though I am only months away from graduating (HALLELUJAH!), I though I would write about that things I will miss and the things I definitely will not miss.

Before this, however, I shall grace you all with the graduating speech given by Daria in the movie/series finale "Is It College Yet?" This is the speech she gives after being announced as valedictorian, or something similar.

" I'm not much for public speaking. Or much for speaking. Or, come to think of it, much for the public. And I'm not very good at lying. So let me just say that, in my experience, high school sucks. If I had to do it all over again, I'd have started advanced placement classes in preschool so I could go from eighth grade straight to college. However, given the unalterable fact that high school sucks, I'd like to add that if you're lucky enough to have a good friend and a family that cares it doesn't have to suck quite as much. Otherwise my advice is; Stand firm for what you believe in, until and unless experience proves you wrong. Remember, when the emperor looks naked, the emperor *is* naked. The truth and a lie are not sort of the same thing. And there is no aspect, no facet, no moment of life that can't be improved with pizza. Thank you. "

Best. Graduation. Speech. Ever. Moving on.

10 Things I Will Definitely Not Miss About High School:

1. Oral assignments. Detest them. They make my heart race faster than ever. They make my palms sweat. They make me talk at like, over 200 words a minute or something. They make me stumble and stutter. They make me cry. A lot. They genuinely terrify me.

2. PE. Again, detest it. It is awful. Sure, I have had some fun PE lessons, but more awful ones. I am terrible, nay, dismal, at PE. It is humiliating, degrading, condescending and just overall UGH. \

3. Lectures from teachers. You know, when they give the class a lecture and try and pull a guilt trip on you all? Annoying, because you know that no one's listening or caring.

4. Chapel services. Yes, I am a proud Christian and I'm all cool with worship and player and reading the Bible etc., but my school's chapel services are SNORETASTIC. We have annoying chaplain/priest dudes, annoying kids doing lame skits, lame hymns or the occasional catchy song sung by a teacher who can't sing for his life, and none of it means anything to 99.99% of the student population.

5. Concert band/Intermediate band. Concert band started off as the Junior Band at my school. I, along with two good friends and some other seniors, was put into this band to play our second instruments. I was fine with this until I saw the music. And heard the junior kids. Oh my goodness. Every rehearsal would be my teacher yelling at the little kids who couldn't play while I sat there thinking about how I could most likely play this music in my sleep. Intermediate band started this year. It was supposed to be better than Concert Band but not quite as good as Senior Symphonic Wind Ensemble (the band I play in on flute). It's just as bad, if not sometimes worse, than Concert Band. It is awful and one of the worst parts of my week.

6. Maths test. Eugh. I often stress out. I cannot think of how to actually do anything. I freak out a lot. Or I sit there going, "Oh well. If I write something it'll be OK," but generally I freak out. They are awful and one of the worst things ever created by man.

7. Physics test. Yeah. Basically the same as above. The only difference is that I like Physics. The exams, however, are brutal. I've only done like, 3 over the past year and a half. And one of them was like, half an assignment. Unless I'm forgetting one exam.. Hm. Anyway, the last Physics exam nearly broke me down into tears. In a way, it's worse because I like Physics more, but suck at exams.

8. Music Composition assignments. Awful. I suck at composing. Like, seriously. I cannot compose for my life. Even though I generally know the theory behind a basic composition, I completely forget when it comes to actually writing one. Way to bring my mark down. My compositions are generally around C, C+, B-...

9. Blue Reef. Our security system on the computers that blocks a LOT of pages with no valid reason. You can just be researching away and find a site and be all, "OMG! THIS SITE COULD ACTUALLY HELP ME! HALLELUJAH!" and then you click on it, only to find that Blue Reef has blocked it. Die, Blue Reef, die.

10. *this is really hard to come up with because I have many other things I could list here...* Physics homework. I don't get much, but when I do, it's awful. In class I'm all, "Yeah. I get this! Whoop! Party time!" and then I get home being all, "Yeah. I can do this homework! Party time!" and then I look at the homework and go, "Um. Wait. WHAT? I CAN'T DO THIS!"

10 Things I Definitely Will Miss About High School:

1. Bludge lessons with Mrs Best Sub Teacher. Everyone loves this woman. We do truly nothing whenever she covers one of our classes. If you see her walking around school, everyone goes, "WHO'S SHE COVERING TODAY???" and man people go and ask her.

2. Those wonderfully fun instrumental lessons with either Phantomess or Gojo where we get the teacher off track and talk and laugh and play and no one cares if you fail.

3. Skipping PE for instrumental lessons. Especially when we tell her we couldn't be stuffed to actually play and we sit on the ground and do nothing instead and then tell the PE teacher, "We had instrumental."

4. Those very rare great PE lessons when I'm in a team with all my friends and we all suck and epic fail but clap and cheer at each other's failures and just act stupid. That's what PE should be.

5. Really good, bludgy English lessons where the teacher jokes with us and doesn't make us do too much work. Like today.

6. Physics lessons. I will miss them so much. Talking with Miss Invisible. Laughing a lot with Miss Invisible. Realising we missed everything the teacher said. Whoops. Arguing a lot with Albino. Having Mr T&C take my side and then leave the room to go find some tuna. Getting help from Epic Physics Nerd and making jokes with... Band Camp Bro (lame name, but when I think of him, I think of band camp...).

7. Those great lunch times filled with arguments, stupid jokes and a whole lot of yelling and laughing over the table.

8. Making snarky or dirty comments in the back of English class. Well, most classes, but mainly English class.

9. Maths lessons with White Ribbon. We have the funniest times. Her writing "Jim" (inside joke, y'all) on nearly every page and laughing hysterically and freaking out other people and just acting like we're high on drugs. Other maths lessons suck, but the ones when I go with her are best.

10. Going to musicals. Yes, I can go to musicals outside of school, and I have, but going with the school is so much fun. The bus ride there filled with so much anticipation. The snack before when we are so excited/giving joking death stares to other schools. The freaking out in the minutes before going in. The freaking out when we've sat down and seen the stage. THE SHOW. The crazy, high intermission. The excitement afterwards. The talking and talking and talking about the show. The hanging out at the cafes afterwards and when we try and cram ice cream in our mouths in time. The joy when we are allowed to go to The Lolly Shop and the shop's filled with kids from our school. The bus ride back, filled with utter tiredness, happiness, lollies and just... joy :D   I will miss those Wednesday matinees so much.

Wow. I found it easier to find things I'll miss  :)

Anyway, this post took a LOT longer than anticipated and I was supposed to have done some practice by now... Heh. Whoops. I'm listening to me Happy Playlist. It's actually called ' :D ' Yep. A playlist I created of songs that make me happy and make me smile or laugh or dance. It might sound sad or pathetic, but who cares? It's good music to listen to when I'm in a good mood and sometimes in a bad mood. It is a mixture of Queen, Relient K, some All-American Rejects, catchy songs from animes like Special A, Fruits Basket and Kaichou wa Maid-Sama and... a little David Harris (LOL, only "So Close")


Phantomess, Tenuto Tuo and I painted this in the art room. We aren't even art students. We used their paint. We made a masterpiece. Go ahead, bask in its glory.