Wednesday 4 May 2011

Books... Are For... People Who... Like To... Read...

So, before giving y'all the context behind my post title, I shall outline my day. Whether you care or not.

Band: Meh. Pretty lame but hey, I got chocolate so it's all good.
Maths: Pretty good. Maths is actually pretty fun lately. Only because I... don't... really.... do any work. Heh. I did, however, neglect a good friend of mine, Old Man, and it was intentional. I'm not quite sure why, but I didn't feel like explaining the work to him because a) I can't explain well, b) it always makes sense to me and c) it never makes sense to him. Quite a mean reason to not talk to someone but I felt like chatting with my lady friends (*wink*wink* Jks) about the formal etc.
Music: HAHAHA! Had a performing assessment and it was quite the failure. So, Tenuto Tuo's piece was transposed wrong, so he, with the help of our teacher, had to rewrite it. We had to change a bit of Gojo's piece because she had a clashing note. Phantomess was completely dying and could barely breathe next to me and I completely butchered a whole important solo section so that you could hear everyone else playing the not-so-important backing and the occasional note from me. Yeah.
English: Meh. I guess it was good, because he didn't read the homework that I wrote in Morning Tea, just before the lesson. He just looked at it. He did try and get us into a moral debate, however, and I did not engage in this. I mean, like I ever do.
Physics: Ugh. Alright, I guess. Got completely frazzled (I should definitely use that word more often) by my assignment and my teacher was all, "I can't spoon feed you guys anymore," and my reaction was basically !@#$. I told him I didn't get any of it and he told me to come to school early and he'll help me. If that's not spoon feeding, I don't know what is. We managed to talk to him about the formal for ages and then Miss Invisible FINALLY got our experiment working. In the last two minutes of class. Just in time to pack it up. Oh well.
Instrumental: Wow. Yeah. Phantomess and I told Instrumental Teacher all our issues and how we don't like instrumental and how it gives us self-esteem issues etc. She was all O_o and then basically told us we have issues and that's dumb to feel bad because we don't suck. Then we had a REALLY (that's right, bold AND caps lock. Emphasis FTW) fun lesson which involved a LOT of reminiscing and laughter and her not caring that, for the first time in ages, my scales sucked. She had said, "Your scales are great!" about 5 minutes earlier and that's when I decided to stuff up every scale she asked me. Ah, the irony. Is that irony? I never quite know when to use that word... Hm.

Anyway, I have no homework. Several assignments, but no homework.

This caused me to... fangirl. Quite a bit. This is where the post title comes in. I was looking up my, often mentioned, favourite band, Relient K. I found a funny interview with them and was reading it and found myself loving the lead singer even more. Like that was possible. Then I watched some of the interview in a video and he sounded funny and I was disappointed. I found youtube videos though and he doesn't sound weird. Anyway, I found a video of the band chatting and cracking jokes while filming one of their music videos. Oh my goodness, they are all (but especially the lead singer) so funny. He was at a library, for filming a scene, and said he liked this library, showed the audience his library card and said, "You should come to the library," said something about books and/or libraries being good and then said, "Books... are for.. people.. who... like to... read....." I laughed quite a bit. My goodness. Wait, no. I shall NOT fangirl! Bad! No! But... like... Pretty sure there should be a much younger (I was quite devastated when I found out he is 30... Oh wells) version of him in The Land Down Under... *slap* focus!

So, I'm now listening to some seriously catchy Japanese music from Special A. Good music. Good anime too, but yeah. The music is something I cannot help but dance and hum (seeing as though I have no clue what they are saying) along to. Good thing no one can see me...

So, like, Gojo and I are planning on throwing tomatoes at each other.

Aw, my song finished. New song! I'm now listening to Dirty Little Secret by The All-American Rejects. Although saying, "I'll keep you my dirty little secret" may sound weird and kinda sexual, I love this song. Haha. Well, they also have a song that says, "I wanna touch you. You wanna touch me too," but I always feel awkward listening to that... But it's really catchy.

Now for something completely different- So Close- David Harris. I have sung and swayed along to this several times with Phantomess. We are a sucker for this song. Om nom nom. Yes, I shall eat this song.

So, my good friend, Tenuto Tuo, is holding a Eurovision Second Semi-Final Party in a couple of weeks and I am so excited. It's weird how excited I am. I think I am excited to get the heck out of my house and chill with my friends and do something fun and not school-related.

Oh, how could I face the faceless days if I should lose you now? Mmhmm. You tell em. Wait, iTunes is telling me that, because I bought the David Harris CD, I might also like Michael Jackson, MIKA and Robbie Williams? They don't seem very similar to me...

So, Imma gonna write a post sometime soon (I guess I'll restrain from doing it tonight...) with a list of weird, quirky, unusual things about me you may not know. Yeah, cause I am weird.

"Cupid's arrows just for you! I even painted my toenails for you, I did it just the other day!" N'aww, she painted her toenails for me... I've always wondered, "Why is that romantic?" Why would you say to someone, "Hey, you! I painted my toenails for you. I also bought new underwear, they blue." Pretty sure I'd be all O_o

So, I'm going to go off and read my book, Matched. It's good, but I wish I wasn't learning about dystopias in English because that completely describes this book and I keep reading it relating it to 1984. Except for the romance. Yay romance. Except... I like the guy that she's not in love with. Aw. And I'm pretty indifferent towards the guy she is in love with...

I'll stop. Now. No... NOW.

Maybe NOW.

Or not.



  1. I saw a countdown for La Tomatina and I was like "NO WAI" and then I thought of you ^^

    I totally made a Youtube vid to the song 'Dirty Little Secret'. Back in the day~ ^^

    I love me some Prince Harry.

  2. I thought of you when seeing the Lion King thing. I love me some Prince Harry too :P
    And some tomatoes. Especially when thrown at others.
